
I've gone back to reguar workouts after surgery!! I am working out 4 to 5 times a week. I'm staying within my calories and have huge amounts of calories left over on my days I workout! I'm gaining weight!!! I just don't get it???????????? What am I doing wrong?????


  • ShellyKay67
    ShellyKay67 Posts: 489 Member
    sounds as if you have huge amounts of calories left after working out that you are not feeding your body enough....
    which means it will hang on to everything you eat rather than burning it off!
  • flutterqueen04
    Have you measured yourself to see if your losing inches? If your still losing inches but not weight your doing great! What does your workouts consist of? If you are doing strength training then you are probably gaining muscle - which as we all know weighs more than fat. Try not to go by your scale for a while and go by inches lost. Pretty soon all that muscle your building will help you blast away fat and you'll start to see it on the scale. :happy: Also make sure you are eating 1200 or more and NOT a calorie less. If you dip below 1200 you put your body into starvation mode and thus it hoards fat to feed itself. Hang in there. :)
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    I was also working out 5 to 7 days a week and NOT losing! I was super frustrated. I was eating too FEW calories! I started eating more and have lost two pounds since.
    I also have been eating more frequently and not skipping breakfast,
    There is lots of debate about "eating your exercise calories", but for me, I have to net 1400 to 1600 cals a day to lose. I was netting 900-1200 before and wasn't losing, just gaining.
    And yes, measure :)
  • Ctyndall81
    Are you taking any medication that could be causing weight gain? Or are you eating to few calories? I have to switch it up to lose. I eat just under my calorie goal one day then just over the next so my body doesnt go into starvation mode and hold all my calories. I also make sure I dont workout every day... and I switch my workouts up... something different everyother day.. if we stay on the same diet or excersise it becomes normal for our bodies and the weight loss will slow down. At least it does for me. Could also just be time to build more muscle first. Maybe do some strength training with weights or resistence bands for a bit. Your picture looks great! Im sure it will turn around soon. Good luck and confuse your body with different food and excercise and it will come off! Keep your chin up! :)
  • kaylynn723
    kaylynn723 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks all!!! Yes, I admit sometimes it may be to few calories although I'm staying at or above 1200. I mix up my workouts between step aerobics, kick boxing, elliptical, and stregth training, even pilates!! I had to take 4 weeks off after sugery and been back two weeks. I'm going on vacation in 3 weeks, and wanted to take off a few before then!!! I will just keep at it!!! : )