Did you expect it do happen faster?

I'm exercising loads, I'm eating about 700 calories less a day.....in the first week I lost 4llbs (yay!), this week, only 1llb! Suggestions? The only thing I go over on is sugar, so I am trying to combat this. Should I cut out carbohydrates at night?

I know I'm impatient, but I'm not cheating!

Thanks in advance.


  • bahrainbel
    that should be expect it TO happen faster :-/
  • tandroes
    tandroes Posts: 163 Member
    I've heard the first week is mostly water weight so you lose more, but 1 pound a week is healthy, be encouraged that the scale is going down, even if its not 4 pounds every week
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    Only 700 calories a day AND exercising? You definitely need to eat MORE. Eat as clean as possible too. I suggest reading the Abs Diet book and the Eat Clean book. They have some great tips on what to eat and how much.
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    I'm sure you will find that if you cut down your carbs a bit and try to cut out refined sugars in favor of alternatives that you will notice the speed of loss increase.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    What did you enter as your goal when you signed up. You may not be eating enough. To follow MFP you must eat the calories suggested, which includes the extra calories you burn though exercise, otherwise you may not be eating enough to fuel your body.
  • KierstyPants
    KierstyPants Posts: 468 Member
    Only 700 calories a day AND exercising? You definitely need to eat MORE. Eat as clean as possible too. I suggest reading the Abs Diet book and the Eat Clean book. They have some great tips on what to eat and how much.

    700 LESS.
    you silly goose =D
  • carl1738
    carl1738 Posts: 444 Member
    You didn't gain the fat all at once, you're not going to lose it that fast, either! Have patience, stick with it and you'll get the results you're after. It just takes time.
  • skinnylizzard
    skinnylizzard Posts: 460 Member
    Only 700 calories a day AND exercising? You definitely need to eat MORE. Eat as clean as possible too. I suggest reading the Abs Diet book and the Eat Clean book. They have some great tips on what to eat and how much.
    She said 700 calories LESS a day.
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    No, I didn't expect the weight to come off faster. It took me ten years to pack it on, so it seems only logical that it would take me quite a while to shed it. Don't get discouraged! These things take time.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    first things first, your goal is only 20 lbs from your starting weight, you won't lose weight faster than about 1/2 to 1 lb a week with that small of a deficit.

    check out my post on calorie deficits and expectations. I think it'll give you a better understanding about what to expect.

  • Kathy5209
    It's been a slow process for me too. I started nearly a month ago and gained weight first! I think I built some muscle due to working out and muscle weighs more than fat. Anyway, now I am just starting to lose. Good thing, I was losing heart! Lost maybe 5 lbs so far. Hang in there! Slow loss is ususally a loss that will stay!:wink:
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I'm exercising loads, I'm eating about 700 calories less a day.....in the first week I lost 4llbs (yay!), this week, only 1llb! Suggestions? The only thing I go over on is sugar, so I am trying to combat this. Should I cut out carbohydrates at night?

    I know I'm impatient, but I'm not cheating!

    Thanks in advance.

    700 calories less than what? if it is less than MFP suggested then you need to eat more as MFP's goal already gives you weigh loss if you eat 100% of them.
  • bahrainbel
    I'm not eating 700 calories a day, I suspect I would be ready for an eating disorder clinic, if I was.

    700 calories less than I was before I went on a diet. I was a 2000-2500 calorie kind of person, I eat like a horse =)
  • coreysloan1
    700 less is good but how many total in at the end of the day? Workout is best first thing in the am because your liver is carb-starved because it has been burning it all night while you were asleep so since the body burns carbs first then fat , it'll go straight to the fat. Working out can also screw with your numbers because muscle mass is denser than fat so at the end of the day you may have gained burned a few lbs of fat and gained some muscle so the scale doesnt move much.
  • bahrainbel
    Without exercise my calories are 1200, I usually burn between 300-500 calories exercising, and I'm eating about 1400 - 1600 calories, when I use the calorie deficit, created by the exercise. I'm exercising in the evening, as it stops me snacking, I may have to get my lazy *kitten* out of bed in the mornings, and see if that helps.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    seriously bahrain, I answered all of these questions already in the link I posted above. Give it a read. It'll answer your questions.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    No, I didn't really expect it to happen faster. I've decided that I enjoy exercising so I'm going to keep doing it, and I don't want to go back to the old days of my husband and I eating a plate full of brownies after a full dinner so frankly I'm not in any "rush" to lose it. This is a lifestyle choice -- just like no exercise and excessive eating was -- so slow and steady is perfect for me!
  • bahrainbel
    seriously bahrain, I answered all of these questions already in the link I posted above. Give it a read. It'll answer your questions.

    Ok, I will read it, thank you!
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    I've lost 15lbs. in 60 days...It will take sometime to get the weight off - once your body gets use to what you are eatin' and doin' for workouts.

    Don't always rely on the scale either - find Non scale victories...a smaller size of jeans, a shirt you haven't put on in months...Inches are far better than weight...

  • callipygianchronicle
    I started with 90 pounds to lose and I expect it to take two years of continuous focused attention. Even though there are many success stories on here of people who have lost 100 pounds in nine months, I don’t *expect* to have those results. I expect between half and 2/3 of that weight to come off this year. And I expect that it will take just as long for the remaining (it gets harder to lose at the end, not easier).

    But the weight didn’t appear by magic. It appeared by conscious and unconscious choices I made over a period of ten years. So there’s no reason I should think I can eat better for one month and I’ll suddenly be 30 pounds lighter. But if I don’t want to weigh 50 or 100 pounds more ten years from now, it’s up to me to make choices today that move me toward a healthy body with the muscle and fat masses it was designed to carry.