
overweightIrish Posts: 7
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
just wondering is there anyone out there that still smokes or is there anyone that had to give it up for weight loss.


  • maybe this is a stupid question...but does smoking affect your weight loss? i know it absolutely affects your health. but are you saying it would inhibit weight loss?
  • I quit smoking a little over a year ago, and that is mostly the reason why I gained weight. However, even with the extra pounds quitting smoking was the best decision I have ever made.
  • It harms your fitness making it harder to exercise, otherwise it actually kills appetite so you don't want to eat as much
  • kac7700
    kac7700 Posts: 125 Member
    Most people gain a lot of weight when they quit smoking. I've read that your metabolism will slow temporarily, but as you get through those first few weeks, it recovers to normal. I quit and didn't gain any weight, but replaced smoking with running and working out, so that helped a lot.

    Sadly, my "quit" didn't stick because my husband was so jealous that I succeeded and he didn't that being his "smoking buddy" was necessary to save my marriage at that time. Dumb...I know. He's much more supportive now and realized he was being immature and selfish.
  • Kirstie_C26
    Kirstie_C26 Posts: 490 Member
    i am currently a smoker, but once ive lost the weight i want to lose( 2stone/ 48 lbs) i will re-assess my smoking habit :)
  • justann
    justann Posts: 276 Member
    Since smoking increases metabolism quitting smoking reduces metabolism.
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    i wish i could quit

  • Carissa83
    Carissa83 Posts: 33 Member
    I still smoke :( It's the one thing I wish I could change but just haven't yet.... I can run 10+ miles on the treadmill with no problem though. People at the gym are always shocked when they find out I smoke.
  • Missy_Monroe
    Missy_Monroe Posts: 23 Member
    I am currently a smoker. I agree that weight gain is often a side affect of quitting... although that is not really the reason i have not quit yet. It is more for my sanity. I find weight loss a bit stressful... especially since I am an emotional eater.... AND i also smoke when i am stressed.... so to maintain my sanity I can only kick one stress reliever at a time... I chose to go with food first. I will look at quitting once I reach my weight loss goals. I know I risk gaining back some weight... but I hope by then I have built a routine of healthy eating and exercise that I can maintain and lose any weight I gain from quitting.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Since your goal should be to lead a healthier life, not to simply get skinny, you should cut out smoking. I know a lot of people can gain weight when they quit smoking but it's mainly because they replace smoking with eating. They switch one addiction for another. Just make sure you only eat healthy foods: fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and low fat dairy. Drink lots of water.
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    Nonsmoker here, but I have a friend who is a longtime smoker and has had to (not wanted to) reduce her smoking in order to be able to do her exercise regimen. Maybe it will lead to complete cessation if it is a slow reduction...who knows...
  • I smoke and it does not affect my workout habits. I am hoping once I get healthy with eating and exercise, I will want to quit, but right now, I still find it enjoyable even though I know how unhealthy it is.
  • Nanadena
    Nanadena Posts: 739 Member
    I quit smoking 4 years ago. I had smoked for 37 years and never had to diet. I have gained weight since and now have over 20 lbs to lose. I would not go back to smoking to lose weight. It ages you and harms your body. Believe me, I loved smoking. Good luck to any of you who chooses to quit.
  • onelonegypsy
    onelonegypsy Posts: 9 Member
    I quit smoking and reduced my level of eating. It didnt work, I still put on 2 stone which is why I am here. I dont regret giving up the cigs.

    I have been smoking since I was twelve and I have only just given up recently (2 months in fact) and have been smoking for over 40 years. I am gradually losing weight so I can get back into my clothes. I refuse to buy new clothes for a bigger body and I wont go back to smoking. My body has a lot of readjusting to do but I will get there.

    You can do it.
  • I used to smoke and quit for a multitude of reasons, the biggest one being that I wanted to develop a healthier lifestyle. I was diagnosed with asthma when I was eleven and it progressed from exercised induced to full blown by the time I was fifteen. It never was really a problem until adulthood. I'm saying this because I never really thought of this before this year, especially when I was smoking and not to preach to anyone, but I think it's important to remember: BREATHING IS A PRIVILEGE. A lot of times we take this for granted, but take it from someone who has been battling bronchitis after bronchitis after bronchitis as well as the flu for months. Walking around and seeing people smoke makes me honestly envious of their lung capacity.
  • I quit smoking, started a diet, and began and excersize routine all the same day. I know that experts say you should not do all at once but it works for me. Each of us are different and we should know what works best for us. The last thing I wanted to do is to gain MORE weight. I have two very good friends that are dieting and working out with me, after the first two weeks - they lost 9 and 10 pounds - I gained 2!!! although discouraged - I stuck with it. Now one week later, I lost the two pounds AND 5 MORE!!! exciting!! Together each evening, we do a two mile interval walk (3X per week) and tae bo (2 X per week). additionally, I do a 1 mile interval walk each morning (7 X per week). Even though it seems to be harder for me to lose, I will NOT give up. By not smoking, I have lowered my metabolism and increased my appetite, but I refuse to let this take hold of me. I am 22 days smoke free and lost 5 pounds!! I WILL SUCEED at both!!
  • ChefJenn
    ChefJenn Posts: 350 Member
    i was a smoker for a long time. I quit when I met my husband b/c he told me that I could not have the wedding of my dreams if I did not quit smoking.. So, I quit and now its been 11yrs and I never went back to it and I did not gain weight.
    I stayed focused on being fit for the wedding and knowing I was going to be healthier in the long run.

    I do know some who have gained weight but I think its all in your mind and your choice. You can make bad choices to replace your smoking with food or you can make a smart choice and replace your smoking with WORKING OUT...
    We are here to give support, and live healthier lives..

    I dont think smoking is part of that change!
    Just sayin..
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    im a smoker, once i get my weight down, and healthier eating habits im going to attempt to quit.
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    I started smoking over the summer and can honestly say it was the second dumbest thing I've ever done. I started dropping a lot of weight at first mainly because I'd rather smoke then eat, and it made me not hungry even when I should have been eating. (Honestly to this day, when my tummy grumbles, I usually think about smokes and diet pop before food, SO stupid)

    I haven't quit yet, but I definitely want to. I tried and failed a few times because I really wasn't sure I wanted to, it was only a half *kitten* attempt.

    Quitting can lower your metabolism because it causes your heart rate to drop. And it does cause a lot of people to eat more instead of smoke. HOWEVER, it can also help you lose. Two of your liver's key functions are disposing of bodily toxins, AND metabolizing fats. If it's bogged down with the toxins, it's obviously not going to be metabolizing fats the way it should be. I keep telling myself this and I still haven't found the motivation to quit, but I feel like once I get more settled into this style of eating, and not so afraid I'll replace the cigs with cookies, I'll kick it once and for all.
  • JHoersten2
    JHoersten2 Posts: 44 Member
    I decided to change my life the day I got married.

    I made a plan to quit smoking, give myself 4 months to recoup, then start losing weight. Got married October 1st and haven't touched a cigarette since. Some say that people can't "just quit", but it's a willpower choice that you have to make. No one "needs" gum or patches, you just stop smoking. If you were shipwrecked on an island, you'd have no choice. :D

    Is it addictive? Sure, but how can you want to do something, and not have the power to do it? Same with weight loss. If you decide to live healthier and stop eating garbage, then you stop doing it. Put down the fork or the cigarette, and move on towards a better, happier life.
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