I don't get it!

Over the last week and a half, I've totally turned my life upside down. I've gone from eating crap to eating mostly clean foods, drinking the recommended amount of water, exercising almost an hour a day, and eating in the ballpark of 1200 calories after subtracting calories lost exercising. Through all of this, I haven't lost a single pound or inch -- I've stayed at the exact same weight.
Someone said before that I didn't gain the weight overnight, and I'm not going to lose it overnight, but surely I would have lost something by now... even half a pound or half an inch! Seriously, what gives?
I haven't been journaling here online, just on paper, so I can't give you the option of looking through them... but based on the information I've given you, could you give me some advice as to how to lose something??
Oh and by the way, my stats are:
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 169 lbs
Age: 17
Goal weight: 140


  • happy_vegan
    happy_vegan Posts: 200 Member
    It's rare to see big changes in a week, or a week in a half. I think you're expecting too much too fast. Keep going and you'll see.
  • gregh74
    gregh74 Posts: 16 Member
    I know it can be frustrating, but you will start losing the weight. Random question: Do you weigh yourself everyday, once-a-week, with clothes, same time of day, etc. Just something to think about if you are not. Keep up what you are doing and you will see results.
  • kirstinlee
    kirstinlee Posts: 152 Member
    It's rare to see big changes in a week, or a week in a half. I think you're expecting too much too fast. Keep going and you'll see.
    It's just hard to wait... most people I know lose something in their first week of adopting better habits... I know that you're right, but I guess I'm just wanting to make sure that no one sees anything wrong with my new habits that would keep me from losing weight in the long run... thanks :flowerforyou:
  • kirstinlee
    kirstinlee Posts: 152 Member
    I know it can be frustrating, but you will start losing the weight. Random question: Do you weigh yourself everyday, once-a-week, with clothes, same time of day, etc. Just something to think about if you are not. Keep up what you are doing and you will see results.
    I weigh myself periodically through the week, and when I do I wear the same outfit and between 9 and 10 in the morning.
  • Jenn080203
    Patience is thee KEY to losing weight. Trust me, I used to get so frustrated after a week or 2 and sometimes 3 when I didn't lose anything and actually sometimes I gained!?!?!? OMG, can't tell you how upset I used to get but I have learned that you have to be patient and most people see a difference after about 4 weeks, so please just keep it up...keep doing what you're doing and your body will respond eventually, I promise!! =)
  • Ignotus
    A week in a half really isn't that much time. Also, your body is having to adjust to new eating habits. You are probably eating less than what your body has been used to so your body could be going through what is called starvation mode. This is when your metabolism slows down because your body doesn't know when it will get fuel again. This isn't to say you should increase your calories, just keep doing what you have been and let your body adjust. Also, if you haven't been hydrated very well your body could be holding a lot of your water weight too for the same reasons. Stay hydrated and try being on a fairly normal eating schedule too. This increases your metabolism!
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    The best time to weigh is after toilet in morning naked. Weight can fluctuate greatly during the day after eating and drinking.
  • Phoenyxtears
    The other thing is that your 169 lbs. Once your small, it's harder to lose as compared to someone who is 300. Give it time.
  • pjfmaui73
    How about inches lost? Did you do measurements before you started. My point is maybe you are gaining muscle and losing fat. Muscle weighs more than fat. Does it seem like your jeans aren't as tight? Keep going, sounds like you are doing all the right this. You will see the difference in the scale soon!
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Without being able to see a diary of what you're eating, it's hard to say. But some possibilities are:

    You may be eating too little. With your stats, your BMR is 1600. Even at a sedentary activity level, that takes you up to at least 2000 cals per day for maintenance. So, if you are only eating 1200 cals per day (if I understood you correctly), you have a deficit, without exercise, of 800. Because you are already relatively lean, that is far too large of a deficit (especially if you aren't eating exercise cals, as well.) With only 20 lbs to lose, your loss per week goal should only be 1/2 lb, 1 lb at the most - which means your deficit should be 250-500 cals per day. When you are leaner, your body needs to KNOW it will be getting enough fuel for it to be willing to burn fat stores - if you don't give it that fuel, it will only make it hold on to the fat even harder. I would recommend reevaluating your loss per week goal.

