serenityseeker78 Posts: 21
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
I work in a work enviroment unfortunately where my food schedule is a grab and go and hope you get to eat it. I am having a hard time trying to break the habits of grabbing a fatty quick fix....cookies/McD's/Wawa, etc. - have always been a downfall. Any suggestions - that are easy on the belly? I know grab the healthy stuff, but I don't always have the time to eat it right away and it goes bad most of the time.


  • Can you not make a salad or wholemeal tuna/chicken sandwich in the morning and take with you? If you have time to nip to McDonalds then buy a healthy sandwich instead?
  • Ballay
    Ballay Posts: 52 Member
    Have you tried air popcorn? It tastes very good and it's also very low cal. Plus, you don't have to worry about it going bad. I know you can get an air popcorn machine for cheap at Walmart. Hope that helps!
  • How about some nuts? Nuts, crackers, fruit. You can make a healthy trail mix with nuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds. I'd pair it with an apple to help you feel fuller.
  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    make all of your food the night before to eat the next day. snacks and all. take it to work with you and eat only what you brought to work.
  • ChefJenn
    ChefJenn Posts: 350 Member
    im with the above comment, if you have to eat quickly then run into the local market and get a sub sandwich atleast. get away from that FAST FOOD.. There is NOTHING healthy at any of them. in one burger u could be eating the entire amount of calories u need for the day.
    go shopping and get you some 100 calorie snacks.. they can go in your purse, the car, your locker or desk drawer at work and it will help you..
  • LisaLN
    LisaLN Posts: 54
    Another thing to do is keep some healthy snacks in your purse or desk or even car if that's the case. I love dried pineapple and smoked almonds, etc. Or even Fiber One bars (Oats & Chocolate are amazing!) I'm a snacker and love the quick fixes, too. I find this helps me a ton. Try to keep V-8 Fusions with Green Tea or something along that line to drink. Or simply bottled water. McD's has good just need to go for those instead. Like the salad or even the snack wraps. Just make them grilled instead. Much less fat than a burger. I love the oatmeal, but I don't think that's available in Canada yet (if that's where you are). The Yogurt Parfaits are fabulous, too! Just try to change your mindset and you'll find that you start to pick the better choices naturally. Good luck to you!
  • bhmathews
    bhmathews Posts: 43 Member
    TLC 7grain crackers with laughing cow cheese
    cottage cheese
    imitation crab
    pre-made protein shakes

    This are all things I have handy to have a quick snack during my teaching day. I get so hungry, but don't have much time to eat except during lunch break.
  • Can you not make a salad or wholemeal tuna/chicken sandwich in the morning and take with you? If you have time to nip to McDonalds then buy a healthy sandwich instead?

    I did that today and it worked had a tuna sandwich. The hardest part is going to McD's and thinking "oh well I haven't had the fries in a while" and I can get them today. But then that turns into every time, I did skip the burger and got the nuggets instead (that was progress) and I only got the medium meal (I usually get the large) so I did "cut back". I only go maybe once a month and it figures the second day of me tracking food and that and the darn girl scout cookies (and I only had two!!) put me right over.
  • I always carry at least 2 pieces of fruit like an orange (or cutie), banana or apple in my bag. You could also carry something like an ensure or canned shake that doesn't require refridge in your car when you are desperate. Also, always have a water bottle. Maybe a small cooler with fruit salad, tuna and crackers, yogurt, or a nibble of lowfat cheese. I really like the laughing cow light swiss cheese to spread on veggies or crackers. Good luck!
  • grneyety
    grneyety Posts: 46 Member
    How do you feel about fruits and vegetables? Things like bananas and apples aren't going to go bad quickly. If nothing else it would hold you over until you get to a more healthy option. I work for an airline and sometimes we have to go long times without breaks so I like to have carrots, cauliflower, radishes, pears etc ready because I can eat them quickly.
  • ct1986
    ct1986 Posts: 200
    Someone already mentioned this but I wanted to add that I also prepare everything the night ahead of time, stick it in a small lunchbox with an ice pack and take it to work. Then it is there when I can eat it. I also have a very crazy work environment and sometimes things don't go as planned which makes eating times sporadic at best, but having it there and ready to go has helped me.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Don't go to McDonalds. Seriously. Either take something from home or go somewhere else.
  • How do you feel about fruits and vegetables? Things like bananas and apples aren't going to go bad quickly. If nothing else it would hold you over until you get to a more healthy option. I work for an airline and sometimes we have to go long times without breaks so I like to have carrots, cauliflower, radishes, pears etc ready because I can eat them quickly.

    I work on an ambulance, so I know the long times without breaks. I'm going to try a few ideas from everyone that posted. I appreciate it. I guess it's just going to be the self discipline to stay away from the "bad" cals, carbs, fats, etc. I looked at my food diary today and am amazed at how you feel when you actually see what you eat...and for me I have to be honest about it. If I'm not then why try? Thanks again to everyone!
  • What about Subway?
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    You can totally do this. Start making little changes and when you see how easy it is, you can make the big ones.
  • What about Subway?

    I love the veggie sub - I'm sure I could find a way to make it at home and take it with me.
  • You can totally do this. Start making little changes and when you see how easy it is, you can make the big ones.

    Thank you!
  • What about Subway?

    I love the veggie sub - I'm sure I could find a way to make it at home and take it with me.

    That's an even better idea!!!
  • I like eating cauliflower. I usually take it to work with me....and I work in a school cafeteria. I normally put a tablespoon of Italian Dressing on it. It take a long time to don't eat as much and get fuller faster!
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    On Saturday me and my dieting buddy go buy food that is healthy and we go back to one of our homes and fix each days meal in advance. We put them in the little zip lock containers and then in the freezer. So the only thing we have to do is remember to take it to work and heat it in the microwave. We try things like Spaghette squash with ground turkey and marinara. The spaghette squash is a little firmer than regular spaghette noodles, but they still taste great. If you don't have time to eat something with a fork. We also like to bake 4 oz chicken breast sliced thin and put that on 35 calorie wheat bread with a little musturd, and of course, if you like, you can add lettuce and tomato. This sandwich is less than 200 calories. Plus some carrot sticks, or apple wedges. Yum!!!
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