New "married 30 something" group anyone??



  • Marcellus_08
    I've been married for almost 3 years and have a 14 month old..but I'm 21.....sooo, guess I don't qualify haha.
    Have a good night tho!!:)

  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    Saturday Question-what was your inspiration to lose weight/get/health/stay healthy?

    Answer-VANITY! Seriously though, I want to be able to wear shorts or a swimsuit and feel good about it.

    Me too!! I have worked out consistently for many years yet despite all my efforts I've never had the body I've always wanted. One day I just got all philosophical on myself asking why do I do this and invest all this time in a body I don't like??? Why bother??? That was the day I decided to quit whining and just do it... work towards that body! I had the cardio and strength training down, I just needed to learn how to eat!
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member

    Me too!! I have worked out consistently for many years yet despite all my efforts I've never had the body I've always wanted. One day I just got all philosophical on myself asking why do I do this and invest all this time in a body I don't like??? Why bother??? That was the day I decided to quit whining and just do it... work towards that body! I had the cardio and strength training down, I just needed to learn how to eat!

    This is me exactly.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Saturday Question-what was your inspiration to lose weight/get/health/stay healthy?

    Answer-VANITY! Seriously though, I want to be able to wear shorts or a swimsuit and feel good about it.

    Me too!! I have worked out consistently for many years yet despite all my efforts I've never had the body I've always wanted. One day I just got all philosophical on myself asking why do I do this and invest all this time in a body I don't like??? Why bother??? That was the day I decided to quit whining and just do it... work towards that body! I had the cardio and strength training down, I just needed to learn how to eat!

    Ditto....I'm always fighting that last 5-10ish pounds and wanting to tone up just a bit.
  • sbracken
    Monday question: How have you included your family in your lifestyle change?

    I haven't! Hee Hee..... DH isn't a fan of legumes or most veggies and I've stopped trying to "push" them on him. For dinners I just cook us the same protein and then a side dish for him that's usually pasta or rice while I stick with legumes and veggies. I feel like a bit of a short order cook, but it works for us.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Monday question: How have you included your family in your lifestyle change?

    Since I'm the one doing the cooking... yep. :smile: I've stopped making Hamburger Helper and Rice A Roni. I'm always looking for ways to reduce sodium. My husband is part of a Biggest Loser contest at work, so he doesn't mind, but he's also adding Ranch dressing or bbq sauce to foods that he thinks are "too bland." Can't get him to eat mushrooms or broccoli, either.

    The dog is getting walked a lot more and a lot longer. He's not complaining, either, but sometimes he drags on the way home. :tongue:
  • dragonflytwt
    dragonflytwt Posts: 49 Member
    I will be 30 in May, does that count? Married, 2 kids, thinking about one more in a few years....
  • jesneverhome
    jesneverhome Posts: 12 Member
    I'm thirty something, married, no kids, 1 lovable dog. Add me!
    My bday is Thursday and I am celebrating my bday week!
  • mayana2002
    Hi Matt and everybody else!
    My name is Mayana, I am 33 years old, married last year and we don't have kids or pets. We are in the process of buying a home so we can start with a dog and a cat! :)
    I am from BRazil and moved here 3 years ago. Since then, I am just getting bigger and bigger... Hubby likes hamburger, pizza, pasta, chocolate... He is very fit and I just started eating like him. The result: a gaing of considerable weight...
    I need to lose 50 lbs to get back to my glorious day and look fabulous! :D I want to get back to my sexy curves, and when I'm done, I will take boudoir pictures to celebrate the new me!
    Wishing you all good luck and sucess in this journey! :flowerforyou:
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member

    Saturday Question....what was your inspiration to lose weight / get healthy / stay healthy ?

    Outside of just not being happy with my weight at the time, I too had elevated cholesterol. It wasn't super bad, but enough to make me want to do something more. Most recent testing in October - levels were good. HDL was slightly low, but not too bad. Now my focus is on helping that.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Monday question: How have you included your family in your lifestyle change?

    Well, since I wanted to do more exercise, and don't like to run outside - I made a point to bring the elliptical up from the basement some time ago. My husband tries to use it when he can. I think it does actually help the strength in his back, which he has a lot of pain in. I do most of the cooking so I tend to cook things that are a little better, which also means less going out or getting pizza.
  • mvedas
    mvedas Posts: 69
    Hi! I have been married for two and half years and have four kids! We are a blended family!! Looking to lose about ten more pounds, need all the encouragement I can get!
  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    Monday question: How have you included your family in your lifestyle change?

    I have always made sure my kids ate pretty healthy. They all also do sports and swimming year round. But I recently convinced my hubby to start p90x with me. Im still trying to get him to change his eating habits
  • jaybaileys
    Our kids are very active with soccer and dance for my daughter and Tae-Kwon-Do for my son and wife. My wife has struggled with weight since Ben came around. She tries but definitely struggles with me being out of town alot and her working and having the kids by herself 4 days a week it is tough on her. I try to support her and encourage her but ultimately it's up to her to do it. It's not really fair but that is our life. I will continue to try to help but I definitely have more down time for workouts than she does.

