do u cook different for the whole family



  • I don't have kids.... just me and other half

    but yes I cook 2 meals one for me and one for him.

    The reason being is that I am tall and fat and he is tall and skeletal :P
    Therefore he has to eat foods to bulk him up and I eat to slim
  • judz46
    judz46 Posts: 359 Member
    Its' very hard when this grandson came to stay with us 3 years ago so he could attend school in town and at that time he would only eat potatoes, bread, noodles etc...all high carb foods that I didn't want to eat...I did it for a while but now I just put food on his plate and tell him to just try it...he is now eating everthing we eat (except pumpkin) so i'm happy with husband on the other hand likes good old fashioned meat and 3 veg....tonight I said we were having taco's - he said he just wanted his mince plain with this won't be too hard but I do sympathize with you....when do we get to please us??????
  • desertrose62802
    desertrose62802 Posts: 1 Member
    I feel your pain I also have a son who has aspergers and go through the same problem. I refuse to cook more than one meal for my family so I have found that taste of home has some really good food that is low fat. you can check out their web site or get a cookbook. I will make a meal and watch my plate size then the rest of my family can have as much as they want. To my surprise very rarely will there be a dish that I make that they will not eat!!! I don't even tell them that it is "diet" food. I do not know if it will work for you or not but it may be worth a try. My favorite cookbook is taste of home comfort food diet. but most all of the recipes are online. Hope this helps. Good luck on your weight loss :)
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