Welsh girl looking for a bit of support!

Hello All...

My name is Holly and I live in Wales with my hubby and 2 crazy cats!

Despite being nearly four stone lighter than I was 2 years ago I am still very much over weight, but slowly getting to where I want to be..

My biggest problem is that I keep losing lots of weight then slacking off and putting about half of it back on...so its like I am always taking two steps forward and one step back!

I want this to be the year that I keep going at it and make the healthy eating a way of life rather than a 'diet'..!

I am looking for new slimming buddies so that we can keep each other motivated and chat about how we are progressing!

I hope to hear from you soon! xxx


  • reneem55
    I'll be more than glad to be a bit of support for you and weightloss goals :)
    ill add you..good luck to you!
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Hi there, I'm another girl from wales!!!

    feel free to add me as a friend...I lost 42lb on MFP and only put 2lb back on over christmas!!

    Welcome xx
  • sameantha
    sameantha Posts: 75 Member
    I will be more than glad to be your support. I will add you as my friend.

    I know exactly how you feel with 2 steps forward and two back. I have been doing that for almost 5 months now. I am hoping to break that cycle in these next few weeks..

    Good Luck, just keep taking babysteps forward and don't look back.
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    You're never alone on MFP. Poke your head into http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/166210-team-uk-february-2011 for more UK peeps x
  • BillyPilgrim
    Hello and good luck :)

    Not really on topic but I love Wales. I really want to visit.
  • hamster123
    I'm Irish so I'll support you! Welcome to the site! Good Luck!