

  • SheliaN1960
    SheliaN1960 Posts: 454 Member
    Hi and we are glad that you are here! My day has been, well the last three days have been weird. I am having cravings and eating things that I shouldn't be and I am alittle nervous. I know me and this is like the old me who at one time could not stop!!! Anyway here in Florida the sun is shinning and the temp is about 70ish. I work in an office without a window so I can look out my door and see a window and the big old oak trees here on campus and the sun is shining through them. WOW! I can not wait to take my chihuahua (she is 3.0 pounds and 1 year old) outside when I get home!
    If that is not from one end of the spectrum to the other I do not know what is!!! Have a great day and best wishes to you!!!
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    I have been sitting at a desk all day for my internship! :( most of the sites on the computer have blocks on it. this is the only one i can get on other than the news sites.

    I currently have many blocks, and internet is spotty. I feel so luck to be on right now.
  • Kiwijay
    Kiwijay Posts: 216
    Hi, I am sure we can all take your mind off the news. A little shopping and a hair cut is on my agenda today, been to the gym, had brekky and after the hair cut my two nephew will be here! Looking forward to a cruisy day. It's warm and sunny too! hope your day/night is okay
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    Hi and we are glad that you are here! My day has been, well the last three days have been weird. I am having cravings and eating things that I shouldn't be and I am alittle nervous. I know me and this is like the old me who at one time could not stop!!! Anyway here in Florida the sun is shinning and the temp is about 70ish. I work in an office without a window so I can look out my door and see a window and the big old oak trees here on campus and the sun is shining through them. WOW! I can not wait to take my chihuahua (she is 3.0 pounds and 1 year old) outside when I get home!
    If that is not from one end of the spectrum to the other I do not know what is!!! Have a great day and best wishes to you!!!

    The weather her is actually beautiful, as beautiful as any spring day in the U.S. I am snacking like crazy.
  • Daisy374
    Daisy374 Posts: 539 Member
    We too are having spring like weather here in Maryland today! It is giving me spring fever! It will be very hard to go back to the cold weather this weekend... After work I am going to go to the gym and hopefully keep up the workout that I was able to step up yesterday. I hope all is well with you!
  • SheliaN1960
    SheliaN1960 Posts: 454 Member
    I am so praying for him and his comrades!!! My son was there for 16 months and Iraq for 16 months. Oh, a mother with her children in known danger....... please tell him thank you and some us will never forget the sacrifices they are making for us!!! GOD bless America!!!! and moms like you!
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    I understand you needing a break from all of that madness. I plan on cooking, exercising, going to the movies with my mom to see The Kings Speech, washing clothes and dying my hair, and playing on the ,.box360 kinect with my kids. I have a busy day ahead. I am just glad I don't have to work tonight. Oh, and I have to run to the store. What do you do over there?

    Excellent movie!!! I hope you enjoy it! Colin Firth... sigh... :love:

    I know...Colin....
  • BuceesNana
    BuceesNana Posts: 302 Member
    Tonight I get to go see a sneak-preview of a new movie that will be coming out in a few weeks. I think the movie is called Beastly or something like that. It looks fun, kind of geared for a younger crowd I think.

    My students would be so jealous. They love the book, and can't wait for the movie to open. I even think there is a waiting list for checking that one out. LOL.

    My day is going well. Working in the library. It's my early day, so I will go home around 4. I have a few errands to run in town, then I plan to spend the rest of the day doing laundry, mapping my garden, and working out. Also have to figure out something for dinner. I'm thinking grilled tuna and veggies. :) Have a great day!
  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 776 Member
    The King' Speech. I so want to see that. One the news here it won the European Barth Award (I think that's it). It is the equivalent to the Academy Award.

    :laugh: I misread this and thought you said it won a "bath" award. lol
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    You guys are awesome. :drinker:
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 776 Member
    Tonight I get to go see a sneak-preview of a new movie that will be coming out in a few weeks. I think the movie is called Beastly or something like that. It looks fun, kind of geared for a younger crowd I think.

    My students would be so jealous. They love the book, and can't wait for the movie to open. I even think there is a waiting list for checking that one out. LOL.

    Yay, then it should be a good movie. I hadn't heard of it before but the plot looks interesting.
  • cecee27
    cecee27 Posts: 46 Member
    Keep your chin up and your shoes ties and you'll get along just fine...

    I like that!
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    I'm jealous of you all living in warm climates! :smokin: It's dark and cold here!

    Today I fell back asleep and was 30 minutes to my Maths class - oops! Then I came home for half an hour or so afterwards, then walked my dog for just under an hour. Back at home I realised I need to go on a food shop as I don't have much in! Ended up with Quorn chicken and rice. Now just chilling watching the TV, making a shopping list and plan for the week, and will probably work out a little later. :)
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    I'm jealous of you all living in warm climates! :smokin: It's dark and cold here!

    Today I fell back asleep and was 30 minutes to my Maths class - oops! Then I came home for half an hour or so afterwards, then walked my dog for just under an hour. Back at home I realised I need to go on a food shop as I don't have much in! Ended up with Quorn chicken and rice. Now just chilling watching the TV, making a shopping list and plan for the week, and will probably work out a little later. :)

    Before moving here we lived in Houston for 20+++ years. They have been having incredible weather. I don't think you will be jealous when the weather is like the temperature of Mercury here. :laugh:
  • Briacha
    Briacha Posts: 160 Member

    I am in NJ and we finally got a nice sunny day! Felt good!!!

    I worked today, had to run to the mall to buy a gift, now I'm making dinner and getting ready for Zumba (which I have no motivation), but I'll eat my dinner when I get home!!!
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