Looking for a partner

I am starting a 150 day challange for myself starting on 3/1/11 and I would love to have a partner throughout the journey. Although I welcome the support of everyone (as I will need it) I am looking for someone with at least 100lbs to lose that don't mind pushing hard to get there. I want someone to challange me and push me to push myself harder and harder every week. My plan is aggressive. I plan to aim for 75lbs in 150 days managing on a healthy, balanced 1500-1800 calorie diet and two workouts per day. I want to share suggestions with this person, recipes, challanges, distractions, successes and failures. This person would be my primary support and motivator throught out the 150 days. Inbox me if you are interested. Thanks! :bigsmile:


  • I have only 73 lbs to lose. I would love to talk to you though and encourage you! (Share ideas as well!) Best of luck to you~! :)
  • momogogo
    momogogo Posts: 159 Member
    I only have 20 more to go, but I love your enthusiam and determination. It makes it easier when your have someone who you be accountable to. I have about 25 people who I am accountable to myself. I head up a healthy lifestyle club at work. When your head is in the game nothing can stop you. Stay strong. I will friend you so I can see you do your thang.
  • mmariano
    Wishing you lots of luck and support
  • Briacha
    Briacha Posts: 160 Member
    You can do it! :bigsmile:
    Best of luck and I'll be here along the way....
  • momsbrats2005
    momsbrats2005 Posts: 8 Member
    I wish you the best of luck in your challenge! I would gladly help support you, too! This is a great spot to find an amazing support group to push you forward everyday! You can do this I believe in you!
  • MobiusMan
    MobiusMan Posts: 385 Member
    Ceria, my schedule won't allow me to be the kind of partner you are looking for or I would jump on the opportunity. However, I have an Idea. You are a very eloquent writer. Why don't you create Daily Blog under another name like Ceria's150 day journey or something and write your goals and definition of the 150 day challenge there with reference to your regular page Then, everyone interested in your journey and progress can follow and support and comment. I think that you'll find many folks would like to do all the things you are talking about but few have the time to be a singular support person. Besides that, I personally think you'll be more motivated and in your own groove by keeping a daily blog and using the forums and tools already here for your use.
  • megamunch
    Ceria, i would love to be your partner but honestly don't i'm the type of partner you need.
    I would love to see your progress though. I second what someone else said about you starting a blog, I know it would motivate me and a lot of other people too.
  • msjodyljones
    Count me in.. I emailed you.
  • ITTYbitty04
    ITTYbitty04 Posts: 75 Member
    :happy: Hi Ceria I only want to lose about 40-50lbs but I'd be willing to help you through as much as I can. I have been really motivated and have been pretty good about exercising at least twice a day, sometimes 3 if I can fit it in. My quest is to lose weight and avoid Diabetes so add me as a friend and we can see if we can climb the weight hill together!
    Best of Luck!