Looking for others who have started at 250ish and trying to

I would love to meet up with other women who started in the 250s and are trying to get to the 150-160 ranges. How many calories are you eating? Has that changed as you've lost weight? What kinds of foods are you avoiding, and what kinds of foods are staples? Do you exercise, and if so, how often, how much?

If you've been successful, what has helped you the most?


  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    ME ME ME ME......I started at 275---aiming to hit 155. I am on a program of prepackaged foods--so cannot help you out too much, but I love to exercise every day--ChaLEAN Extreme and TurboJam.
  • BreakingUpWithObesity2013
    Right now I weigh 258 and my goal weight is 140-150. I stay under 1660 calories a day and I work out 3 times a week. With my work out I walk/run 3.5 miles. Sometimes I do some workout videos on my tv. I stay away from reg pop, sugary snacks (only because once I have tasted it I can't stop...), and salty stuff. Just dont deprive yourself of everything you love. With enough exercise and eating the right amount of calories a day the weight will come off :) I wish you the best of luck in your weight loss journey!
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I've learned to love new foods and no longer need my old loves in my life - LOL!
  • rodegghero
    rodegghero Posts: 212 Member
    I started at 242 originally and got to about 170. I ate a lo of fruits nd veggies and smaller meals more often. I started really slow with excercise and worked my way up to an hour a day 6-7 days a week.
    I am starting again after having a baby with not as much to lose this time feel free to frien Me!
  • Aitenev
    Hey, you're talking to me! I started at 259 in March of 2010. Right now I'm at 160 and my ultimate goal is 150 so only 10lbs away. I've been overweight most of my life and the biggest change for me this time is the kinds of foods I'm eating not just "how much". I eat mostly whole, clean foods, lots of fruits and vegetables but I believe this is a lifetime change not just a diet so I do indulge in some "not so good for me" stuff on occasion too. (Got to have my chocolate once in a while.) Anyway filling up on fruits and veggies keeps me satisfied without being really hungry all the time and after almost a year of this, I FEEL great. I do excercise about 5-6 times a week but nothing radical. Just walking, bike riding, treadmill in the winter and just started working on run/walk and hoping to get to the 5k run level sometime this summer. Good luck on your journey. If I can do it, anyone can. And feel free to add me as a friend if you like.
  • rokikio
    I am in tha club. Started at 253 and down to 218 right now. And it's getting harder but not giving up. I am stuck in a plateau right now. Feel free to add me. I love having new friends on here.
  • princesslmc2
    princesslmc2 Posts: 264 Member
    Welcome to the journey!! I started out at 242 in May 2010, am currently 210, and my goal is 160. I viewed this journey as a lifestyle change vs. a diet.

    I've changed up what I've eaten, without entirely cutting out the things I love. A lot of portion control and making better decisions. Some food items I've swapped out for healthier options (i.e., lower sugar ketchup). I generally eat about 1300-1400 net calories/day.

    I exercise 5 or 6 times a week. I've used all the Beachbody programs. I started with P90X in May, ChaLEAN Extreme in September, tried Hip Hop Abs for a few weeks in January, and am currently using TurboFire. In March, I plan to start the ChaLEAN Extreme/TurboFire Hybrid.

    The biggest thing I've noticed was during ChaLEAN Extreme, I was toning my muscles. While I lost 18 pounds on that program alone in three months, I lost over 23 inches because the lean muscle was replacing the fatty fat. That's a big reason why I'm going to add it back into my program in March!!

    Good luck on your journey!! MFP is a great source for information, ideas, and support!!
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    I started at 286 (this time) and I'm just taking it one day at a time. Hoping to get down to at least 150.

    I'm eating most of the same things I ate before, I'm just cutting back on the portions and not eating the fatty foods daily. My diary is public if you want to take a look. My daily goal is about 1430 now and I try to stay around that but I also try to vary my calories each day to keep my body from getting used to the same amount of intake each day. You'll notice that I have a few days where I went way over as well but that is part of life. You can't be expected to be perfect every day for the rest of your life. :bigsmile:

    I love to cook but have a tiny kitchen so we eat a lot of "convenience" foods or drive thru fare. I don't believe in cutting out all the fattening foods from your life to lose weight because it's not a realistic way to go. If you do that it's going to be much harder to maintain focus when you have deprived yourself of so many things you love.