    I'd recommend reading this thread to help determine what a healthy rate of loss will be.

    Second, when you are pretty lean, it is even more important that all of your activity is accurate. Intake, exercise burns and the kind of food you are eating will all need to be accurately accounted for. You need to be eating lean protein, good fats, and good carbs.

    Lastly, because you don't have a lot to lose - it will be slow, and won't always show up on the scale. A lot of it will be toning and building muscle. So make sure you're measuring, and be patient. Be the tortoise, not the hare! :flowerforyou:
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    Hello My name is Eloise,

    Okay first off you have to consider you how your body was built. If you have a fast metabolism verses a slow one. It depends on your body's way of processing things. For instance if you are six feet tall and lean and you want to be buff it is going to be a little harder for that person to achieve their goal. That could be your case. It does not mean you cannot but it will take longer that usual. Also when you are exercising pain is gain. If you are not sore afterwards than you are not gaining anything. If you are doing that same exercise over and over again you will get the same results. Your body gets used to the pain of that exercise and you go nowhere after your first achievements. You have to make sure to do variety of exercise making sure to exercise your muscles antagonist muscle as well. You cannot just exercise one part of your body, you need to exercise it's antagonist muscle. Meaning the muscle that is opposite it. You have to be patience and aid your body to what it needs. It will do it's best to give you what you want as long as you do what it needs and wait it out.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Are you pooping regularly? I've been the same weight for 4 days but haven't pooped. So when I do, I'll probably lose the weight equivalent of 4 days worth of food. I hate it!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Dude, you're 17... teenager = crazy metabolism. Also you're already pretty slender for your height. Skinnier people are going to take a lot longer to lose weight than a 300 lb person. Give yourself time. Focus on a healthy lifestyle, not your weight. Would you rather look like Linda Hamilton in Terminator 2 & weight 170, or be 140 with a spare tire in a bikini (and not the car kind). I choose hot, muscle-y Linda Hamilton every time!
    Eat clean, be active, find happiness.
  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    Sounds like you are looking for a deadline to the changes at some point. This should be a new way of life for you and you will certainly see changes. Make sure your calories do not consist of much in the way of sugars, read labels. many of the so called 'healthy' foods are loaded with sugars. Just stick with your routine and you will see changes.
  • kirstinlee
    kirstinlee Posts: 152 Member
    Dude, you're 17... teenager = crazy metabolism. Also you're already pretty slender for your height. Skinnier people are going to take a lot longer to lose weight than a 300 lb person. Give yourself time. Focus on a healthy lifestyle, not your weight. Would you rather look like Linda Hamilton in Terminator 2 & weight 170, or be 140 with a spare tire in a bikini (and not the car kind). I choose hot, muscle-y Linda Hamilton every time!
    Eat clean, be active, find happiness.
    I wish I could say I was skinny... lol
    I'm certainly not obese, but I'm wearing a size 15 pants and XXL shirts.
    And I'm trying to focus on living healthy, I just want to be able to wear a two piece this summer, because I've never been able to before. It's definitely my goal, whether I have to lose 40 pounds to get there or 15.
  • Kristina0202
    Kristina0202 Posts: 188 Member
    I didn't lose weight my first two weeks, and then it started coming off really fast, and now I'm back to not losing anything again.

    It's a pain in the *kitten*, but you just have to stick with it, I guess.
  • UcallMeJay
    If you are exercising and eating better it is very likely that you have lost fat and replaced it with muscle weight.
    You could try taking a picture of yourself once a week when you weigh in to help you see the changes. Sometimes it is hard to see past our own self perception to see how we really look.
    I have done the picture thing and compare where I was at.

    just a thought. hang in there!