Got any exercise ideas?

guitargirl2011 Posts: 7
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
I've been trying to figure out a good workout for myself but i'm fairly new to this. I used to use exercise videos but I really dislike them. Anyone have of any exercise routines that I could try?


  • try just dance 2 on the wii!!!! its actually fun
  • If you can find a Zumba class in your area, I highly recommend them. They are about the most fun you can have while burning calories and the time absolutely Flies. It might be enough to get you motivated to do more, too. Good Luck.:smile:
  • get a kettlebell and the book enter the kettlebell from Dragon door .com
  • Hanzo44
    Hanzo44 Posts: 23 Member
    sports with your friends? It doesn't even feel like working out, but once you are done, you have burnt some major Cals. Walking seems to be popular as its socializing too. Yoga is also very good for you and is spiritual, but expensive. I use to box and that is pretty high on the list of good cal burners. If youa re physical person (likes contact) Boxing is also a great way to blow off steam if you have had a stress filled day.
  • girlofsun26
    girlofsun26 Posts: 140 Member
    I usually walk on my treadmill and switch up the routine with some good music blaring in my ears and then I go to my on demand on tv and will pick a new video to try out..If I'm at my sisters house we play dance 2 or the Michael Jackson experience..Hell sometimes I'll just dance all crazy when nobody is around..Just moving is burning calories!!
  • surfinusa555
    surfinusa555 Posts: 6 Member
    Since you like guitar, play guitar while jumping up and down and running around, like they do in punk shows.
  • Limeinthecoconut
    Limeinthecoconut Posts: 234 Member
    Two words: skipping rope.

  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    Totally agree with toshiette!! Jump rope is cheap, you don't even have to do it in the gym, and you can start off slow and build up. It is great cardio and strengthens so many muscles. I have been doing it for about 6 weeks and I love it! Other than that, check out, she has lots of great workouts you can adapt for your level of fitness.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    team sports (like volleyball, hockey etc)
    spinning / RPM
    Body Pump
    Body Combat
    Body Attack
    skipping rope
    free weights
    boxing / sparring / pad work
    martial arts

    there are any number of things out there. Just find something you like.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Everyone likes different things. The important thing is to find something you enjoy and do it 3-5 times per week. I love Zumba, Power Pump, and Boot Camp. Well I love the Zumba anyway. I just love what the other two do for my shape. :)
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