Ever come home from work and.....

mikeylikesit1177 Posts: 79
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
want to eat everything in the house. Any suggestions on how to stop that craving


  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Eat something before you leave work...that has protein, carbs, and a little fat. That should curb it!
  • Jaedynmoon
    Jaedynmoon Posts: 280 Member
    Set aside a snack to eat on your way home from work so you aren't so hungry when you get home?? That's what I would do if I was having that issue!
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Like a thing of string cheese, and a couple crackers. Or eat more at breakfast. Those who eat more at breakfast, are less likely to binge at night. I read that somewhere...I think self magazine (the part from a Dr.)
  • garysgirl719
    garysgirl719 Posts: 235 Member
    Hit the gym. A hard workout does wonders for my cravings.
  • verbifyvenus
    verbifyvenus Posts: 175 Member
    I agree. It's always good to have snacks on hand. Yogurt and granola is filling or banana and peanut butter....
  • My husband used to be famished when he got home from work. I was like, you haven't eaten since noon, and you commute over an hour. Duh! Seriously, have a snack in the afternoon already. :ohwell:
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    I cook dinner.
  • maureak
    maureak Posts: 107 Member
    Have a big glass of water before you leave work.

    When I need something before dinner, I have a slice of 35-calorie bread and a tsp of margarine. It's just enough to get me by until dinner.
  • mariea1171
    mariea1171 Posts: 10 Member
    Yes every single day! For me that time is the worse time of the day and I find I can sabatoge everything than. I've been having salads for the past 2 days*(which has been great so far)* I know I'm going to have to switch things up because I'll be bored and my cravings will change. Also chewing gum has been helping a bit as well. I'm thinking about also having a proteing bar at that time, maybe an Atkins one to keep the carbs down. Water. Diet Soda. Trying to keep myself as distracted as possible. Good Luck! :flowerforyou:
  • not to mention its fine to eat when you get home, drink abig glass of water, grab an apple or a yougurt or some cheese & veggies with more water. eat slow & TASTE your food. that should keep you happy till dinner. Leave some low cal snack bars in the car for something to nibble on while you drive
  • mariea1171
    mariea1171 Posts: 10 Member
    Yes every single day! For me that time is the worse time of the day and I find I can sabatoge everything than. I've been having salads for the past 2 days*(which has been great so far)* I know I'm going to have to switch things up because I'll be bored and my cravings will change. Also chewing gum has been helping a bit as well. I'm thinking about also having a proteing bar at that time, maybe an Atkins one to keep the carbs down. Water. Diet Soda. Trying to keep myself as distracted as possible. Good Luck! :flowerforyou:
  • JennS7310
    JennS7310 Posts: 1 Member
    I have found that the worst thing I can do is sit down with a snack. Lately I have been having something like KIX cereal or banana chips, I measure out a serving and set it on the kitchen counter - so that I only grab a few on my way through. That way in order to have a snack, and I am still moving!
  • kimzxx
    kimzxx Posts: 21
    I hate this!

    I read somewhere once to brush your teeth if you get a food craving, so I do that and drink a glass of water and most of the time that ties me over until dinner time.
  • aprilmssmith
    aprilmssmith Posts: 35 Member
    Definitely have a snack either at work in the afternoon or on the way home and pop a piece of gum in your mouth. I keep a lot of flavors around so I don't get bored with it. I chew gum when I cook because I'm a "taster". I'll eat more than most people would for a meal before I ever get to the table if I don't.
  • holy smokes you guys are fast lol. Awesome ideas guys, you all rock!!!!
  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    drink water? eat fruit?suffer suffer suffer:huh: thats the best
  • Get rid of all the unhealthy food. I'm not much on healthy food to begin with. I literally went through my fridge and pantry and just threw out any temptation. Now, if I want a snack, I'll eat an apple and some peanut butter. Sad as it may be, it's not as tempting as some cookies and chips.
  • Xandi
    Xandi Posts: 319
    Yes, I think we have all had that craving,
    However, it is good to have a plan...
    First I try not to get hungry, that ravenous feeling not a good one..
    I always try to have something healthy planned out, veggies in the fridge,
    Fruit to grab, these help the cravings a lot. If I want sugar, I eat fruit.
  • Instead of eating my whole lunch at 10pm or 1pm (I work 7-3 most of the time and these are the only times I get my break...), I usually will bring a sandwich and a protein bar or weight loss shake and have the shake/bar at 10am and the sandwich at 1pm, or even vice-versa.. basically instead of one really big lunch I break it into two.
    Then I'm never starving at lunch or on my way home... I dunno, works for me : )
  • lunardeimos
    lunardeimos Posts: 1 Member
    For my commute home I pack a healthy, filling snack that I don't particularly like, and then I make myself eat it. For me, that's bananas. On my way home I think I want to stop at Burger King and get onion rings or run into a gas station for chips, and instead I eat my banana. The whole time I'm thinking "stupid banana. stupid stupid banana isn't onion rings," but then afterwards I don't feel as urgent about getting my snack snarfing on and can usually eat a normal dinner once I get home.

    Bananas are filling and have potassium which helps with cramping muscles from exercise. They are also stupid.
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