milestone hit today

I hit a milestone today. I was at the gym on the treadmill walking at my usual 4.5 and decided it was time to raise that to 5.5 and try to run. I officially made it my first full mile running. I got off, ran to my hubby, told him I did it and decided I could do it again. So back to the treadmill I went and ran a second mile at 5.7. 3 months ago I tried to run and didnt make it .10 of a mile. I am so proud of myself this morning.


  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    well done you,keep it up as well soon we will have you running!!!!
  • jenamglen
    jenamglen Posts: 4 Member
    Wow, that is awesome. I have been in a slump for the last 2 weeks and seeing you post this is inspiring.
  • Ignotus
    Keep up the great work!!
  • ace175
    ace175 Posts: 518 Member
    Awesome!!!! Keep up the great work!
  • MichelleWagner50
    MichelleWagner50 Posts: 240 Member
    Way to go!! :flowerforyou:
    I also ran a mile outside today and want to go again to see if I can make it. I really want to run a 5k in about 4 weeks.
    Just goes to prove that we can do anything we put our minds too!!
  • jennyjennbug
    woohoo wtg keep it up:bigsmile:
  • dawny78
    dawny78 Posts: 132 Member
    Well done the tredmill actually scares me so your doing a fantastic job
  • ObviousIndigo
    ObviousIndigo Posts: 382 Member
    That is an incredible achievement! WTG:)
  • Eyvette1
    Eyvette1 Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks for all the support. Let me just say...IF I CAN DO IT SO CAN YOU!!! I always said I could not and I am not looking back.
  • julesandrich
    julesandrich Posts: 188 Member
    That is awesome! Great job!!!!:smile:
  • MsMouseMouse
    MsMouseMouse Posts: 92 Member
    Congratulations on this milestone. what an accomplishment to be sure. My treadmill arrived today. I have tried the gym thing and then have two excuses to use.. don't want to go out on snowy cold days, hot humid days, just plain nice days... etc.. plus not really wanting to exercise. So I thought if I bought a treadmill and it was there looking at me then I might just be able to get myself on it.
    Hoping hubby will have it all together for me soon and will be able to have my maiden walk this evening. I now will have a be in good enough shape to run for 1 mile and still be breathing at the end of it ... some day... like Eyvette1 was able to do.. Thank you for sharing..