What is your 1 mile run time?

I was watching I Used To Be Fat (Kirsten I think was her name) and her goal for the end of the summer was to run a mile in under 10 mins She met her goal at 9 mins 35 seconds I think
So I was just wondering everyone elses time?
I've been exercising since Jan 1 I was thinking of hopping on the treadmill and seeing what time I could pull off and then work my way down
I get winded and out of breath after like 1 or 2 minutes though :/
Let me know your thoughts


  • Oppie81
    Mine is 9 minutes!
  • alex51026
    I've seen that episode, I was pretty amazed since it seemed like she never worked out hard before in her life. Very positive attitude. When I started the last week of October I could run/walk a mile at a very painful 10:30, now I can run a mile in about 6:45, maybe 6:30, but I would be worthless to run anymore after that. I can do 5 miles at a 8:00 pace.

  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    Not sure. I normally run 3-5 miles at a time with a pace aroun 9:30 or 10:00. If I was only going one, I think I could probably do it in 7:30 or 8:00.
  • seatern
    For someone who's never really ran before a goal of a 10-minute mile is certainly reasonable. I just recently started running and find it challenging but strangely addictive. The truth is that I think most people get winded early on... it's all about remembering that the whole point of it is to work hard - just push through it!
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    sustained i'm 9:30
  • purplespeckle
    Thanks guys for your input I seriously think I'll be struggling like the girl in the show I always get a headache when I attempt to run Like I said after about 1 minute *literally 1 minute* I'm back to walking I'm gonna push myself and we'll see what happens I'll update you all on my time regardless of if its horrible or not :)
  • eleanoreb
    eleanoreb Posts: 621 Member
    i watched that show too!!!!!!! I love it, so inspirational!! Not sure about my 1mile time..i usually calculate in km..
  • Firewhirrrl
    I am a track coach, and one thing which comes up ALL THE TIME, is that running on the road or trail is not the same as running on the treadmill.

    For flat road running, I ran the Los Vegas marathon in a 9 min mile pace. I am 5'1" ( very very fast for me!!)

    A ten minute mile is also fast...
    This is a common speed for group runners of mixed ages and gender.

    11 min mile is also a good clip.

    12 min mile is a jog. Easily sustainable for most people after they are used to running. Good social pace.

    And of course now that i am starting at the bottom again, 15 minute miles for me are about the same as a very fast walk...

    And it's all about building. Don't forget, you can use walking intervals to cool down a bit between running and still get the same benefits as if you ran straight through.

    So if you are heavily winded after 2 miles, then run a mile. Walk for 90 seconds and then tunnthe second, walk again for the 90 seconds and then run for a minute, walk 90 seconds and then run another minute... Like so.
    Do this interval training maybe 5 times. Speed is unimportant!! This will help get your lungs become stronger.
  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    The hardest part (for me) was figuring out my breathing. Once you figure that out. Youre set. Also figure out what speed and rythm that is comfortable for you. It just takes time to get used to it. Your lungs are not used to that kind of excercise so just stick with it and you will get it :o)
  • sixpackgoal
    I can run a mile in 7 minutes. 4 miles in 30 minutes.
    I ran half marathon in 2hrs 5 minutes. First ten miles were great. Last 3.1 went slow. Avg 9:26 or so pace.
    I am 40 and started running on my 39th birthday after being way over weight for years. Check out my profile for my story. Feel free to add me.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    If I run just one mile - I can run it at 6:30. I'm presently just reached under 10- 9:48 on a 6 mile run. My goal is to run at 12K at under 10 mpm. I ran the same 12K last year at 11:17, which still put me in the top 25% of women finishers.

    I didn't start running until March of last year - I mean never having ran ever before. I had no idea how to train - still don't really, but I'm trying to get my speed up there.

    One thing I will say that has helped me so much is P90X, it's the only change I've made. I'm doing Insanity next and really hoping to get faster.
  • dream_litotes
    12 min mile is a jog. Easily sustainable for most people after they are used to running. Good social pace.

    Agreed! After running a few times a week since mid-January, my friends and I now aim to run 12-minute miles and have a chat. We did some intervals and now the breathing is so much easier - it's just our legs that need to get used to running farther. Once I'm able to run 5k at 12min/mile I'm intending to start actually *running* and getting my speed up. (I'm 5'10" so 12min/mile is really just a moderate/slow jog for me.)
  • amyindm
    amyindm Posts: 93 Member
    I'm a penguin for sure - 12 minute miles the last time I ran with a beginner pace group (outside). If I was really pushing I think I could go faster but I don't know how long I could sustain it. I could use some help creating some sensible tempo runs aimed at newer runners who are trying to improve their speed a bit.
  • tameka1220
    tameka1220 Posts: 517 Member
    I'm running a mile in about 12 minutes
  • Triguy83
    Triguy83 Posts: 57 Member
    5:50 min mile is my 1 mile run time. My base pace I have for races is 6:30-18Min Mile but, once i hit that half way point i'm off like the road runner at 5:50 for the last 1.5 miles.
  • purplespeckle
    thanks for all the tips.
    i finished my 1 mile...in....16:36 :(
    it was at a 3.5 and sometimes 4.0 pace. anymore than that is just too fast for my feet.
    i ran the whole time though and thought i was gonna die.
    i've heard about interval training...i guess i just want faster results.
    i hope my time gets better. b/c right now that's just horrible.
    i guess it's a lot better than 2 minutes and stopping. i done 16 minutes!!!
  • amyindm
    amyindm Posts: 93 Member
    Yeah you ran for 16 minutes straight!When you're just starting, building up a base is more important than your speed. Good job and don't be afraid to take a few quick walking breaks if you're trying to build up to more time overall.
  • purplespeckle
    Yeah you ran for 16 minutes straight!When you're just starting, building up a base is more important than your speed. Good job and don't be afraid to take a few quick walking breaks if you're trying to build up to more time overall.

    thanks for the encouragement. sometimes i would still keep the pace but i would hold the bars of the treadmill on the sides and just move my feet really fast for a few seconds then i'd go back into the run.
  • joleciamichelle
    joleciamichelle Posts: 139 Member
    I'm between an 11-12minute mile. I don't really go for time-I try to increase my distance. I've been running for a couple years now-I couldn't run for 30 seconds 3 years ago then as weight started to come off it got easier and I got stronger. If you keep at it you'll notice yourself getting better every week until you're running for 30-40 minutes straight.
  • cohollywood
    I started Couch to 5K recently (I am NOT a runner, never have been, never thought I would be) and I'm doing alright so far. I haven't timed a mile, so I don't know my speed, but if you want to start running and have a program to stick with, I'd recommend checking out C25K. There are some pretty cool podcasts out there as well. Try www.runningintoshape.com. Good luck!