Husbands: The good and the bad hehe



  • maffydavison
    maffydavison Posts: 51 Member
    The good: He is warm and kind and supports me no matter what. He didn't complain or criticize me when I gained weight. He put up with 1/2 marathon training and my goofy work out schedule. He's a chef who purposely lightens recipes he makes for me to fit into my calorie budget. He makes me laugh, and reads to me at night with a deep, resonant baritone voice.

    The bad: He is super hard on himself and gets so depressed. He won't talk about it when he's upset, and just carries around the anger (at himself) for all the faults he perceives in himself. I just wish I could get through to him how amazing he is.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    The good:
    He's my biggest fan, totally supportive of my training and absolutely wonderfully supportive about my weight loss. Because of his job we often only see each other on weekends, and he always makes a point to notice when I've lost weight and tells me he's proud of me. He's a naturally clean eater and doesn't buy any rubbish that would jeopardise my efforts. He loves my cooking and he's a naturally active person and we understand each other's training etc. He's a fiendishly fast triathlete and doing his 6th Ironman in August, but he never ever made my efforts seem less worthy in any way.

    The bad:
    He can eat like someone with hollow legs and will still always be 10% body fat. LOL
  • lahzay
    lahzay Posts: 22 Member
    well, finance, good: He is really sweet, never called me fat or overweight and tells me I look skinny after I work out, lol.
    bad: he thinks I shouldn't count calories and is always(always!) trying to get me to eat junk food with him or eat more in general. It's frustrating to keep saying no, that's unhealthy.
  • forttc
    forttc Posts: 26 Member
    The good is that my husband says he's supportive of my weight loss. He has started to join me in exercising, which I love.

    The bad is that we have a different idea of what supportive is. It's not eating cream filled donuts, chips, ice cream, and candy bars in front of my face.

    I'm determined to lose this weight no matter what he puts in front of me. No more excuses.
  • The good regarding my husband, hmmm I'd have to say that he's put up with me for years, seriously......he never left my side when battling breast cancer, he went to every appointment.

    The bad, where do I begin........
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