Gym Etiquette

velix Posts: 437 Member
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
I know there has been several similar threads (which are now buried) - but I just wanted to share this:

My gym is relatively small - there are 6 large mats against a wall (facing a window) for people to do their ab work / stretching. This space can only accommodate 6 - 7 people max. Yesterday, there was this girl all dressed up in her lululemon attire, she brought her weights, jump rope and stretching bands and stood on one of the mats to do all of her exercises - none of which required her to sit or lay on the actual mat.... I had to wait until someone else was done their ab-work for a spot on the mats to stretch and all I could think was - Why? there are many nooks and crannies in the gym that you can stand and do your bends and curls - why use up a mat when there are other people (not just me) waiting ... finally, an employee asked her to move to a non-matted area, but still - hello etiquette!

Please share your etiquette beefs (I'm not being petty am I??)


  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    No, you're not being petty. So many people today think only of themselves. It's me, me, me. That girl needs to open her eyes and be conscience of her surroundings and be considerate to others.
  • mjd0109
    mjd0109 Posts: 152
    No you're not.

    Gym etiquette: keep your eyes off my cardio machine. You don't need to know how long I've been on, how far I've gone, how fast I'm going, etc. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS! And you better believe if I catch you looking at my machine, I'm going to look at you, look at my machine.
  • BrownEyedG1rl
    BrownEyedG1rl Posts: 625 Member
    I can't stand all the meat heads in the weight section that stand around and talk and are in the way, talk while they are leaning on a machine that I want to use, etc. I understand people like to socialize and you make friends at the gym. I get that. But I have limited time to spend at the gym so I need to get in there and get it done. I don't have time to wait for people to move or to socialize.
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    When I was in the gym all the time years ago I learned that you can't really be afraid to ask people to move if they are in the way.

    Many times I'd be trying to keep my momentum and pump going and guys would be standing around talking leaning on equipment. I'd ask them to move and most times they will, I only had to get aggressive with a few people in my entire life over it.
  • kaylou
    kaylou Posts: 375 Member
    NO you are not being petty! I could go on and on and on! Cell phone use on treadmill, right under the sign that says no cell phone usage, STANDING on a treadmill gossiping to the girl next to you while someone is WAITING in plain view to use it. On a different day the same girl put her towl, bottled water and headphones on a treadmill and then walked over to talk to someone and was there for like 5-7 minutes! Which is a long time when all the treadmills are in use (at 5:30pm!!) and people again are visiably waiting....I have more but will let it go at that! Thanks for opening up the floor for me to vent
  • You're right, it is just rude!
  • CricketClover
    CricketClover Posts: 388 Member
    There was a girl at my gym the other day at 6 am sitting on the leg press machine playing on her phone. There were only 3 people in the gym and the one machine I needed she happened to be lounging on. I stood around the machine waiting, it was obvious or should have been that I was waiting and she still just sat there, finally she got up and went to the treadmill which she was off of before I had even had time to do 3 sets on the leg press. The one machine that it is ok to stay on for a while she stays on for less than 3 minutes! I don't get it.
  • Girls in full make up, reading magazines, while on the cardio machines. WHY??
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    I always found that my favorite gyms were ones that were more like dungeons LOL. The only guys in there usually were hard core and probably a ton of them juiced up. But they were there to work out, not socialize, so you didn't really have those types of problems.

    I've found the problems occur a lot more in gyms that are geared to be gathering places for other stuff, saunas, steamrooms, juice bar, etc.
  • velix
    velix Posts: 437 Member
    I am usually not one to keep quiet - usually in the weight area, I will ask people if they are almost done - 9 out of 10 times, people share =)
  • caitlinlws
    caitlinlws Posts: 401 Member
    Not so much a pet peeve, but the most ridiculous thing that I have ever Janurary (during the new years resolution rush) I saw a girl walking around with her cell phone and ipod tucked into her cleavage....this is the gym, not the bar!!!! (and its called a sports bra!!!!)
  • I agree jenn I want to get in the gym do what I need to do and get out. nothing more disruptive to my routine when i have to stand around wasting my time because 2 people are shooting the breeze on the machine i need to use so I can finish my workout !!
  • etarre
    etarre Posts: 147 Member
    I go to a crowded gym, and the trainers are always standing around in the really high-traffic areas chatting aimlessly. You have an office-- use it!

    Also, the ab cradle is right under one of the TVs and some guys will just sit there and watch TV. C'mon, it's not a chair! Go home and watch TV if that's all you're going to do.

    Also, you shouldn't really need to rest between sets of unweighted situps on the ab cradle. If you do, then please let someone else have a turn in the meantime.
  • himynameisjess
    himynameisjess Posts: 22 Member
    Girls in full make up, reading magazines, while on the cardio machines. WHY??

    Yea I don't seem to get that one either, seems as if the girls are those clearly only came to the gym to see if they can get picked up.. i.e. Curled hair, make up, completely wrong shoes for the treadmill.. and i'm standing there sweaty and waiting for a machine to open up.
  • 30tips
    30tips Posts: 132
    Haha, my pet peeve is when someone asks me to please get off the machine I´m using, I think they could just politely wait until I´m finished. One time, somebody asked me to please get off it because they were using it. What happened was that they were using two machines, where they alternated from one machine to the next. Isn´t it enough that the person decided it was okay to use two machines at once...
  • I have to say, despite having a small gym (1 treadmill, 1 stationary bike, 1 elliptical, 1 weight machine that I still haven't figured out, a weight bench and a step) that is open to an apartment complex with over 550 apartments, I really haven't had a problem with waiting for a machine. In fact, the only other person I really see in the gym is this one guy that seems to always be there when I am. And my issue with this is- he is always wearing a suit or sweater vest or some other non gym attire and dress shoes. And just sitting there watching me workout for the first 10 minutes until I turn and give him a look, then he waves and walks out. It's kinda creepy. The only reason I'm not really concerned and just annoyed by it is because the property manager takes regular patrols through the gym to make sure everything is clean and in working order. But am I just being crazy or is this really weird?
  • CricketClover
    CricketClover Posts: 388 Member
    Haha, my pet peeve is when someone asks me to please get off the machine I´m using, I think they could just politely wait until I´m finished. One time, somebody asked me to please get off it because they were using it. What happened was that they were using two machines, where they alternated from one machine to the next. Isn´t it enough that the person decided it was okay to use two machines at once, did she have to ask me to get off the machine once I was already sitting down, with a tone of voice that showed that she would have expected me to read her mind and guess what she was doing..

    I hate this too, I was in the middle of a set, not just sitting and this guy asked if he could use it. That made me sooo mad. Like his workout was so much more important or something.
  • vzepol
    vzepol Posts: 131 Member
    I agree you are not being petty. It is like sitting at the weight machine between sets and not allowing someone to share. Really bad form.
  • Girls in full make up, reading magazines, while on the cardio machines. WHY??

    Yea I don't seem to get that one either, seems as if the girls are those clearly only came to the gym to see if they can get picked up.. i.e. Curled hair, make up, completely wrong shoes for the treadmill.. and i'm standing there sweaty and waiting for a machine to open up.

    It actually drives me mad, if I'm going to a bar or club, for the pick up thing, then yeah - making an effort is normal. But in the gym? Clearly, I am missing something :-/
  • jenniferg83
    jenniferg83 Posts: 278 Member
    I completely agree!! Where is the gym etiquette??? There's a hand full of guys who grunt when they lift weights....then stand around looking for attention for like 10 minutes then do it again. all while hogging machines. Some people crave attention and are so rude!
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