I really messed up



  • amyrc12
    amyrc12 Posts: 183 Member
    So many people focus on the one bad meal they ate instead of giving themselves credit for the DOZENS of good ones! Focus on how well you've done - not on a minor bump in the road.
  • KellieR56
    KellieR56 Posts: 135 Member
    it didn't go down the drain! you were just enjoying what life had to offer :] just hit the exercise machine and work it off! When people say work it off tomorrow, then it's bad if you leave your day as is. you can still work off those calories right now! it's never too late. I hope you enjoyed those fries ^.^ yummm
  • marniehodges
    It's only 1 meal!! It's not a train wreck, only a little derailment. You're not going to go the rest of your life without eating food like that. You are obviously doing an amazing job and big congrats to you!! Now get your caboose back on the track and eat a good dinner :wink: .
  • monica208
    I went 1000 cals over yesterday. It happens just start fresh from this moment. It's going to take time to change unhealthy eating habits. And besides a treat say is needed sometimes.
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    Do not feel bad! Today was a day of treats. Enjoy it and then try not to let it happen again for a month or so. Dion't be too hard on yourself,you can do this!
  • kdao
    kdao Posts: 265
    It's okay, we all have down days. Start fresh tomorrow. It doesn't matter if we fall, what matters is that we get back up. You got this!
  • DeannaOnline
    DeannaOnline Posts: 33 Member
    It's hard to hold on to the wagon when the wagon is moving 100 miles an hour! It sounds like you are doing great. You ate one meal (out with friends it sounds like?) You deserve it, you still have to live your life. You eat clean and healthy 99% of the time so that you CAN enjoy yourself as a treat now and then. You have not failed, keep going strong!
  • sheaschierling
    The great thing is....tomorrow is another day. A fresh start. We ALL have days like that. You probably should reward yourself when you hit certain goals so you don't over do it so much. Small reward that you can keep under control. You are working soooo hard, you deserve it. Great job and keep it up.
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    I agree, don't beat yourself up! We are all human. We have slip ups and being perfect 100% of the time is impossible. Try not to have that all or nothing mentality. Be realistic and kind to yourself and you will be fine!
  • stepphanie
    You did not mess up! You deserve to have a treat every once in a while. :) Tomorrow is a new day and you will continue with your diet. Look at the big picture :)
  • annalobdell
    annalobdell Posts: 201 Member
    Don't beat yourself up over it. Just pick yourself back up and keep going. We are only human, we make mistakes. I have been having a rough week. I have not gained any weight, but I haven't lost either. I have been slacking on my exercising as well. You only fell off for one day, you realize that, so now, just redouble your efforts and all will be cool.