eat whatever you want in moderation.....must be for normal p

i was just wondering is there anybody who had to take things form there diet? i had to i can eat sugary stuff or bready stuff it like i have this sugar carb monster that lves in me so i don't eat it at all. i can be around it ALL day and not be tempted by it anymore. but i was at a friend party at the office and she brought all this cake and cookies i decline. she went on about this moderation thing and then she said it not normal and it like nobody understands that i have to avoid sugar like the plaugue. is there anybody else that like that or am i the only one because this "eat whatever you want in moderation" key does not work for me. i eat a set way because it helps control cravings and what nots but as southern as i am my biscuits and sweet tea days had to come to a end it was killing me. i do admire people who can do the moderation thing i look at them at awe when they just have one cookie or something and i like "how?" i don't get it. sometimes and no disrespect to other addictions, i think food addictions are the worst because you have to eat you don'tr need drugs and you dont need drinks but you have to eat. no way around it.


  • gingermim
    gingermim Posts: 58 Member
    I totally understand your dilemna...I too avoid rather than start the craving monster on a binge. And you are so right we have to eat but do not need to smoke or do drugs, alcohol etc.. Why not tell your friend that you have developed a food allergy to might get her off your back and its not totally untrue. BTW congrats on your loss so are a real success story.