What is your 1 mile run time?



  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    12 min mile is a jog. Easily sustainable for most people after they are used to running. Good social pace.

    Agreed! After running a few times a week since mid-January, my friends and I now aim to run 12-minute miles and have a chat. We did some intervals and now the breathing is so much easier - it's just our legs that need to get used to running farther. Once I'm able to run 5k at 12min/mile I'm intending to start actually *running* and getting my speed up. (I'm 5'10" so 12min/mile is really just a moderate/slow jog for me.)

    Haha a 12 min/mile may be an easy jog for some people, but its almost unachievable for others.
    I hate it when people say things like ___ pace is running ___ is jogging and ___ is walking. My running is your walking... the most important thing is not how fast you do it (although everyone chases a better time in their own way) but instead just getting out there and doing it.

    If I only focused on a 2:30 half marathon time I would have been sorely disappointed when I finished my first race. Instead I focused on a 3:30 and I blew it away .... (finished in 3:23) next race I am shooting for anything faster than that ... and so on ....

    So I guess what Im saying is... work to get better ... but not necessarily to achieve someone else's goals... sometimes that just leads to frustration and giving up! :)
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    thanks for all the tips.
    i finished my 1 mile...in....16:36 :(
    it was at a 3.5 and sometimes 4.0 pace. anymore than that is just too fast for my feet.
    i ran the whole time though and thought i was gonna die.
    i've heard about interval training...i guess i just want faster results.
    i hope my time gets better. b/c right now that's just horrible.
    i guess it's a lot better than 2 minutes and stopping. i done 16 minutes!!!

    Just some advice - you probably would have actually finished faster and perhaps enjoyed it a bit more if you would have inserted walk breaks. I do scheduled walk breaks that way im not being a wuss, they are scheduled that way! Check out jeff Galloways program... i live and die by Galloway!
  • runteachrun
    my fastest one mile time is 6:42. when i first started running january 2, 2008, my first one mile time was 11:08. keep it up and you will be surprised how fast your averages drop and try to get outside, because i've found my times are way better outside than on a treadmill due to more interesting scenary :)
  • kumamushi
    kumamushi Posts: 103 Member
    My fastest time in the mile was 8:23 back in middle school, keeping in mind that my asthma was moderate at the time. Most of the time in gym I was lucky if I could get under 10 minutes for the mile (in fact, I think they required that for some stupid reason). This was on non-level pavement, since our middle school didn't have a track field. We just ran circles around the parking lot an appropriate number of times, which has slopes.

    My current walking pace, however, is pretty good. I can walk a mile in 12-15 minutes. I blame my dad; he speedwalks everywhere.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Look up couch to 5 K and follow the guidelines. I went from not being able to run at all to doing a 5 K in about 10 weeks. My finish time was about 9.2 minutes per mile. This was a pretty good time considering what horrid shape I was in before the training, I felt pretty proud of it.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I can't remember the last time I ran a timed mile to see how fast I could do it. I was planning on doing so once the weather warms, because I was curious to see where I was at. On a track, I think I should get pretty close to 6 flat.
  • Ral263
    Ral263 Posts: 318 Member
    Fastest ever was 5:08, but I think I could do 6 flat now. Of course, that'd be just one mile.....I can hold an 8 minute mile for probably 6 or 7 miles I think.
  • foreverjade
    foreverjade Posts: 213 Member
    Have never ran a mile full out to see how fast I could do it... I pace at a 10 minute mile for regular runs, and a 9 minute mile if i'm in a rush. I'm HOPING that means my 1 mile run time would be as fast as some of the times you guys are posting!! I will have to try it when it's not -20 outside!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    thanks for all the tips.
    i finished my 1 mile...in....16:36 :(
    it was at a 3.5 and sometimes 4.0 pace. anymore than that is just too fast for my feet.
    i ran the whole time though and thought i was gonna die.
    i've heard about interval training...i guess i just want faster results.
    i hope my time gets better. b/c right now that's just horrible.
    i guess it's a lot better than 2 minutes and stopping. i done 16 minutes!!!

    I use ChiRunning form, which really made a difference in my foot pick up pace, not really my speed, but shortening my stride for faster turn over made such a difference in how I felt. The book is by Danny Deyer, ChiRunning, I've been very pleased with the results.
  • brendansmom1
    brendansmom1 Posts: 530 Member
    My 1 mile run time....about two weeks. LOL :bigsmile: :tongue:

    I am not a runner. You all are inspiring though. I may actually try it one day. Weird, I can work out with some serious cardio for an hour...but running scares me to death. Strange.
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    I can run for about a minute at a time without getting chest pains :sick:

    During last week I did some 'interval training' where I ran for 1 minute, walked for 2 minutes... and I managed to do that 5 times :)

    However I usually go on the cross-trainer at home for 10 minutes at a time.
  • PartTimeSarah
    PartTimeSarah Posts: 19 Member
    I started out by running, say, .1 miles, than walking the next .2, and shifting from one to the other up to a mile (this is on the treadmill, btw). The next time start slowly shifting the balance towards running slightly more and walking less until you start running the whole time; it's after that when you can think about trying to increase speed. YOU CAN DO IT!!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I love that you asked this question! I just saw that episode on Sunday, which made me think, if she can run a mile in 10 mins or less, then surely so can I!! I did Cto5K about a year and a half ago and have been cruising along at a 11 min mile pace ever since - never really pushing myself to sustain a faster pace.

    It was really helpful to see the coach standing there telling her not to give up, and not to quit. In that girl's case (an in my own), mental barriers are everything. I set my sights on doing a 10 min. mile yesterday and I did 3 OF THEM!!! (They were separated by walk breaks in between each mile.)

    Next goal - to sustain that pace for longer than a mile before taking a walk break... I'll be ambitious and shoot for 2 miles, then a walk. :)
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    19.7 minutes, I would love to get down to 12 minutes
  • Denziee
    Denziee Posts: 527 Member
    I am very slow!! I run a 12 minute mile but i do run the whole way I don't do any walking. Before christmas I got down to just under 10 minute mile but havent managed it since. if you are in the uk try getting the zest running book off amazon.... "Running Made Easy". its great!!
  • sadida
    Now, I have always been pretty slow with running, so I'm most happy with whatever time I DO manage!
    My one minute mile time is around 13.5 minutes at the time being... down from 15 minutes... so I'm improving! :)
  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    I'm 5'2" and i am NOT a runner, but I would like to be one day.
    I can just about do 12min mile "run(my standards-short *kitten*)" (or considered 'jog' for most people,). I've been doing the Couch to 5K program and it has helped me a lot.
    I can just about do 5.6km in 40mins but it's also alternating with jogging and walking on an average of 8.4km/h.
    Bare in mind, this is all on the treadmill.

    I tried running outdoors and that killed me! I can just about run non-stop for a maximum 5-8mins
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    7 min and 45 sec =[
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    7 min and 45 sec =[

    See running is all relative -- you have a frowny face and I would freaking KILL for that time!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I haven't timed myself for one mile, but averaged a 9 minute mile in 5k and 5 mile races. A little slower during my exercise running.

    Last time I timed myself trying to run fast about two weeks ago, I did .29 miles in 2:13, which would be a 7:38 minute mile if I kept up that pace. Since that was after running for 3.5 miles, I probably could keep up that pace. I'm gonna have to map out a mile and try it. But not today.