    Eat what you want but watch your portions. If you really want pizza, have it but make sure that you either work out extra or cut back in other areas to allow yourself that splurge.

    My workout routine is usually walking, Turbo Jam and Walk Away the Pounds when I need something lighter. The original Firm with the Fanny Lifter is also great and covers cardio and strength training. I try to work out 4 times a week in some capacity.

    Remember, what works for us might not be exactly what works for you so you may have to tweak it a bit to work for your lifestyle. You CAN do this! Good Luck!
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    I started at 305 and am down to just over 250 now, I've lost about 54-55 lbs (my official weigh ins are Mondays so hard to say right now).

    My calories are right around 1400 and have been about that much since I started in late Oct. of 2010. I don't stay away from anything really. If I want something and I have calories for it, I eat it. However, I don't do that EVERYDAY. I drink protein shakes for breakfast a lot, and for my meals get in lean protein and veggies, fresh fruit. I don't eat too many carbs but when I do its whole grain bread, pastas, and rice or quinoa is really good. Snacks are normally low fat cheese, veggies, almonds, walnuts, etc. In the evenings I love sugar free jell-o and sugar free puddings. My diary is public so you can view it there, I've logged everyday since I started. I try to limit my soda to one diet soda a day and drink water aside from that.

    ETA: As far as working out goes, I started with the first Power 90 program but only did two months b/c I was bored. Then I just stuck to the gym for a bit, now I just started ChaLean Extreme, this is my second week of that so I can't comment too much on results but pretty much anything you do is better than nothing and will get you results!
  • sharamia
    sharamia Posts: 34 Member
    I started at 240lbs. I'm at 228 now. I'd like to get to 130 or 140. I don't get the chance to exercise as much as I should. I'm doing 1200 cals. a day. You don't say how old you are. I am 55 and my metabolism, is slow, slow, slow, that's another reason for me to get exercise. I eat very little processed food, mostly veggies, fruit and some fish. I eat whole grains, and I try to get in 25 grams of fiber a day. I eat dairy, but I need to knock it back some. I'm still getting too much fat in my diet. Feel free to friend me if you like. I iwsh you much success on your journey.
  • BlessedMystique
    BlessedMystique Posts: 108 Member
    Hi!! My highest weight was about 260. I started actively working on my weight
    at 239.8. I eat about 1500 calories a day. I try to burn at least 2500cals as per
    my BodyBug. I try to eat under 190g of carbs a day. I also watch my salt. No
    more than 2000mg of sodium and at least 1000mg potassium a day.
    I aim to drink 90-120oz of water a day (so at least 10cups)

    My weight now is around 207-209, it fluctuates when I do weight training
    My goal weight is between 155 and 160. I'm 5'6.5

    Good luck on your journey!!!
  • rlynnst
    Hi i started out at 275. Right Now I am at 225. I havebeen working out atthe Y and using some Beachbody products. I have BodyGospel and Turbo jams. I love them both.Turbo is really easy for starting out.Iuse the meal replacement shake from them also.
    I have cut out sweets, alot of carbs and am eating more vegetables. I lost the first 15 from a new job( working in kennels at a vets office), and then the next I was on the HCg diet and lost 15 from that. I love excercise . My goal is to be under 200.
  • linemansgirl
    I started at 265 and right now my goal is 155, 150 at the lowest. I actually reached my goal in October 2009, then found out I was pregnant with my 8 month old the same week! :laugh: I have before and after pictures in my profile. The close up face shot was at 155, the week where I reached my goal and found out I was pregnant! :laugh:

    I have been nursing a baby throughout my journey, first my three year old and currently my 8 month old son. So that might make my calories a bit higher, but I eat between 1550-2000 calories a day depending on my exercise. I am currently doing the 30 day shred 6 days a week, then walking/jogging 2-3 miles on the treadmill for a total workout of around an hour. My hubby and I are planning on starting P90x soon. My current eating plan is called God made/Man made. For two days I eat completely clean, whole foods. Then on day three I can eat less clean if I want, but I still stay within my calories.

