Worst doctors visit EVER! In tears

Went to the doctor for my knee today. I think the 45 minute wait in the waiting room, then the 20 minute wait in the exam room, was the best part. The nurse took my weight then brought me into the exam room and asked "what brought you in today?" i told her that my knees had been giving me trouble since my second pregnancy but after I started eating healthy, doing portion control, and only drinking water, they felt better. But recently after starting the shred they hurt worse then ever before. Clearly my body is telling me it doesnt like what im doing. so I stopped. But I told her that I am also knock kneed and was told several years ago that I would eventually need both knees broken to correct the problem. So I'm unsure if the workout is what is causing the pain, or if that just didnt help.
She asked if I had lost any weight since eating better and working out. I was excited to say "yes! Nearly 10 pounds! I know i still have a long way to go, but its a start!" she took my blood pressure and all that- it was GREAT! so then we waited for the doctor.

he came in....and I swear from the start all I could think of was "where did they find this cracker jack at?!"
He barely even looked at my knees. he was more worried about drilling me about the scars on my legs- I told him a million times fleas and chiggers seem to LOVE me, and it NEVER FAILS i get eaten up by them! "well its not chigger season! thats not what thats from" THEY ARE SCARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SCARS do not just go away! Especially when they dont have time to even lighten up, before I get bit again (we live in the country- we have no pets and no flea problem- yet they still find me when we go outside)
then he tried getting me to do a squat basically. I CANT! unless you want to be picking me up off the floor, im not even going to attempt it! it hurts to just sit in a chair and have my knees bent. theres no way i can put weight on them in a squatting position!

then he went on to tell me "well i dont know what your wanting from me. your over weight- thats all there is to it." that made me mad. but i calmly said "clearly i am over weight. and CLEARLY i am trying to fix that! i am eating healthy now, drinking water, and working out. now can we focus on what i came in here for?" his response? "you're trying to lose weight too fast!" i had to cut him off right there! I asked his HOW he thought I was "losing too fast" when all I am doing is living a healthier life style! I am NOT starving myself. I am NOT taking diet pills. I am NOT making myself throw up. I am NOT losing weight too fast!
he went on to say "well you didnt gain the weight by breathing, did you? you are over weight (he emphasized the OVER WEIGHT...he might as well have just called me a fat *kitten*) because you EAT TOO MUCH." at this point i just sat there thinking that if I didnt say anthing eventually he'd shut up, and send me on my way. WRONG. he went on to say "you only need to eat ONE MEAL A DAY and lose NO MORE then 2 pounds a month. and stop trying to work out. walking is all you need. one meal a day, and walk. i dont want to see the pounds come off in a matter a months. with your weight (i need to lose 100 pounds) it should take 3+ YEARS"

lets think about that. right now i am eating 3 meals a day, and 2 snacks. i am working out (trying to) and drinking water like crazy. I am losing between 2-3lbs a week. what will happen if stop working out, and only eat one meal a day? besides shrivel up and die of starvation?

so i again reminded him that I am not there to be called a fat *kitten*. i am here for my knees. "well what do you want me to do? send you to a surgeon? therapy? what will make you happy?" I just looked at him. I didnt know what to say. I am 20 years old. I dont want surgery. I went to him- a DOCTOR so he can tell me what I need to do. is it my knock knees that is the problem? (if so- yes i need surgery) is it just the weight that is the problem? or did i just do something wrong when trying to work out to lose that weight?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH IT?! again all he said was "when you are that over weight you are going to have problems with your joints. I bet you have problems with your elbows, wrists, ankles, etc too, right?" as a matter of fact NO I DO NOT! EVER SINGLE physical Ive gotten (other doctors. this was my first time seeing this nut case) the doctor tells me i am as healthy as can be! i, so far, have no health problems that my father, or mother face! (depression, bi polar, diabetes, blood clots, blood pressure issues...the list goes on and on!) i am perfectly healthy, despite my weight!

