New mom needs help

jrevi001 Posts: 26
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
Hey all,
I'm new to the site and I basically started this because I'm tired of being so large. I have been large since middle school and I am tired of feeling so down on myself. As a new mom (6 weeks) I am feeling stressed and have began over eating. Now as I have started today I find myself having troubles keeong my appetite down. Is there any tps you all have for keeping the "I'm always hungry" feeling down and also is there any exercises that I can do with my 6 week old since my time is very surrounded by her. I need to loose the weight for myself and my child. She needs a mom that can keep up with her and I don't want her to follow my example. And obviously I can't tell her to not over eat when I do so. Any suggestions, tips, or help?


  • are you breastfeeding?
  • I have been told that eating beans with your meal keeps you fuller longer. I hope this helps:wink:
  • btrflyflutter
    btrflyflutter Posts: 68 Member
    Walk!!! Best exercise you can do! If you don't have a stroller or a jogger try and get one and you and your baby map out a mile to walk! Your baby will love it too :)
  • I started out breastfeeding but stopped about 2 weeks ago due to lactation issues. But I found when I was breastfedding I was even more hungry. would sit there and eat 2 meals back to back. And I crave sweets constantly, which does not help.

    Thank you for the tip on the beans. I will try that :)
  • bovbjerg
    bovbjerg Posts: 172 Member
    Put baby in the stroller and get out for a good long brisk walk. Hopefully baby has a good nap and you're both feeling refreshed and good when you get back. Pushing the stoller will also burn more 'cause you're using your arms a bit more too!
  • HopefulLeigh
    HopefulLeigh Posts: 363 Member
    If you're breastfeeding, the "I am always hungry" feeling could be coming from you not consuming enough calories to keep up with your supply. You need 500 calories just to produce 25 ounces of breast milk a day.

    I am currently breastfeeding my 4 week old daughter, and I've also been heavy since middle school. I am combatting that starving feeling by drinking half a gallon of water a day [64 ounces] and by eating frequent small meals that are low in calories rather than large meals with frequent snacks. I am also drinking orange juice in place of my daily sodas, and have found that it fills me up and satisfies that sweet craving.

    I hope that helps.
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    Lots of fiber, lots of water. Your body will quickly adjust to the new eating routine, but the first week will be tough. Keep yourself well hydrated and snack on raw fruits and veggies all day. Regarding exercise, you can always go walking with your baby, and jogging later on. Climbing the stairs is HUGE! Perhaps only change your baby in their room, so you're forced to climb the stairs more. Grab a few workout DVDs and do them during nap time. Just be patient with yourself, it's going to take time, but everyone here will help you!
  • LOVEthighSELF
    LOVEthighSELF Posts: 104 Member
    WALK!!! You can do it the day after you have a baby! Definetly a good wway to shed the lbs. Are you nursing?-- if you are don't cut your calories to low or it will interfere with milk production. Nursing alone (if you are eating healthy) will help you loose the weight. You are young to so that is also in your favor! It can be done! I have lost the weight each time and I have 4 kids! You can def do it!
  • Hi!
    I am in the same boat! I feel hungry all the time and since I'm home with the baby I have access to food all the time. I catch myself "grazing" throughout the day. Now that I'm keeping track of my food, I am seeing just how much I was eating. I was nursing my daughter for 4 months so make sure you take in enough calories for your milk supply if you are breastfeeding. I learned that the less you eat, the less amount of fat in the milk and your supply will also decrease :( Recently, I started going on brisk walks with the baby and even some jogging while pushing the stroller. Or I carry the baby in the Bjorn or the wrap while doing housework, that's a work out in itself! It is very hard when taking care of the baby because before you know it the day is gone or those sleepless nights leave you with no energy! Do what your body is comfortable with. Best of luck to you and congrats!
  • Congratulations on your new arrival.
    See if there is a local NCT group (or similar) that do a pram push weekly walk. I managed to loose some weight by doing lots of walking after having my third child. My problems started when I went back to work & didn't have time for as much exercise. Ask your health visitor about good foods to eat - might not be wise to diet too much if you are breastfeeding.
  • Trafty024
    Trafty024 Posts: 57 Member
    I think everyone has given great suggestions, but wanted to chime in to remind you not to be too hard on yourself. Your baby is still so young and your body is still healing and getting back to normal (even though they tend to give the 'all clear' at the 6 week check up). Taking care of an infant is stressfull enough without putting too much pressure on yourself about what you eat.

    That being said, take it slow and do what you need to do to feel healthy and rested. I have a 3 month old and started MFP after 6 weeks but haven't started exercising yet. I just can't find time (also have a 2.5 yr old) and realized that being stressed about it wasn't helping anyone. I know the time will come when I can work a visit to the gym into my routine.

    Congrats on your little one and on deciding to live a healthier lifestyle. You are doing it for the right reasons. Just take it one day at a time!
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    I was in the same boat as you. My Daughter is 5 months old now. I make sure I eat porridge to fill me up in the morning. I'd snack on oatcakes or crab sticks (check out my food diary if u like) exercise wise you just have to find the time. I go gym after hubby gets back from work even if it's 8pm! Do this twice a week then go on weekends as well. I also bought some ankle weights and go out power walking with the buggy uphill. When I'm feeling super fit I go and get the shopping and carry it in a rucksack on my bag whilst pushing the buggy and wearing the weights. Trust me, you will work up a sweat!!

    Good luck. Add me if u like. :)
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