I hate the scale!!

I am so excited to get on the scale when I know Ive had a great week. But I know this week has been horrible working late 3 nights two of which were almost 12 hour days. Not to mention I am a single mom. I am so frustrated and I dont want to see that I have gained weight because then I am going to feel like I just want to eat!!


  • Livie_Marie
    Don't be hard on yourself!

    It sounds like you have a lot of demands on your time, life, and sense of being! Climb your hills and if you get disappointed, don't be afraid to just vent about it. Write it in a journal, maybe you could find write some ideas for those late night shifts for healthy eating or snacking. Also don't forget that you need time too. Goodness I can't imagine how hard it must be to even carve five minutes, but even if its five minutes of deep breathing, try to find it, or a good activity you like: a favorite book or magazine, a favorite set of songs to listen to, even your favorite shower scent. Of all people moms deserve a good lift.
  • bassetthree
    bassetthree Posts: 143 Member
    I'm not a big fan of the scale either....but I know with continued effort and calorie logging that I can do it. There are thousands here who are on the same road to becoming healthy and happy and you deserve that too! Welcome to you!
  • laney237
    Oh I share your hatred...especially this week!!! I couldn't wait until Thursday morning, I worked so hard this week only to step on the scales to see just 1 lb lost...That night I had MacDonald's for supper...then felt stupid for eating it :(( I feel like I'm working super hard....I go to the gym at least 5 nghts a week and besides my little mishap with Micky Dees...I've been eating healthy and yet i'm only down 10pounds or so in 6 weeks
  • harmonykay
    10lbs is great. dont be so hard on yourself
  • EecakYelsom17
    I hate it too. It haunts me during the week & I get so excited on weigh in days and tm is one... I'm so afraid I'll be disappointed :/ just remember to not give up
  • arsonsmom
    arsonsmom Posts: 234 Member
    Thanks everyone, I did not gain any weight this week but I do need to refocus. My life is so busy I eat out like 5 or 6 days a week and although I fit it into my calories I need to try to eat at home and healthier meals! It's nice to know I am not the only one that hates the scale and that others are fighting the same battle. Good luck to you all and until next weigh in dun dun dun...lol