about this time he made a comment along the lines of "if you eat nearly as much as you feed your kids there, i can see why you have a weight problem". my kids were sitting in the chairs eating wheat thins. they hadnt had lunch, and they were hungry. thats it. i was pissed. my kids are 100000000% HEALTHY. not over weight AT ALL! they are both very active and neither of them sit around and just eat.
I said "excuse me. you dont worry about what and when my kids eat. you do not know how often they are fed and you are out of line. the issue we are here to discuss is the problems i am having with my knees and that is ALL you need to focus on. not the scars on my legs. not what i feed my kids, not how much of a fat *kitten* i may be.!"

he responded with "i cant help you if you arent willing to take my advice." i said "remind me again, what is your advice for my KNEES?" he said "eat ONE MEAL a day and lose the weight" so i reminded him "i am breastfeeding my son. i need 1800-2500 calories A DAY and i will not get that in ONE MEAL. now if you listened to me earlier i am trying to lose the weight but like you said yourself, it will not come off over night." he interupted me and said "well i only eat one meal a day, and you see that im not over weight" i got up, grabbed my kids, and as i walked out the door i told him how his one meal a day thing was complete bull **** as it showed in his FAT BELLY (that he was trying to hide) and told him he was a complete nut job and he needed his medical licence revoked. as im telling him this hes still talking about my weight as if im still sitting there actually listening. i yelled (yes i yelled at this damn doctor in a doctors office) " you are not listening to me you old hag!! i am done." and i slammed the door. as i walked past the receptionist desk, theyre hollering at me to come back (youre supposed to check out) and i just walked out of the office.

i swear if my kids were not there i would have been so tempted to punch him in the face.

by the way. the only exam he did on my knee (other then try to force me to do a squat) was poke it 3 times "does this hurt? what about this? and now?"


  • Belle_Fille
    sorry that ended up being a lot longer then i meant for it to be
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    You should consider filing a complaint with the medical board and try to get his license suspended. It sounds like he is throughly unqualified to be a doctor.

    And it just goes to show that when someone says they got their advice from a doctor, that some doctors are freaking idiots. Just having a Dr. in front of your name does not make you an authority on everything.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Def. look for a new doctor. He should not be interrupting you, and I can't imagine anyone suggesting to eat one meal a day. Want to screw up your metabolism? Sure. Eat one meal.

    You are making great choices, doing fantastic with your weight loss so far, and I'm sure your kids are fine! Please do your very best to take a few deep breaths, forget about the doctor, and try to have a good night.

    Like I mentioned on your profile, you do not need to exercise to lose weight. It does help your body know that you should lose fat instead of muscle, and gives you more calories to eat. You can exercise very light, like sit-ups, or weight lifting, or taking a slow, enjoyable walk outside.

    I would avoid things that make your knees hurt, and look for another doctor you can speak with.
  • Cristy_AZ
    wow, I am completely floored by that!! I hope that your next step is to write to the board that (very stupidly) gave this man a license to practice medicine!!!
  • Dmonique85
    You should definitely file a complaint with your state medical board. It doesn't sound like the advice he gave you was practical or even remotely sound. You should also write a formal letter to his office, if he works for a hospital then to the CEO/Directors office & follow up with them. There's no reason why an idiot like that should be practicing on patients.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    It's time for a new doctor! Also...report him to the board. What he was saying was not appropriate nor was it healthy. *hugs*
  • ocdad68
    ocdad68 Posts: 12 Member
    That's terrible, and you should file a complaint with the state. Also, look at your insurance records and specifically how he codes and bills for this visit. It sounds like he did not do any type of decent exam, but I'm sure he is going to bill for a level of visit that MUST include a physical exam. You can notify and complain to the insurance and ding him for fraud. Hit him where it counts... $$$. Sorry you had this bad experience.. we aren't all like that. =)
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    You should consider filing a complaint with the medical board and try to get his license suspended. It sounds like he is throughly unqualified to be a doctor.

    And it just goes to show that when someone says they got their advice from a doctor, that some doctors are freaking idiots. Just having a Dr. in front of your name does not make you an authority on everything.

    ^ Okay, this for the reasonable response, but... *shoots your SOB doctor in the head*
  • Suzy12
    Suzy12 Posts: 284
    Call the clinic manager and relate your story to him/her. They need to know about his level of disrespect. And they should refund ALL of your bill, your co-pay or whatever you may have paid.

