how to help stroke the male ego?



  • Extra sex is great, and feeling needed is paramount, but it won't make money worries go away. If it were me, I would be very worried about taking care of my responsibilities. Do you have kids or grand kids to worry about? Let him know you guys are in this together. All of it - the money, the shopping, money making, etc. Treat the symptoms but don't try to brush aside the core worries because they don't go away.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    I think everybody, including myself, got off track and didn't see the real issue here. I re-read the thread and all the comments.

    If I may be serious for just this one time, I think it's all about communication and commitment. Both you and your husband need to know that you are both in this together. You need to communicate to each other that this is just a stumbling block that both of your are 100% committed to overcoming.

    When I met my wife, I was making $5 an hour as a temp. She was a young single mother of two. I was not what you would call a good prospect. She made it clear immediately that we were going to build our life together. We would work through anything life threw at us. We've done very well since then. I changed jobs and was the new kid on the block when the economy dumped in 2008. Was about 90% sure I was going to lose my job. She was 100% sure we could handle it if I did. We talked about it. We made contingency plans. We knew life might get hard. Luckily, it didn't. The most important thing was that I knew I had a partner to hold me up if I needed it.

    That's my serious take on it.

    Have a conversation. Great sex is a good exclamation point at the end of the conversation. I'll give ya that.
  • You the man 'Dog!!! Good points...
  • Diem30
    Diem30 Posts: 92
    I kind of skimmed down to the vey bottom just to reply so just based off your very first post I have this to say. I know I'm young and have no idea what it means to be in a commited relationship such as yours but I do know men (I have mainly only guy friends) it sounds to me that if your husband is feeling insecure about his work life then you should help make him feel more appreciated in your home life. For example praise him more often for the simple things he does everyday like taking out the trash or fixing the leaky faucet or something, let him know that making money isn't the the most important thing to make a happy marriage but the things you do for each other matter more.

    Hope that helps!
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