RocketsGirl75 Posts: 648
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
Does anyone do cheat days or indulgence meals? If so how often?


  • every sunday.. dinner n desert
  • friday night Nacho night and beer! Tonight birthday dinner with a friend!!
  • Bluesmilie
    Bluesmilie Posts: 161 Member
    Yes, on Saturdays...but it's all about the moderation portion too.
  • Bluesmilie
    Bluesmilie Posts: 161 Member
    Very little, it's more to stop the craving or endulging.
    Ex. 1 rib and veggies
    Ex. 1 cookie

    And when I shop, I shop for just a small portion so that I dont eat the whole box of cookies or a pound of ribs.


    I have also shared desert and I eat 1/4 to 1/2.

    Add me :)
  • jilllk84
    jilllk84 Posts: 26 Member
    I usually try to keep it to once a week by going over by no more than 300 calories. I usually just work extra hard at the gym the day before or after to make up for it.
  • Dobsaya
    Dobsaya Posts: 235
    Western omelet from Coney Island with hashbrowns every Friday. However, I have brought it down to egg white omelet with no cheese, so even my cheat is modified. I still never go over on calories with my cheat meal.
  • Depending on what I have planned like if I am going clubbing on friday, I can expect that I will most likely be eating pizza for dinner, but if not, I normally save it for Saturday when I know I'll be having date night with my boyfriend.

    It's good to indulge, keeps me human lol
  • sure...i'm sure we all do...still about moderation. I used to let it be on Sunday's for football, but now am switching it up to Saturday. I will be careful though on the calories I eat for morning and afternoon when I know I'm going over for dinner.
  • lol mine is tomorrow chinese food with family and friends,

    i think we all need these now and then, when i started my journey the first thing i told myself was i wasnt going to stop eating what i like i just had to remember those famous words "everything in moderation" and so far its working and im happy....
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I try not to do it as a "cheat" perse- but I do like my junk food so most often I try to plan treats into my calories. Once in a while tho- for a wedding or other special circumstance, I don't worry about going significantly over. I do still try to log tho even if its imperfect.
  • ande2994
    ande2994 Posts: 136
    I do -- once a week. It helps me avoid indulging my cravings throughout the week if I know I can have what I want in a few days.

    I try not to go TOO crazy, but I know that I can go several hundred calories over my goal and still be on target to maintain my current weight. So I'm not losing weight, but I'm not undoing too much of what I've done over the previous week.
  • Purplegal
    Purplegal Posts: 137 Member
    Honestly I think this is what kicked my weight loss into high gear...for the first 30 days or so I was very strict and NEVER went over my calories...and it was slow I'm losing so much faster, and all I have changed is every once in a while I will go over my calories (not by a ton, maybe 200-300 or more?) and then the next day be really strict and go a little under my calories...after doing that a couple times the lbs started coming off quickly!
    Just my own experience...
  • Friday is my "cheat" day. I stick to my plan all day and then have whatever I want for dinner. I use this meal to curb cravings or indulge in my favorite restaurant meals. I think it helps me psychologically... instead of saying I can "never" have something, I just tell myself to wait til Friday. :)
  • Yes I pick one day out of the week, it can be any day depending what's going on or if there is a special event, Having one day to splurge works for me this way I don't have to worry about the cravings, or cheating during the other 6 days, however if I don't want to splurge I don't
  • I personally don't do cheat days because I don't believe in the concept of cheating. I do believe in eating whatever my body wants every day though, and that usually involves some form of chocolate. ;) The idea of cheating to me means that what I'm doing now is miserable and therefore needs to be to "cheated" away from. And that doesn't work for me...
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    I make sure I work the calories off before having them. I still have the junk food every now and then but will not if it does not fit in my calorie counting.
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    Everyone is different and free meals/free days are always a hot topic of discussion. Each person needs to do what is right for them :)

    THAT said, I take a free meal or a free day whenever the need arises. Usually once a week we have some kind of social function that I use as an opportunity to eat freely which to me means no counting and no restrictions on my food choices.

    Birthday dinners, anniversary dinners, cocktail parties, family barbecues, holiday parties... these kinds of events are where I take advantage of a free meal.

    Free days are taken on major holidays such as Christmas and Thanksgiving.

    My only rules are:

    1 - No more than two free meals or one free day per week.
    2 - If there is no food related function or major holiday in a particular week, I do not take a free meal or a free day that week.
    3 - I can not eat to discomfort. It's not an eating contest or an excuse to binge and I always wear fitted clothing and a belt to serve as a physical reminder to not over do it.

    Giving myself this freedom has kept my weight loss on track and helped me break through plateaus.

    Good luck!

  • Loved the responses! Thanks guys. I guess my philosophy falls in line with a lot of yours. One meal a week if I decide to but no more than one meal a week. My sister, who is also on this site, has a birthday next week and we are doing a family meal this weekend (her childhood favorite homeade fried chicken, cream gravy, mashed potatoes and peas. Yes we are from the South! LOL) and we have a girls celebration planned for the next weekend (Pappadeaux's). So I had been thinking about this and was curious to others philosophy! I did decide to make her a low calorie, low fat version of her favorite desert though so that doesn't have to be an indulgence! (Low Calorie, Low Fat Bannana Pudding! YUM!)
  • gailygail99
    gailygail99 Posts: 582 Member
    not me! i want to do it and think about how much i just want that chocolate cupcake or icecream, but i wont do it!
  • not me! i want to do it and think about how much i just want that chocolate cupcake or icecream, but i wont do it!

    I try not to go over my calories, even on a special occasions, but it happens. You are planning way in advance and really putting thought into it so just make the best choices you can on those days and enjoy. If you go over, it is not the end of the world. For example, maybe take only a small piece of the chicken and then eat only a bite of the fried skin while peeling the rest off. That way you get to enjoy the taste but not overindulge.
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