Why do you want to loose weight?

What's your motivation for loosing weight? I really want to get fit for summer and look good in a bikini!


  • justsummie
    justsummie Posts: 320 Member
    The generic better health, better life are up there but also for the vanity of wanting to look hot and be able to dress cute.

    I also want to have another baby and need a healthy pregnancy....but honestly I really want to be a cute preggo this time around as it will likely be the last.
  • Katymom22
    The biggest loser, heavy, i used to be fat and mfp are all big motivations as well as

    1. a bikini bod
    2. pre pregnancy clothes
    3.my family
    4. comments everywhere i go
    5. great endurane i impress myself with my man pushups!
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    I want to lose weight to ride on rollercoasters and spend less on clothing. I have clothes that are 5 and six years old and don't have spending money to replace them, so when they finally rip I have to spend $22 on a shirt. A girl half my size pays half my cost for the same shirt.
  • simplykristie
    simplykristie Posts: 8 Member
    I want to lose weight to feel more confident about myself. Also so in the summer time when we are on the boat I don't have to wear a tank top because I don't like the way my stomach looks- I want to be wear a normal bathing suit and feel good in it!
  • cmbneeley
    cmbneeley Posts: 160 Member
    i want to be healthier so i can be there fully for my daughter who is growing up and getting so active so quickly. i'd also like to be healthier in future pregnancies so i can give the best health to those precious little ones.

    and looking better in my clothes would be a nice plus too. and a giant helping of self-esteem from being able to conquer weight loss!
  • horizonsp
    horizonsp Posts: 134 Member
    I want to be HEALTHY......look good & feel good about myself. I want to enjoy the experience of buying clothes (not get depressed as I get now...I hate shopping these days as most of the stuff does'nt look good on me)
  • Terri73
    Terri73 Posts: 238
    so i can run about with my kids
    So i live longer
    so i can walk out of a store with new clothes rather that leave empty handed coz feel to fat
    so i can get my legs into the sun (believe me they aint seen sunshine for many a summer)
    So i can be happy with me!!!!
  • jnickel78905
    I want to be able to buy a David Tennant doctor who Cosplay outfit/coat and be able to pull it off........ Geek-factor aside, I want to gain more confidence and not be winded when I play with the kids.
  • happy_vegan
    happy_vegan Posts: 200 Member
    #1 and MOST IMPORTANT: pure health reasons, riding my bike faster, sports with friends, being healthy.

    #2 and a little more narcissistic/emotion-based:
    my sister and i look very similar, except shes maybe 30 lbs lighter and very popular. she's always been skinny and i've always been a little heavier. she's always been popular and i've always been kind of on the fringe. i know we live separate lives and weight is not everything but i've always felt that if i looked the way she did people would perceive me in that way. most of my friends are very pretty and skinny, and i suppose i'm tired of being ignored while my friends get all the attention.
    i really <b>do not care</b> if you think this is shallow or misdirected. i'm a very confident person, i know you don't get confidence from weight. but you do get positive perception when you're attractive. we're a looks-based society. it's sad, but true, and it took me 24 years to realize this, but now i do. i'd love to not get passed over for my sister for once.
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    I actually started this because:

    1) I was tired of asking "do I look fat in this?" every freaking morning. Some mornings I would feel SO low because I didn't feel good in any of my clothes. I got tired of having a low self-esteem.

    2) When I got to my heaviest around August/September, I would get winded by just walking. It was really sad. I had never been that out of shape before. After walking regularly and doing 7 weeks of EA Sports Active 2, I no longer get winded walking. I thnk shedding 17 lbs. helps that too.

    3) I hate being almost in tears trying on bathing suits.

    4) My partner has Type 1 diabetes (the genetic one) and she has had to control it since she was little. I don't ever want to get Type 2 diabetes (non-genetic) because I see what she goes through. I also just want to keep my health great.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I just love sports and like to feel that my body performs well at stuff.

    I needed to take time out after getting injured and really piled on the pounds. The biggest shock came when I realised I weighed more than my man! :noway: Sorry for me that's really a complete no-no. I used to love running when I first started training again I was 40lb heavier and felt fat, slow and out of breath.

    Now I'm down 22lb I can start to feel my 'normal' body shining through again. Running is getting easier again and I'm getting faster again. I'm back to 40kg barbell squats. I can still cycle for a couple of hours... It's slowly all coming back.

    I want to be able to go to triathlon races again and look like someone who actually does them, not my man's fat lazy girlfriend who just goes to cheer him on.

    The day I can zip up my wetsuit again I'll have a party!
  • rlysrh
    rlysrh Posts: 244
    I have a load of clothes in my wardrobe that are all tight and gross looking when I put them on. I used to fit in them perfectly. I want that back again. I miss wearing them. (:

    I want to be able to buy a David Tennant doctor who Cosplay outfit/coat and be able to pull it off........ Geek-factor aside, I want to gain more confidence and not be winded when I play with the kids.

    Haha that's one of the best reasons to lose weight I've ever heard :D
  • samwarrick
    my reasons are probably the same as every one else- want to look better and feel better.
  • Impala007
    Impala007 Posts: 293 Member
    Interesting question......without reading all the replies I would guess there would be a tendancy to find 2 schools of thought. Younger people are more concerned with looks and bathing suits and the older ones (like me) realize being fat and old is not a good combination. They will lean toward health reasons as a primary motivator.
  • MsFitnFabulous
    MsFitnFabulous Posts: 432 Member
    Because I wanna make the boys in the yard drool jk! I don't want to ever have to take a med because I didn't take control of my health. Most of my family have to take a slew of pills and shots daily. I don't want that for my life. I want that horrible fate to end with my generation. And when the man of my dreams finds me I don't want to be in some doctor's office being told we have problems getting pregnant because I'm fat. Saw that on an episode of BL and pitied that woman.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I've been the perfect weight, underweight and overweight. I want to try "athletic" on for size. I've never been athletic.
  • licha75
    licha75 Posts: 391 Member
    Get healthy, no more being obese and overweight, no bordeline cholesterol, no borderline diabetes. Be able to keep up with my husband and son when we go places. Travel more, be comfortable in a plane seat. Look good and not mind if people take pictures of me. And the list goes on and on.....:smile:
  • s_hamm_08
    s_hamm_08 Posts: 117 Member
    I started off wanting to lose weigh so I wasn't the fat one at the family get togethers. My sister in laws are both super skinny, but things changed and how I have different reasons for loosing weigh. I want to be healthy for my kids, I missed out on a lot because I had no engery or couldn't keep up with them. I want to teach my kids to be healthy by example, unlike my mother. I want to feel good about me.
  • Macacadopai
    Macacadopai Posts: 183 Member
    I totally understand you. I think caring about the way u look is great. Some people just give up, they don't even care anymore.
    Obviously it's important for other reasons too, but I completely get your point.
  • Kristen81
    Kristen81 Posts: 342 Member
    To be healthy
    To feel sexy
    To look sexy
    To wear the clothes I really want

    There are more reasons, but those are the main ones.