    What has helped me the most with being successful is to realize that I am human, and I will have days that I struggle and fall. I have to remember to pick myself up the next day, dust myself off and KEEP ON GOING!!!!!! This journey is a marathon, not a sprint!

    Keep encouraged! You CAN do it!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Welcome to the journey!! I started out at 242 in May 2010, am currently 210, and my goal is 160. I viewed this journey as a lifestyle change vs. a diet.

    I've changed up what I've eaten, without entirely cutting out the things I love. A lot of portion control and making better decisions. Some food items I've swapped out for healthier options (i.e., lower sugar ketchup). I generally eat about 1300-1400 net calories/day.

    I exercise 5 or 6 times a week. I've used all the Beachbody programs. I started with P90X in May, ChaLEAN Extreme in September, tried Hip Hop Abs for a few weeks in January, and am currently using TurboFire. In March, I plan to start the ChaLEAN Extreme/TurboFire Hybrid.

    I lost 17 inches in my first 30 days of ChaLEAN Extreme -- love it

    The biggest thing I've noticed was during ChaLEAN Extreme, I was toning my muscles. While I lost 18 pounds on that program alone in three months, I lost over 23 inches because the lean muscle was replacing the fatty fat. That's a big reason why I'm going to add it back into my program in March!!

    Good luck on your journey!! MFP is a great source for information, ideas, and support!!
  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member
    I was right around that weight and lost about 50-55 pounds. My goal is 160 so i feel good that half the battle is over....but we started doing biggest loser at my job. Your not gonna like what I have to say but I kept on a very strict 1200-1500 calorie diet...eating 3 balanced meals and 3 snacks a day.

    Breakfast- Coffee and wake up wrap (egg and cheese)
    Snack - granola bar of some sort or the quaker rices cakes (carmel is my favorite)
    Lunch - Aronolds sandwich thins, turkey, cheese and mustard with sunchips and a pudding or yogart
    snack - granola bar or quaker rice cakes
    Dinner- salmon, vegatables and sometimes rice or potatoes
    Snack - bryers smooth and creamy chocolate dipped bars

    This is typical of what I would eat on any given day. Of course, I might have baked chicken instead of salmon or a poptart instead of my wrap. I started doing Zumba about 3 times a week mixed with an abs class twice a week. It is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do but I know the weight came off the way it was suppose to and I am doing it the right way. I have done about 1000 differrent fad diets and I always gained the weight back. It has been a year and I'm on my second round of biggest loser and I am down 14 pounds already. I did have to pick up some more cardio classes so I go to Body combat and Zumba. I also throw a body pump class in as well to help with my muscles and skin. My body got used to Zumba so I needed more. You can do it!!!! Keep it up!!!!!!!!!
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    I'm probably shorter than you... but started at almost 240 and trying to get to 130, so we have similar goals. I am trying to exercise more often than not (Walk Away the Pounds and boxing with Gold's Cardio Gym on the Wii right now, walking/running outside in the warmer weather). I am trying for less processed foods but don't always make that goal (definitely not this week!). Basically I try to keep sodium under 2300 (I'm gradually lowering that, I started at MFP's 2500 recommendation), fiber above 25, and carbs/proteins/fat basically in line (I have them set at 45/25/30... aiming for a little less carbs due to insulin resistance). Oh, and I try for 8 glases of water a day too. :)

    Feel free to friend request me as well if you want to!
  • princess4mimi
    Q) I would love to meet up with other women who started in the 250s and are trying to get to the 150-160 ranges.

    A) Hi I'm 5'6.5 or ( 5'7) and I am aiming for 145Lb or so, I started out at 240 Lbs and current weight is 228Lbs.

    Q) How many calories are you eating?

    A) I am eating about 1480 Calories a day, and do occasionally go over. At other times I don't necessarily go over by mistake, because I sometimes eat back some (NOT ALL) but some of my exercise/workout calories. Basically if I'm hungry.

