I need a kick in the but

Lost my motivation over 3 weeks ago. Can't figure out why, think I am a little depressed...I haven't worked out on this long and have been eating terribly! I don't understand why. In the first 4 weeks I started this I lost 9 lbs...now, I don't know what happened.
can some one please kick me in the butt!


  • audbbgirl
    keep your chin up!! you lost so much weight...that should be your motivation to continue. You will feel better if you keep exercising. I am not one to talk because I never seem to do it...but I know it does help.
    If you need support you can always add me. I have some really good "new"freinds on my profile that you could add as well.
    Take care and God Bless!!
  • eleanoreb
    eleanoreb Posts: 621 Member
    I sure can!! haha. Just force yourself to workout, i guarantee you will feel better once you do.. and then you will feel better and be more motivated to eat better.

    you can do it!!
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    Something happen to get you down in the dumps??? Otherwise get off your *kitten* and get back to it!!!
  • MelissaE27
    MelissaE27 Posts: 682 Member
    I get like that somedays.. but when I start thinking that way I go and get on the treadmill even if its 5 mins .. motivation is key to success .. You can do it..
  • tammydspice
    IT IS FEB!!! Everyone around me is in the dumps. My mojo left for a week 2 weeks ago, but I found it and made it come home again!! Spring will soon be here, go for a walk (don;t complain about the weather, I have a 15 foot snow bank in my yard) it will do you good!! Get it back baby you can do it!! I find if I fall off for a few days, I concentrate on my food for a day or 2 and then start with the exercise again and I am off to the races!!

    Best of luck, hugs and kisses.
  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    Its hard when you hit that wall but just think another 2-3 weeks and you could lose that first stone. We are here for you, start logging the diary today and you may just surprise yourself and make the better choices. good luck :flowerforyou:
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    ****This is a good swift kick!****:smokin:
  • ultimategar
    ultimategar Posts: 96 Member
    It's easy to get demotivated every now and then, especially when you've worked hard for a big weight loss, 9lbs in 4 weeks takes effort! recognize that you've had a small blip on the road to your perfect weight, start eating properly and go do some exercise - good food+endorphins=happiness. Do it for your kids!
  • mrsthomp0519
    don't lose the 9 lb motivation you alreay have! work on maintaining those 9 lbs even if you can't seem to find the motivation to lose more. we all have our ups and downs but you are doing great so far and it would make you feel worse to throw away the hard work you already put into this.

    think about why you wanted to lose weight in the first place. it will make for a healthier happier YOU and that is what you need to focus on....you!! A wise woman once told me, nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. and you know what, 99.9% of the time, i think she is right!

    find a friend to work out with, find a book you want to read while on the treadmil, find a tv show you've been meaning to watch and schedule your workout so you can watch and work out at the same time. remember, you don't have to be 100% all the time, but keeping up the little habits (keeping your food journal even though it may be hard to face up to what was eaten that day, taking a parking spot a little further away from work or the store, skipping the 2nd helpings) will help you maintain until you are ready to go full force again.

    Just remember, this journy is about you and no one else, so while you find time for everyone and everything else, make sure you find some time for you :-) stay strong and good luck!
  • loseit4good52
    When I don't feel like working out, I do at least 10 min. I like to hula hoop, put on some oldies and dance away. The time flies because its so much fun! Hang in there it WILL get better! Just never give up :flowerforyou:
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    When you feel this way, focus on the little things and they will add up. commit to yourself today you will workout for at least 15 mins or you will avoid trigger foods. Don't try to do all at once, just pick one important thing, then tomorrow keep doing that and add something else small. Before you know it, you will be back on track. Small adjustments are much easier to maintain.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
  • gustogurl
    gustogurl Posts: 12 Member
    Something happen to get you down in the dumps??? Otherwise get off your *kitten* and get back to it!!!

    well, lets see. My husbands grandma dyed, my husband started a new job, which leaves me home with 3 kids under the age of 5 for up to 3 weeks at a time....etc. But these are excuses...I just feel discouraged by how long this is going to take.
    I thank you all for the kick in the but and am really gonna try today to at least eat right. Its hard to workout somedays because of the kids schedules...skating, school and when I do find time, the 1 year old wakes up and attacks me if I even attempt to work out...she loves to climb on the treadmill and if I am doing a dvd workout, she decides that she can wrestle me while I am on the floor or get in the way while I am trying to do aerobics. By the time they are all in bed, I am just to worn out to work out...I end up watching tv and eating and going to sleep...but I will try harder today, thats the first step right?
  • rgw105
    You want motivation? Go grab a ten pound weight. That is what you were carrying around that you have now lost. Congrats! You lost it through your hard work and effort. Keep logging in for accountability. Try to see if there are things you can use to get some more exercise. I've got two kids and they can keep me moving! Good job, and just hold that ten pound weight for a while. And think about maybe losing another 10. Numbers and pounds are fine, but I like actually feeling the weight in my hand. That is what each of those daily losses culminates in.