Bikram Yoga 30 Day Challenge in March - are you in?

mpnyc Posts: 3
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
Hello Beach body 2011!

I'm signing up for a 30 day Bikram Yoga Challenge in March. I'm reaching out to see if anyone else is doing the same thing? It's an excellent opportunity for keeping track of our diet, exercises as well as supporting each other during this month. I'm thinking weekly or maybe daily posts, hollars and chants!

Anyone up for it?




  • bettyboop573
    bettyboop573 Posts: 610 Member
    sounds cool but I dont think we have that many classes around here lol
  • I started about a week ago... I have a 30 day memebership, but they do not offer childcare so no way I can go everyday. I have a question for ya too... How do you enter this in your fitness diary???
  • mpnyc
    mpnyc Posts: 3
    Nice ! If you aim to make it to class as frequently as possible you'll still be doing more yoga than usual, right? Making it to class 4-5 days a week isn't too bad.
    I use the iphone app and just enter Bikram Yoga under 'Exercise'.
    There's been some questioning about how much calories one burns during a class. I set it for 500 calories (according to a bikram site that calculates how much you burn, I get rid of 930 cal, but that sounds way too much).

  • Gosh, with the amount you sweat, 900+ seems perfect to me! hahaha! I finished my 2nd class tonight, and I want to enter it. I don't have an Iphone to get that app., and it didn't come up otherwise. Guess I'll just enter it as 90 minutes, 600 calories?
  • Hi, where are you practicising? I practice in Balham, south west London in London, UK, and have just paid for my 30 day challenge.

  • mpnyc
    mpnyc Posts: 3
    Shirley: Sweet ! I'm in Brooklyn, New York. I'm so excited about it ! When is your challenge starting? Mine starts March 1st.

    Shellat: It depends actually, nowadays I don't sweat as much. I may be due to the heater system being different here than the studio I used to go to before. Or the fact that my body has adapted to the heat and doesn't sweat as much. Therefor 900 seemed way too much for me as you mostly loose water.
  • I wore a heart rate monitor to my 90 min bikram class and it said i burnt 925 cals. So their website might be right!
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