Newbie Here HI

Well I just found this site during dinner time. I knew I gained wieght, but until I s tepped on the scale on Friday, I did not realize that I was close to my first pregnancy weight. Very concerning, since I had gained 80 lbs with my first pregnancy and that was 14 years ago. Wasn't to thrilled with that.
I know I have to something about my weight and low metabolism and get back into shape. I am hoping to get the support through this site and reach our goals together.:bigsmile:


  • Nikayla11209
    I know how you feel and this site and some support will help you get back on track in no time, good luck!
  • missris9644
    missris9644 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks Nikayla 11209, I know this site will help. :-)