    The kids eat pretty good, they have their share of pizza nights and McD's but we also try to get them lots of fruit and veggies.
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    First of all, you guys rock! :) Thanks for keeping the questions going and glad to see many new faces!

    I had a great few days up at our family cabin/cottage (in Higgins Lake, MI) ... quiet, snowy, and days filled with sitting by the fireplace reading or playing board games with the kids ... or well ... napping :) ... it was awesome as usual :) ... my cell phone actually with it's antiquated browser managed to upload my food diary but at about 30 minutes to log my meals at the end of the day was a bit slow! However, it worked so I'm not complaining! lol

    Anyway, great questions and thanks again for keeping them going! Obviously we can talk about anything and everything but I figure questions always help discussion and can be fun too! Let me catch up! :)

    FRIDAY QUESTION: What do you do to keep yourself on track during the weekend?
    - Funny, when I saw this question my mind went in another direction ... what came to my mind when I read this was about those days/weekends that I blow it, how do I stay on track? I think I have a tendency to "give up" when I fail (with food and eating healthy) ... but if I'm to be successful, I need to pick up the pieces and move on. I can either have a bad day and just give up and forget the plan ... or call it a bad day and encourage myself to move on ... so for me when I see this question, I think to myself "think positive" ... I'm not trying to change my week, I'm changing my life ... and if I start thinking in that perspective I tend to not beat myself up and give myself the ability to "keep myself on track"

    Saturday Question-what was your inspiration to lose weight/get/health/stay healthy?
    - I certainly see my motivation coming a great deal from the fact that I want to be around as long as possible for my wife, and kids, and grand kids ... however as a Christian I also see this body as much more than "me" ... so my inspirations are both due to my amazing horizontal relationships as well as my vertical One :)

    Monday question: How have you included your family in your lifestyle change? Great question ... kids don't have much of a choice! lol ... well, at least in my house they don't ... what's for dinner is what's for dinner ... what's for lunch is what I pack in it :) lol ... however ironically (or perhaps it's not that uncommon) I tended to feed my children far better than I fed myself ... portions moreso than what I was eating was the bigger problem for me ... so being the chef 99% of the time (literally) in my house I have full control over my household menu ... thankfully my wife (Marceen) is on board too ... she's pregnant and more using MFP to track and balance things like her sodium (which was an eye opener to her) than for calorie restrictions but after the baby she'll be using this more too ... oh! and my youngest (well, youngest now!) loves to sit with her daddy and cook a lot so I am going to love the fact that she will see balanced meals being cooked .... and if they help make the food it's amazing on how much more they will like those veggies! :)

    THANKS AGAIN! ... and glad to be back safe and sound and refreshed! :)

  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    Oh! Duh ... I forgot one other answer to the: Monday question: How have you included your family in your lifestyle change?

    My 4 soon to be 5 year old daughter I think will be my first runner! :) She's hardcore and will run with daddy even when it's snowing!!!! =)
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    Wednesday Question: Are you a fruit or veggie person (or both)? And if you're more of one than the other, is there anything that you found helpful to get the other into your diet more often?

    Answer for me) I'm by far more of a veggie guy ... Obviously there are some that I like more, and some that I may like more raw (or cooked) but me and veggies are good buds ... however it's fruit that is my problem. I don't mind some berries here and there, but getting me to grab a piece of fruit takes effort. However I found that a simple fruit salad seems to do the trick! Also (and I'm not a nutritionist so I don't know if I really get anything from this) but a fruit infuser (water pitcher with a fruit infuser rod that you pack the fruit in) makes some yummy water! I would imagine some of the nutrients transfer in the water.
  • Shannmfp11
    Shannmfp11 Posts: 339 Member
    I am for sure a fruit person! I like most fruits so those are not an issue. However, veggies are hard for me. I did start making a squash/zucchini stir fry that I love. So that helps me get more in. I do try to eat a serving of raw carrots everyday. I don't dislike them, but I don't care to eat them either. So monday-friday I take them with me to work and mid-afternoon I have an apple or grapes then I munch on that one serving of baby carrots. I probably do not get enough veggies in, but I try.
  • sybil1106
    I'm definitely a fruit person.... that's a big problem for me unfortunately they are the wrong fruits. I LOVE LOVE pineapples, kiwi, oranges but they have too much sugar for me "apparently" according to the Dr. I should eat more berries or grapefruits and dump the oranges, eat an apple and forget the pear. ugh!! It's been a struggle pushing away my favorite fruits for others. But until the Dr. says I'm healthy again I guess I'll continue to do what he says. I'm getting there everyday and slowly getting back to normal me. Whatever that is !!! ;)
  • OneLostSock
    Wednesday Question: Are you a fruit or veggie person (or both)? And if you're more of one than the other, is there anything that you found helpful to get the other into your diet more often?

    Being a vegetarian i am def more of a veg person. I prefer savoury foods anyway and i like raw veg to snack on too. Using this site has made me realise how much higher in calories fruit is too! However, for a change i will snack on apples or pears.