How much hours of sleep? What is earliest wake up for workou

Just checking to see what others are getting in terms of sleep. Spring is around the corner and often will have a run before work. I normally will have to wake up at 4:00 am to fit a 4-5 miler in and get back to shower, get dressed, consume massive amount of coffee before commute.


  • Dobsaya
    Dobsaya Posts: 235
    A minimum of 6 for me and husband. He gets up ap 3:15 to exercise. I would personally rather be fat than see that time of night.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    I usually get 5-6 on weekdays and am waking at 4:30 to work out ad well...6 hours is ideal for ne but with work And school itsnot always possible
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I get up at 4:15 am. I go to sleep around 11:30pm. I try to take a evening nap to make up for the rest I didn't get the night before.
  • MizzFitness
    MizzFitness Posts: 76 Member
    I woke up at 5am on Valentine's Day to workout so I could spend my night with my honey. Let me just tell you that I SUCK in the mornings!!! My body wasn't warmed up enough & I didn't give nearly as much as I do at night. I'm a night owl honey. I sleep at 6-7 hours.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    It's recommended that people get 7-8 hours of sleep in order to stay healthy. Getting less causes your body stress. A lack of sleep can prevent weight loss, affect your immune system, brain function, etc.
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    I usually get 7 and a half. I find Even if I set my alarm later, unless I'm sick or hung over, I'm up before the alarm.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Usually 8 hours a night but a few times a week I'm up early and only get about 6 hours. I never workout in the morning, I'd be so tired it wouldn't be worth it (I'm really not a morning person) I work evenings so usually workout mid-afternoon. If the only time to workout was in the morning, the earliest I would wake up for it would be 6am, if I'd had an early night.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    My earliest workout is 6am.

    I need at least 7.5 hrs sleep.
  • loupammac
    loupammac Posts: 194 Member
    Right now I'm trying to wake up at 6:45am in preparation for my hideously early 8am Monday lectures for this semester. I am not looking forward to it. I haven't had much success as of late but I'm going to give the rest of this week my best shot as class starts on the 28th. I probably need about 7 - 8 hours sleep and usually achieve that. My "morning" workout time is about 9am or 10am depending on the fitness class. I much prefer to work out during the day or in the afternoon or late at night when the gym isn't busy. Nothing puts me off my workout like a busy gym.
  • Ally_Clare
    Ally_Clare Posts: 355 Member
    I need 8 hours of sleep to function but i wake up about 7 on most days (some days i sleep in) I tend to do exercise in the afternoon however if im working i'll try and squeeze it in at 7.
  • bdavenport62
    I get up at 4 to go to the gym when it opens at 5 on the weekdays. I need the 45 min to actually wake up and drink some coffee before I go. I do go to bed really early though.
  • aschultz9
    I'm up at 5am weekdays to workout/run. I get about 6 hours of sleep (if my body actually lets me sleep). I'm trying to get to bed a bit earlier lately as I'm smack in the middle of marathon training and my body does need the sleep to perform.
  • Fineraziel
    Mmmm... a bed! :love: I wish I could sleep more! Having two babies who dont sleep their whole night, I feel lucky when I can get a total of 7 hours of sleep...

    Fortunately, I am still on "maternity leave" so I dont have to workout first thing in the morning. But I am returning to work soon and there is NO WAY I will get up earlier to do my workout! :noway: I plan doing it at lunch time instead. :wink:
  • ecp2698
    ecp2698 Posts: 267 Member
    Ideally, I would like to get 7-8 hours of sleep during the week. I try to get to bed no later than 10PM, to be up at 4:45AM-5AM to work out. So usually I get more like 6-7 hours during the week, especially if my 9 month old daughter wakes me up. I haven’t been good at waking up to workout lately, and doing it after work instead. I need to get back into the morning workouts!