Gaining weight?! (Sorry for the rant)

Ok I need some help! (Again!)

I managed to lose 3lb in 3 weeks which was great! I was eating my recommended 1200 cals and exercising everyday with jogging and weights. I've been so good and stayed away from any temptation (including the constant supply of cake and chocs in the office!) Then I weighed myself yesterday.. i have managed to gain the 3lbs back in a week!!! But I havent changed anything :(

Feel so rubbish now, I only have another 10lbs to go but now i just feel like i've completely wasted the last couple of weeks! I have been struggling to eat my exercise cals back so on average i am dropping below the 1200 cal mark and I have upped my water intake to the 8 cups.... can this impact it?

I'm ready to throw in the towel and go and bake the biggest dirtiest chocolate cake imaginable :(

Sorry for the rant guys, it's just such a kick in the teeth when you have stayed so disiplined and fought temptation at every corner just to have the scales slap you in the face.


  • Pril2000
    Pril2000 Posts: 254 Member
    You know, it might seem counterintuitive, but sometimes, when I have a couple of really strict weeks, I'll not move at all on the scale, and then I'll have one day where I'll go over my calories by a couple hundred or so, and the next day, a couple of pounds will drop off. I don't know if it's because my metabolism needs a kick in the pants or what, but the weight stays off as long as I eat strictly for the rest of the week. Maybe try one day where you eat all of your calories or even go over a little. I'd eat healthy food though (I'm not condoning a sugar or fast food binge here). It works for me when I stall out... especially when I have been eating under 1200 for more than a day a week.
  • Lula16
    Lula16 Posts: 628 Member
    dont depry yourself completely. you can almost eat anything you want, just in moderation. And i think since your running and weight training, your building muscle. Muscle burns fat, so keep it up. The weight will start melting off just keep doing what your doing.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Don't go lower with your cals, try going higher. Form many MFP users they have to eat more to lose, as their body is not being fueled enough to get through workouts. If you are eating 1200 cals you should also be eating your exercise calories back. so if you burn 300 one day you should eat 1500 that day. MFP does all the calculations for you, just eat what it says and you should lose your goal amount of weight/week.
  • viggie
    viggie Posts: 155 Member
    DON'T DO IT! Just stick with it. Maybe it's close to TOM. Just don't quit and don't give up.
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    At this point, I've just learn to throw the scale out the window. It really tells you nothing about the change in body composition. I keep a tape measure and from time to time get my body fat professionally assessed. Don't let the scale defeat you. Keep working hard, eating right, eating back your exercise cals and you will see results. Patience is key :flowerforyou:
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    I've just had 2 months of losing hardly anything. Like literally I lost about 2 pounds. And over the past week i've been eating a LOT more. So over the 2 months I was eating between 1000 and 1300 net calories every day. And this week i've eaten between 1500 and 1900 a few days and absolutely no exercise. And suddenly i've lost 3 pounds in 5 days!
    So your metabolism is probably moving extremely slow and needs a boost with more food. Try that - no exercise and more food. Might work for you.
  • Amaris1973
    Amaris1973 Posts: 45 Member
    If you stay below 1200 and your excercise calories, your body very easily will go on 'starvation mode' which is what you dont want, as it starts conserving the fat and energy for you, because it thinks it will need it since it is not being fuelled properly.
    Strange that buy eating more you will lose weight. Just keep at it, and with the added calories you can have the occasional treat too. Don't give up hun!!!
  • Jw9576
    Jw9576 Posts: 29 Member
    Muscle weighs MORE than fat........ So if you are lifting weights, you are probably gaining muscle.
    And, 1200 calories is probably NOT ENOUGH especially if you are exercising. MOST people ( especially if they exercise ) need a lot more calories than that to keep fueled.
    I try and not weigh myself and rely mostly on the tape measure.
    Even though I have only lost 10 pounds, I have lost 2 sizes and about 6 inches, so weight is not of importance to me as much as seeing the results with a tape measure.
  • angelagrubbs
    angelagrubbs Posts: 7 Member
    You mentioned you have been working out with weights, maybe you have gained muscle and muscle is heavier than fat. Have you taken your measurements? You might try that. Inches lost are a better indicator than lbs lost when changing your body. Don't be too focused on the number on the scale.
  • aryaw
    aryaw Posts: 36 Member
    You should be around 1400-1600 calories a day to be able to maintain/lose weight if you go any lower your body goes into starvation mode and starts hoarding fat and then when you start to eat normally you will gain all the weight you lost and then some.

    Don't starve yourself, lose weight in a healthy way making lifestyle changes not dieting.
  • zcosborne86
    Thank you so much for the boost guys!!! It's really made me feel better.

    I think I'm going to have a little play around for the next few weeks and up my cals to 1500 a day and make sure I use most of my exercise cals. I'm also going to swap and change my weight/resistance exercises around and mix up my cardio to involve some wii dance/zumba and jogging so my body doesn't get a chance to get used to it. I've also heard that by playing around with the cals can also help so I may attempt that (ie 1300 one day, 1500 the next - as long as you keep within the weekly limit).

    I started the 30day shred last night (exercise really does make you feel better!) so fingers crossed that will help as well. Im ready to join the war on the wobbly bits again!

    I can't thank you enough for the support, if it wasn't for everyone here then I would be up to my neck in chocolate right about now.
