Calling all CYSTERS!!

Aubers Posts: 39 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Wondering if any of you with PCOS have been successful in obtaining your goal weight and maintaining it?

I was just recently diagnosed and am trying to stay positive about my weight loss goals knowing it may be harder for me considering I have this condition. My OBGYN does not want to put me on Metformin, so right now I'm doing it all on my own in hopes I can still be successful! Thought about low carb diets, heard really good things about them, but right now I'm doing fairly well with MFP so I think I shall stick with it a little longer.


  • AnnaleisJ
    AnnaleisJ Posts: 50 Member
    He there!

    I was diagnosed last June and lost 19lbs so far - all thanks to this site. I am about 3lbs from my GW and at the moment I am worried about whether I will be able to maintain but I can definitely say that this site has been a massive help in getting me this far. I'm still eating pretty much a normal diet but everything in moderation and have changed bread, rice, pastas to wholemeal/wholewheat alternatives which in theory is better for you and I don't even notice the difference.

    If you need any support I'm here for you :o)
  • I'm on Metformin right now. Flo had been gone since Nov, so I did 8 days of Provera to bring her back. I did my Day 3 bloodwork yesterday!!! I start Clomid tomorrow for days 5-9. Then lots of BDing and finger crossing!

    The only diets plans that I've been able to lose weight on have been low carb plans. I'm on the Slow Carb diet now and losing about a pound a week on the scale, but more importantly, I'm seeing my measurements drop as well.
  • kookla33
    kookla33 Posts: 234
    On the Dr. Oz show, he was saying people who have PCOD are often vitamin D deficient and to have your levels tested. I'm not a Dr., but thought I would pass this info. on if it can be helpful to any of you.
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    Ive been able to get to my goal weight (a few years ago), and I think I was there for about 2 days lol.

    Im about 15 pounds away now.....It's always a struggle, but if you stay on the ball and don't get too out of control, everything will be fine.

    We haven't been trying to have children yet so I'm not sure how body body is going to work in that department. I asked a Dr. and they said since I lost most of the weight I shouldn't worry about it, but it's hard not to :-/
  • Nope! I have been successful losing weight. Just not maintaining it...I don't manage my symptoms well at all!! But I refuse to give up and I refuse to let it win!!!
  • Aubers
    Aubers Posts: 39 Member
    I've been doing pretty good with MFP and tons of cardio. But I'm wondering if I would do better if I started watching carbs also. I have also considered something called carb intercept... read good things about it, just don't know if it will help with me considering I have PCOS. We shall see. So happy to have people I can talk to and have them relate with this condition! :)
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