60 pounds in 6 months

I'm getting married in July and I want to lose 60 lbs before then, I started 4 weeks ago and I'm down 13lbs now. Do you think this is a reachable goal?


  • georgiagorwell
    I'd say so, my goal is to lose 10 pounds a month, I lost 5 in the first week so I hope it is possible!!
  • Mamaheatherhg
    i know its possible, in my first month i lost 15lbs
  • doesgo
    doesgo Posts: 15 Member
    If you stick to it, definitely yes! My wife and I are both losing a little over 10 pounds a month and have been doing so for 4-5 months now.
  • CynthiaCollin
    CynthiaCollin Posts: 406 Member
    I think anything is possible ! It will depend on your dedication to this goal. I had a goal of 53 lbs.... I started in November and I lost a total of 31 lbs so far....I have 22 lbs left to go and I am hoping to have it gone by the end of April.....but it will be how much effort and what my body wants to do that will in the end decide ! I think you could lose a good chunk of your before your wedding ! Good luck ! You can do it !

  • bbb84
    bbb84 Posts: 418 Member
    Maybe not 60, that's very ambitious but if you stick to 2lbs a week (healthy reccomendation), roughly 4 weeks in a month for 6 months (thats 24 weeks *2lbs) thats nearly 50 right there. So, I think with hard work and dedication you can achieve the result of being smaller, happy and healthier. Remember its not all about the lb's, as you gain muscle you can lose inches.... you may not need 60lbs to look the way you want to look. Good luck to you and Congrats on getting married. Be sure to post pics for all to see.
  • CarterGrt
    CarterGrt Posts: 289 Member
    I would say it is a very ambitious goal. Others will have more context on this. For myself, I know that when I started, I lost weight faster than I do now. So, I am not sure you can plan for an even 2.5 lbs per week. Some weeks will be more productive than others.

    I know you can make a substantial change in this time-period and wish you the best. For that kind of loss, it might also be a good idea to work with a trainer to make sure you don't get an injury from over-training or have any health issues.

    Good Luck and Congrats!!!

  • amehrkens
    amehrkens Posts: 162 Member
    Yes, I think it is possible! I have lost almost 40lbs since Christmas. Just stink with it and don't give up!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Possibly. Remember the smaller you get the slower the weight loss.
  • shastar
    shastar Posts: 21 Member
    I also have been trying to figure how long it will take me to lose it all going at the current weigh loss rate I have been. After I have faithfully stuck to my calorie input and burn calories, logging it all in, I took the amount of weeks it took me to lose the first ten pounds, gave me an average per week. Then I took how many pounds I want to lose and divided it by my average loss per week and got a idea of when I could reach my goal. Does that make sense?

    Of course it is going to be more difficult to lose at the end because you will not be dragging all the extra weight with you, unless you strap weights to your ankles while you are at home. Putting 2 pounds weights on your wrists while working out also helps.