Diet Soda Drinkers need to read this



  • Scarletblue
    I don't think anyone pretends it is good for them, but I can't give up everything based on what may happen when i am 95 because I drank diet soda at 33.
    Through all the pesticides, chemicals, and diseases we remain, our bodies are resiliant because we are exposed to them everyday we discover cures, and new things to worry about, it is our life cycle.
    I am getting into shape to feel better and look better I am under no delusions that by eatting an apple a day I will indeed keep the doctor away or if I eat only the healthiest of choices that I will be immune to all illness and disease, I do believe that I can limit myself to certain exposure of toxens that can attribute to disease like smoking, but I can get lung cancer without ever having smoked. It is a combination of many factors working against eachother that causes problems.
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    I have been a 4-6 can a day girl for over a decade & now know that even though it is 0 calories, the ingredients that I cannot read or pronounce cannot be good for me. I have upped my game with water... and when I have a STRONG urge to want my diet coke I take a 1/4 c of flavored mineral water! So far so good & I am loving my soy milk etc.
  • cheekymunkey7373
    I dont drink diet sodas.. but can cope with coke zero and sprite zero.. although im not entirely sure of the difference between those and the diet version..
    The comment above about soda drinkers being like smokers.. they know its bad and try and give up... i love love love fizzy drinks (as most of my fellow kiwi's i know call them) but when i decide to get determined and not drink fizzy, if im having a craving i go for soda water, with a splash of lemon juice... i suppose someone is going to be able to burst that effort for me and tell me how bad that is too?
  • EecakYelsom17
    I enjoyed reading the other opinions... Alrhought I believe some people approached it in an attacking manner it's good to hear both sides. I was addicted to mt.dew (I know it's bad for you) I started a low calorie diet, I switched to diet soda. No calories. Tah dah. As long as I see the results I want I'm probably going to continue to drink it.
    (and no I'm not like a smoker, I just have no proof of any sort it's hurting me... Mydiet my rules :)
  • kimwig
    kimwig Posts: 164
    For me it is not the possible "disease" issues, it is more the impact artificial sweetness has on the body's want for other calories.
    This is one study ( not on people), but I have seen other studies, less scientifically rigorous that look at food intake with diet vs non diet sodas, but I can't find the link.

    The authors suggest that a sweet taste may cause animals to anticipate the calorie content of food, and eating artificial sweeteners with little or no calories undermines this connection, leading to energy imbalance by increasing food intake or reducing energy expenditure.

    The study is the work of Drs Susan Swithers and Terry Davidson, two psychologists based at the Ingestive Behavior Research Center at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, published in the February 2008 issue of Behavioral Neuroscience, a journal of the American Psychological Association (APA).
  • jojojor
    Exactly!!! Give up sugar and you wont crave it anymore and you,ll feel fantastic.