    Q) Has that changed as you've lost weight?

    A) I'm still a beginner so I not yet, I only became serious and organized about losing the weight using this website in late December 2010 early January 2011. SO maybe about 6-8 weeks or so. In that time I'm down 12LBS.

    Q) What kinds of foods are you avoiding, and what kinds of foods are staples?

    A) I am pretty much on a Calorie Watching type of diet. For example I generally avoid Candies, Chocolates, Cakes etc. BUT every 1 and 1/2 to 2 weeks I reward myself with a piece of one of them...NOT ALL and I log it and still have leftover calories because it was a great week or two and good day and I've earned that reward. So basically that's the part about moderation verses deprivation. My staples are rice, vegetables and either chicken or fish mostly, I do occasionally have a different meat group such as a piece of beef or pork but that might be twice a month if that much. I am Caribbean so rice is a big staple food for me. However often I will have a HUGE SALAD with some Grilled Chicken and that will also hold me for half a day or more. I haven't been able to work towards 6-8small meals. Thought research shows that's the best diet plan. It keeps your metabolism very Hyperactive which is a good thing. I am a nurse so it's very difficult in my setting for me to achieve this.

    I have however managed to eat a light breakfast to kick start my metabolism (plus I'm not a big breakfast lover). A heavy lunch so that I can leave work and head to the gym, then get home and eat a light dinner. If I'm still hungry when I leave work, then I have dinner first and then go to the gym. You've got to listen to your body, it knows what it needs and when it needs it.

    Q) Do you exercise, and if so, how often, how much?

    Yes I do exercise. I have my goals set up to 4-5 times per week, but unfortunately fall off that wagon at times and only make it to exercise 3-4 times per week, and occasionally less. BUT when I go to the gym I always aim for 30-min and from there when the time is running short if I feel like "My Body" can do more and my mind wants to do more I keep going. So often times my work outs last between 45min-70min. (Perhaps that makes up for the inconsistency from week to week)

    Q) If you've been successful, what has helped you the most?

    A) Browsing other members success stories, pages, forum posts, BEFORE and AFTER pics....all of those things keep me going. Even when I feel like giving up, I call it a bad day, I browse all of the above and I get back to my routine the next day. In other words it becomes a Mental Day of Rest. A few of my MFP friends and I have a shared motto "Tomorrow is another day"

    GOOD Luck in your journey and much success to you, hope that feedback from this MFP freshman can be helpful to you sometime down the line.

    Cheers to you for making a Healthy Decision!!!:drinker:
  • gaeljo
    gaeljo Posts: 223 Member
    I started out at 228 and my goal is 155. I've lost 43 pounds so far. If you'd like to connect, that would be great. I am a vegetarian and a triathlete. I started a year ago, it took me a year to lose the weight I've lost so far. I'm very tall, so I'm not significantly overweight anymore, just 12 more pounds and I won't be overweight any longer. But, I still have more I want to lose because it'll be easier on my joints for training. If you'd like to connect, that would be great. I find having fitness goals to be a huge help.
  • knowmydestiny
    knowmydestiny Posts: 104 Member
    I started at 270 the 2nd week of January. I have lost 8 pound so far. I aim for 1900 calories/ day. I have been adding lots of vegetables and fruit and try to log the food everyday. I work out at home with the biggest loser and 30-day shred dvd's 5-6 days a week. Feel free to add me and we can keep each other on track.
  • Phoenyxtears
    Hello!!!! I started at 275 and aiming for 130. MFP has my calorie limit at 1600, but I try to make my net calorie intake at least 1200 (minimum required for body to keep functioning). I've lost 27 lbs since Jan. 3rd and haven't changed much from my diet. I ignore all fast foods and try to stay away from sodas. I still don't eat a lot of veggies (which I really need to change), but my fruit intake has remained about the same...I've always loved fruit. I use the EA Active series on Wii mostly and now that the weather is nice (I'm in Texas hahaha), I plotted a mile and a half walk around my neighborhood and am starting to walk that.

    Feel free to add me!