    Outrageous. I'm sitting here just shaking my head. Yeah, I'm with you, I'd have punched!

  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    first step .. i would think.. would be to make appt with a different Dr right away.
    that one sounds like he is off his meds
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    Oh geez, honey I am so PROUD of you for speaking up!!! Report his sorry *ss to the medical board & get yourself a new doctor.
    But a lot of people would've just taken it & walked out humiliated. Good for you for standing up for yourself and your children!!!
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    You poor thing! Find a different doctor!
  • Megthatgirl
    Megthatgirl Posts: 68 Member
    I was in cheerleading and tried to do a new tumbling pass and wound up dislocating my knee and tearing tissue and all sorts of bad stuff.
    I was overweight.. but still very active.. (I have 60 lbs of muscle on my frame)

    So when I went to the Orthopedic doc, he did the same thing to me.. oh youre overweight and need to be active... you wouldnt have these problems if you lost weight.

    I was like hmm maybe if I hadnt tried to do a backhandspring backtuck then I wouldnt have had that problem...

    Anyway, the moral of the story is to keep doing what you can, and just assume that dr got his degree at Fisher Price lol..

    Best of luck to you and I hope your knees feel better! Theres nothing worse than wanting to get out and do things when your knees are holdling you back!
  • momtozmc
    momtozmc Posts: 418 Member
    Call the office and complain about him - tell them you will not pay for the visit and that you want to be seen by someone else... Talk to the supervising doc also ... if he the supervising doc, then go higher... go to the board - and word of mouth... tell everyone you know what a nut case he is!!!! That's horrible!

  • velix
    velix Posts: 437 Member
    I always wished that the patient could know how many times someone took their medical exams, and what their final grades were (should be posted on their diploma!) oh - and how many times they've gone for "upgrading" in this ever-changing, fast paced technological world we live in.... i mean - a doctor who was at the top of their class, and one who hardly passed still get the same degree.....

    sad that this doctor should even have one - one meal a day - wth kind of advice is that ...!? not to mention "beside manner" ooof! sorry you had to deal with that crap. I would take the advice of the others and take the time to formally complain ....

    chin up - and know that you are doing great, learning to make good decisions and work towards being healthier ... freakin' nut job indeed!
  • NicolCook
    NicolCook Posts: 489 Member
    Definitely time for a second opinion. I am so sorry you had to experience that. Try not to focus too much on the "nut job" and keep in mind what your ultimate goal is.
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 871 Member
    Oh My GOD.. You really really need to file a complaint against him. Also, if you have insurance that was picking up a portion of that visit call them right away and file a complaint with them so that they have it on record and then they will NOT pay them. My best friend is a nurse and gave this same advise to another friend of ours who had a problem with a doctor.

    He was beyond rude and inept and there is NO justification for that. What an out and out @ss.
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    **HUGS**Oh honey, I am so sorry that went so badly!!! What a jerk!! I know this goes without saying but find another doctor PRONTO! He should not have treated you like that. He should have ordered x-rays or sonograms on your knees to see if they could see something inside. He also should have praised you on your weight loss. He should not have made those comments about your kids, either. What a *kitten*!!!

    One meal a day? What a nut job, like you said. Losing weight too fast? My doctor is thrilled with my weight loss and 1-2 pounds per week is perfect. It is recommended everywhere! I would report him. Contact whoever's in charge and report him. There are also websites on the net where you can write reviews on doctors. I hope your next doctor will be much better. :flowerforyou:
  • khskr1
    khskr1 Posts: 392
    bless your heart!! I agree...find a new doc. also remember, about 15% of MD's get a whole 3 hours of nutrition training while in med school....not exactly their skill set! Chalk it up as to him being a quack, get a second opinion and remind yourself that you are doing GREAT!!!
  • radarseven
    radarseven Posts: 50 Member
    What an a-hole. Good for you for sticking up for yourself!

    You should file a complaint and find another doctor.. and maybe go back without your kids so you can do the punching in the face thing. :wink: