hate to exercise!! but trying my best to change that

Ok I Hate Hate Hate to exercice but am trying really really hard to change that!! Here is my problem I do walk on the treadmill for about 20mins and then I am bored to death!!! I can usually do a mile in that time. I know that I need to increase my time on the treadmill but how do I get over the hump?? Any suggestions!! I was thinking about doing 20 mins in the am and 20 in the pm. Would this be just as effective? :sad:


  • kgillikin
    kgillikin Posts: 191 Member
    People say that eventually you will start loving to exercise. My question is when? I started exercising in September and still HATE it.
  • cjbribri2
    I think Breaking it up would be ok. I walk my dog every morning for about an hour, it used to get boring, but then I added my mp3 player to listen to music so now I get caught up in the music so I don't really notice the time.
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    Put on your favorite upbeat workout music and just go...I would be lost without my iPod on those machines. Also, it would probably help to find a workout program that you love...there are tons of stuff out there ie., Zumba, Kickboxing, Strength Training, Step classes, workout DVD's...
  • ugogirl1234
    Do you own an ipod? If so, download music that have a fast tempo or just some of your favorites. Music is a great motivator. You can also watch television assuming a TV is nearby.
  • tammy200678
    tammy200678 Posts: 201 Member
    I think u need to find something u like i do zumba on my ps 3 do not even feel like i am working out i feel if u get bored eventually u will give up that is how it is with my and try a variety of things i also have a elliptical and treadmill do not use as much just for that reason :happy:
  • loveshannonmarie
    loveshannonmarie Posts: 30 Member
    Put headphones on and focus on the music it'll make time go by wayyy faster.. Also try not to look down at the time I cover it with my hoodie so I can't look at it then it just seems like time is dragging for sure
  • anemoneflynn
    For stationary workouts like walking / biking, I need a book. :-D Running makes it a lot harder to read, though. If you can listen to podcasts, there are a lot of free audio story programs out there like Escape Pod and Podiobooks.com has lots and lots of free audio books. Those are awesome for me, because they keep me engaged while moving.
  • amylanphierd
    amylanphierd Posts: 20 Member
    I walk for 20 in the morning and 20 minutes in the afternoon during my breaks at work and it seems to be working quite well for me. I've read that as long as you heart rate is accelerated for more than 10 minutes at a time then it "counts" as excercise. I'm not a fan of excercise either, but it is now just a part of my day.
  • Maztastic
    I listen to my radio whilst walking. I tune in to our local radio station and find out things that are going on locally. I often pick up ideas for things to do in the evening which is the time I would be most likely to eat for the sake of it. So it's a win, win.

    If you dislike exercise have you tried exercising with friends. Maybe a walk together? You'll be so busy chatting you won't notice the exercise.
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    Music motivates me as well as changing the pace I walk at, or incline, to keep it interesting.

    20 minutes is actually where you body starts burning fat.
    I used to work at a physical therapy center and this is what the PT always told people. Today it might be a little out dated but I personally feel it is accurate from personal experience.
    When you start exercising the first
    3 minutes your body burns oxygen. For the next
    19 minutes our body burns carbs and sugars that are readily available. Finally at that
    22 minute mark you body starts to burn fat.

    Thats usually when people start to get tired and want to stop, because your body is working harder to burn that fat. If you can keep it up to about 45 minutes (just moving, not even working hard), usually around the 2 mile mark, you'll get and adrenalin/endorphin rush a.k.a a "runners high" that may make you feel like you don't want to stop. Or that it at least doesn't hurt any more. I always feel great after I exercise due to that rush. This doesn't happen at the same point for everyone but it is one of the reasons runners like to run.
  • tats76
    Here are my suggestions - I plug in a movie (usually an action or Disney - love the songs!) and put my treadmill right in front of the boob-tube. Or, I'll put my buds in and listen to really upbeat music to get me in a good mood and ready to go!

    Or, if you don't like the treadmill, find something you do like! Turns out I love, love, LOVE racquetball, so my brother and I play every Saturday. So, it's definitely exercise, but it's so much fun that I never dread it. I look forward to it.

    I also work out with a personal trainer and work out 2x a week with him. If you don't want a trainer and go to a gym, find someone to work out with - someone who REALLY wants to be dedicated.

    And if nothing else, there are some pretty good DVDs out there if that's your thing. They are usually pretty upbeat with lots of pep-talking. :happy:
  • bbb84
    bbb84 Posts: 418 Member
    I think the others are on to something. Maybe the treadmill is not for you. Personally I love to dance and I love Zumba for that reason, you break and sweat and you dont even realize that an hour has gone by. Find something fun that keeps you moving.
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    I totally agree with everyone that music is a great way to help with motivation. Or tv, if you have the right set-up for it.
    But also, if you're bored with your workout, try throwing something new and unexpected in the mix. Do a dance video, yoga, kickboxing, etc, just for some variety so you keep going back!
  • Dmonique85
    Music & or books help. I MUCH prefer the elliptical...it's more interesting than the treadmill. Make sure you are eating good foods (fruits veggies whole grains) this makes a big difference (gives the energy you need). I have seriously been noticing the difference when I don't have a good breakfast before I go to the gym (I feel better sometimes if I don't eat at all & go early burns more calories).
  • Dmonique85
    ALSO!! Treat yourself to the hot tub or steam room afterwards...that can sometimes be good motivation. :) Good luck!
  • Dmonique85
    ALSO!! Treat yourself to the hot tub or steam room afterwards...that can sometimes be good motivation. :) Good luck!
  • carollane
    carollane Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the good tips! I will grab one of my daughters ipods when I get on the treadmill and I am going to get me some dvds!!:drinker: