Dislike Fruit and Veg

Hi everyone.

I hope someone can help me because if I can get it sorted it will make everything a lot easier.

My problem is simple - I don't like fruit and veg!!

Is there any way that I can train my body to enjoy them. Then I can bulk out my meals with lots of healthy low calorie stuff.

Really hope that someone can help.


Luv Kat


  • seasandskies
    seasandskies Posts: 1 Member
    I really hope someone has an answer to this! I would love to know. My boyfriend and I are trying to lose weight together, and he just simply hates fruit and likes one or two vegetables.

    It'd be great to know if someone else has overcome this somehow.
  • amylanphierd
    amylanphierd Posts: 20 Member
    I don't know if this will help or not, but studies have shown that it takes something like 15 attempts before a baby will like a new food, so you could continue to try the fruits and veggies until you learn to like it. I have to force myself to eat some of them too, but I want to set a good example for my children, so I continue to eat them.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    There's got to be a least one fruit or veggie that you like. Start by working that into your diet as often as you can. Next, try preparing the ones you think you don't like in a new and different way, you may be surprised. Third, some veggies can be blended into something like spaghetti sauce and hide there. Lastly, blend up some fruit smoothies. Good luck :)
  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    I like very few fruits and vegetables too. Try fruit smoothies. I make one with bananas, strawerries (which I would never by themselves), soy milk, ice, and soy protein powder. I also drink vegetable broth and I like baby carrots plain or with low fat ranch dip. I find I have less objection to fruits and vegetables when they're raw as opposed to cooked. For instance, I'll eat a spinach salad with a good vidalia onion dressing, boiled egg, and some bacon bits, but I would never eat cooked spinach -- yuck! I'll also eat a raw apple but don't like apple pie or baked apples. Good luck!
  • fatsnacker
    fatsnacker Posts: 209 Member
    I never used to like them either but I started putting HP sauce on all my vegetables - so you can hardly taste them.

    20 years on, I can now eat my veg raw or boiled.

    p.s. I was told that you only need to eat something 17 times for you to eventually like it !
  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    I really think part of it is age. I started introducing fruits and veggies in my diet in my 30's - never ate them prior. Now I love all kinds of vegetables and fruits - 20 years later. Unfortunately the carbs continued to play a big part of my diet during those 20 years. Start anywhere - get creative - you'll surprise yourself with what you might actually like!!
  • sauza
    sauza Posts: 159 Member
    eating small amounts, oh you know, choking them on down :), and the good news is you will be tolerant and next thing you know you will like them. There were some that were really good for me that I wanted to like but didn't ate them anyway, and then one day I noticed that I was looking forward to a food I used to dread.
  • SweatinSammie
    When I started MFP I was not a big fan of fruits and veggies and this may be a disappointing answer BUT - it just takes time. Your body will start to crave them and you'll learn that you can eat SO many vegetables at lunch, dinner & snacks for such a low amount of calories that you'll want to incorporate them :)
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    I am not a huge fan of fruit (I only really like kiwi's, strawberrys and pineapple which are expensive and not all that low in calories!!)

    I didn't eat veg and salad until a few years ago and even now I still cannot eat lettuce, tomatoes, cabbage, brussel sprouts BUT I am doing a lot better.

    My advice would be to try some variations.

    I found that I love corgette, red pepper and white onion diced and stir-fried in a teeny amount of olive-oil and a litle balsamic vinegar...

    Green beans an broccoli taste great with a little garlic? Or you can add herbs...

    New potatoes are amazing when tossed with a little red onion, some yellow pepper and a some fresh chilli's..

    Salad I normally have rocket or mixed leaves with cucumber, raw peppers and red onion... You get a massive portion for very little calories. Also a teeny amount of dressing can jazz up even the most boring of salad (or a little feta cheese) or some shredded chicken.

    Try beetroot or fresh radishes or even fennel to for different tastes....

    My rule is the more colour there is in my salad / veg the better!
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    Look for new ways of preparing something you dislike. I thought that I hated broccoli. I never liked it as a child, and I know my mother made me eat it more than 15 times. But she would always boil it until it was mushy and then lay slices of American cheese over it. Much later, as an adult, I was served steamed broccoli with NO cheese, and was pleasantly surprised. Turns out I LOVE broccoli. What I dislike (no matter how many times I eat it) is American cheese singles, yuck! Also. boiled mushy broccoli is quite unpleasant.

    So, if you dislike fresh salads, try the greens wilted. If you dislike canned vegetables, try the fresh or frozen kind. If you dislike fresh oranges, try using them in cooking.

    You may discover that something you thought you hated, you like just fine when it's prepared another way.
  • deeanne22
    did reply but post vanished.

    I used to hate some veg and raisins and apples but as I am determined to lose weight my meal plan makes me eat salad, fruit and veg daily.

    Once you eat something regularly you get used to it and I even enjoy celery, apples and raisins that i hated before
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    You have received some great advice here.

    I always hated peppers but kept giving them a go. Now I love them. It really is a case of retraining yourself.
  • deeanne22
    also i find smoothies disguise the individual tastes and you could try adding veg to bolognese or something so you dont get the full on taste
  • 3LittleMonkeys
    3LittleMonkeys Posts: 373 Member
    Are you eating canned, frozen or fresh veggies? How are you preparing them?

    I agree with the smoothie idea with the fruit. That is an excellent idea.
  • mpdes
    mpdes Posts: 40
    Same for me, I love fruits (obvioulsy probably because of the sugary taste) but HATE vegetables. I can eat only a few. I try to eat the ones I can tolerate, then I try to introduce one new veggie a year in my diet. For the ones I can stand but can't eat boiled or raw, I tried to make them super tiny and include them in a recipe. Even if you put half of what the recipe indicates, it's definitely a good way to start! :)
  • murrow1105
    murrow1105 Posts: 19 Member
    If you're using canned, switch to fresh or frozen.

    Cut them up small and "hide" them in things - spaghetti sauce is a great vehicle for this kind of thing!

    Vary the way you make them - I hate all boiled, mushy veggies. Some I like steamed, but I love most all of them roasted in the oven with a tiny bit of olive oil (or spray!) and some garlic and herbs.

    My boyfriend used to be picky about veggies and fruit too, but I've varied the way I make them and he's started enjoying them!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    My partner hated veggies (except green beans and even those needed to be drowned in butter, bacon and salt). So we initiated a contest...he picks a veggie and I buy a supply. We then compete with each other for the most creative, healthy and tasty way to utilize that veggie.

    We grill them, kebob them, broil them, bake them. We sautee with olive oil, we use capers and lemon, we season with curry, or sea salt, or cracked pepper, or parmesan or asiago cheese. We have an overflowing spice cabinet!! We mix with pasta, put over baked potatoes, stir fry with chicken or beef, we make salsa, we make a paste with seasonings and put on pita bread, we wrap in turkey bacon or chop up with chicken sausage.

    Sometimes we bomb out and both go...ewww...but very frequently, he discovers a new veggie he can eat and we have a lot of fun competing.

    But the biggest thing was that he didn't just go...no, I HATE veggies, forget it, not eating any of them!! He was willing to try and make the effort, and learn a whole new way of eating.
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    I drink low sodium V8 when I can't/ don't get my veggies in. If you don't like the taste of it...add it to spaghetti sauce or chili. I add a 2 cups of V8 to my spaghetti sauce and my son and husband have no idea. There are other versions of V8 available too (V8 Fusion). Just make sure you are getting the "lite" or "diet" one with less sugar.