Drinking away your calories!!



  • good point! thanks for sharing
  • misaacs6403
    misaacs6403 Posts: 9 Member
    That is so true. I thought I was doing a great job until we went out with friends and the drinks starting coming. It is bad bad thing. Plus the bars don't carry Diet Cranberry Juice!
  • Mirabilis
    Mirabilis Posts: 312 Member
    I add in my morning latte because it's mostly milk and even skim milk has nutritional components. I don't add in my Splenda-sweetened green tea, though, because it doesn't have that. I gave up Diet Coke but I didn't record that when I did drink it... same deal.

    I'd be surprised if many here drank "sugar" sodas. We're a pretty savvy bunch about that stuff.

    EDIT: Man, I forgot about alcohol! Oh yeah... I gave that up too! :happy:
  • acknan
    acknan Posts: 261 Member
    I set up a beverages section too since I drink the same things all day long. Though I love juice, I have cut it out quite a bit because of the calories! OR I do have juice, half water so that I can enjoy the flavor without sabotaging my day. Down to mostly water other than the occasional diet soda or tea. Periodic alcoholic beverages are a whole other story... :)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,314 Member
    Just curious...how do you know they are drinking sodas and not logging them...if they aren't logging them? :bigsmile:

    I wondered the same thing.

    I don't think she knows, she's just giving a little 'reminder' to people. One more reason to keep my diary private. Don't need reminders :laugh:
  • misaacs6403
    misaacs6403 Posts: 9 Member
    Diet sodas are really bad. I used to drink Diet Coke and Diet Mountain Dew for the caffeine. My daughter is going to nursing school and just recently told me that the diet drinks along with the sweet n low's etc. have a chemical in them that the body doesn't know what to do with so it causes you to hold fat cells. Well then - so much for diet drinks. I now drink unsweetened tea with no additives.
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    I drink water and Iced tea during the day.. and I do add my water... but i don't add my iced teas.. idk y.. I guess I forget about them..

    No need to add iced tea if it's unsweetened.

    And if you're using sweetener that has no calories, no sugars, no anything...I don't see the point in adding that either. :D

    @misaacs, I'm interested in the study your daughter read/found that notated that. I've read where rats who ate foods high in artificial sweeteners ended up eating more food and therefore gained weight, but not that it actually caused the retaining of fat cells. I use Sweet 'N Low in minimal quantities (2 packets in 44 oz) in my iced tea so this is definitely something I'm going to worry about now! LOL
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,809 Member
    I drink only water and coffee. On the rare occasion on drink a soda, diet or otherwise I record it.
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    Water is almost automatic to roughly 2L a day so I tend not to track it, I drink tea or coffee black and don't track it, I know I'm getting the caffeine, I got enough on my plate getting used to the healthier eating, caffeine cut back will follow once I've got the weight-loss in hand.

    I also don't track my spritz of lemon-juice into a glass of water, its not enough to affect my calories.
  • I dont know but when you see a diary and theres no liquid there at all and only 2 glasses of water kind of makes you think...I drink a jug of water all day and have bottles of water at home...I only drink my coffee in the morning on my work days and thats just black coffee with half and half.
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    i used to be on 2 or 3 cokes per day. and sometimes add a cappacino to that mix as well.

    i have now reduced myself to only 1 coke per day and if i do have coffee i will have it with skinny milk.

    but even if i do fall off the wagon,i will definitely put it in the tracker.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I've probably had a grand total of 8-10 non-water or brewed iced tea beverages over the course of the last year, and every single one of them was logged in my diary. But I didn't make that change when i joined MFP. I've mostly only drank water and the very occasional brewed iced tea for about three years now, maybe longer.

    My only diversion from that is the very, very rare RC Cola. Mmmmm...RC Cola... lol

    But I hate coffee, I hate diet soda almost as much as I hate coffee and I only ever drank alcohol of any kind for about eight months of my life back about 10 years ago.

    So yeah, just water. And I even log when I have the brewed iced tea, just because some brands do note a few calories sometimes, so I want to make sure they're accounted for.
  • Before starting MFP I had a can of soda in my hand almost all day. I've been addicted since I was a pre-teen. So I now have one a day, sometimes two if I have some extra calories left over & I'm not hungry. I log them. Seeing the "150" - "170" depending on what I have is what keeps me from having more! If I cut it out completely I'd have a really hard time. But I'm very pleased with myself cutting it from 5+ per day to 1! Otherwise it's all water. Maybe a black coffee or tea here & there....But 99% of what I drink is water.
  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    Water and tea (iced or hot) for me. Though I have to admit with the latest articles I am reading I thinking I am going to give up Splenda in my tea too. Maybe even go decaf on my tea :-)

    I quit drinking diet pepsi when I started MFP, it took a few days but I do not have the craving for a diet pepsi anymore. I crave water or milk more than anything else. Oh and I do log the milk calories, they can add up fast.
  • rlysrh
    rlysrh Posts: 244
    Most days I only drink water and coffee without milk or sugar, so I don't log the coffee since its only like 2 calories per mug. But when I do drink something like a fruit smoothie I always log it.
    I used to drink a couple of beers like 3 nights a week just out of boredom and to treat myself but once I started MFP and realised how many calories are in alcohol I gave them up. Now I only ever drink if I'm out at a pub or something.
    Mind you, its gonna be weird when I get to my goal and start maintaining. I won't know what to do with all the extra calories.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I drink 3 cups of coffe in the morning and log it,thats all i drink besides water and mabey a diet everyother day or so.
    oddly i usally forgett to log my water
  • But isnt the whole point of this site is to be reminded by others of things we may be forgetting to do, to receive advice from others on things that we can do to improve our weight loss and achieve our goals??? Isnt the best way and only way to lose weight is to be completely honest with ourselves?? I was asking the QUESTION of how many people actually think about what they are drinking thats all. No need to get panties in a bunch...I wasn't accusing anyone of anything I was merely asking if people think about it thats all.
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    I drink coffee, water and diet Mountain Dew. I know the diet Dew is bad for me, but I drink it anyway. Maybe someday I will be willing to give it up, but not THIS day! :smile:
  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    But isnt the whole point of this site is to be reminded by others of things we may be forgetting to do, to receive advice from others on things that we can do to improve our weight loss and achieve our goals??? Isnt the best way and only way to lose weight is to be completely honest with ourselves?? I was asking the QUESTION of how many people actually think about what they are drinking thats all. No need to get panties in a bunch...I wasn't accusing anyone of anything I was merely asking if people think about it thats all.

    If you truly believe what you stated here, why is your diary hidden? Don't you want to be reminded also?
  • MyViolet
    MyViolet Posts: 73 Member
    I am amazed at how many calories drinks can add. I drink water and tea (no calories). If drink coffee I add that in because it is 2 calories per cup + any additives I may use.
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