I crashed--what happened?

I joined on 1/11 and from the beginning I have been so psyched and motivated--and then I just crashed. I have been feeling healthy and happy, making wise food choices, not obsessing about foods, excited to work out and doing it, and losing weight all along. Then, since Sunday, I feel like I ran into a wall and like I'm at a dead end. I don't even want to post this with my regular friends--I feel embarrassed. I read about others experiencing this very same thing and have writted encouraging comments, even suggesting they imagine writing them to themselves--butI don't believe it for myself right now. I feel like a phoney and want to cry. I feel cheated.

I'm tired and sleepy, I want to eat even though I'm not really hungry, I'm cranky, I don't want to work out, I want to use all of my old excuses about "starting again tomorrow". I don't know what happened. It feels like all of the changes just evaporated--poof!

I just wrote to someone else experiencing similar feelings, "fake it 'til you make it" and I suppose I need to take my own advice and go through the motions trying to make myself believe that I'll get back to that excited place.

Right now, any encouraging words would be appreciated.


  • berniemay
    berniemay Posts: 78 Member
    Honey, I know exactly how you feel. I have been there several times myself. But look at your statistics and see how far you've come since January. You rock!!! Take today off if you need to, but try to start back tomorrow. You've come too far to quit your journey. You can do this!!!!
  • thinspire_me
    You just got to find that one thing that continually motivates you. Whatever that one thing is. And you have to focus on it. Maybe it's a song, a person, or yourself! Have a picture of it, or cd or whatever. This helps me out a lot.
    For me, it is an Army commercial. It reminds me that if I don't get back into shape soon, the Army is going to kick me out. And I don't want to be kicked out at all! So I listen to that when I don't want to work out and then as it is playing, I start getting my work out clothes on.
  • miznel80
    miznel80 Posts: 46 Member
    That's exactly where I am :P I'm still doing my workouts and staying at my calories (I've gone over a few times) but I'm just not feeling it like I was. Working out has become routine, but the passion I had for the first few weeks has waned. I know part of it may be that I'm not feeling too well, but mostly I just want to sleep. I think we (you and I) started at the same time. I'm going to keep on truckin'...I hope you do too. Hopefully, it'll pass and we'll get back on the happy track.
  • masnbrensmom
    I don't know if it makes you feel any better, but the same thing happened to me after I've been sick for two and a half weeks. I'm starting to feel better from a sinus infection and I just ate super bad foods all weekend and gained a pound and a half to boot. I can't quite work out yet, still not better and dont want to relapse with the illness. All you can do is forgive yourself, accept how you are feeling and know that all hope is not lost. You have made a difference in your health for yourself and will do so again. I think its normal to have brief lapses every now and then, as the whole act of dieting and living the fitness lifestyle takes alot of energy and work. Go easy on yourself. It may be hormonal or maybe your body/brain just needs a brief respite. You will get back up on the horse again. :-) Hang in there and just eat well as soon as you "can." You are worth it.

  • paigemang♥
    It happens. Dont beat yourself up about it, just jump back on SLOWLY. It sounds like you got to doing too much, perhaps. I know that I started strong, was going to the gym everyday...i was obsessed and then one day I just stopped. I started eating crappy foods etc. It was almost like I was self sabotaging. BUT I decided to get back to my routine but change it up a bit and not be so hard on myself.

    Give yourself a little break, do some excercise and if you dont feel like it then just skip a workout. Your doing GREAT!!! We all have those moments/weeks/etc. Dont feel bad and dont be embarassed.

    Stay motivated, stay healthy :happy: :flowerforyou:
  • LauraLLee
    You know the term fake it until you make it comes from Bob Harper. I think sometimes we know what to do and how to do it but when we start to feel unmotovated, we let our emotions take over and they overwhelm us. We have a choice, we can give up and all the work and calorie counting is for not or we can push through the moment we are in. I believe that if we push though to the other side of our feelings we will be better for it. It will build our character and move us into the proper patterns of eating and feeling. If you are like me you have done this a million times, you know your body, you know your tendencies, you know how to motovate yourself and how to deflate yourself. So today you have a choice, you can make it the best day ever because you love yourself, you see yourself acheiveing your goals, and you know that is what is best for you. Or well I am not going to give you that option because I dont think it is an option.
    Look You are strong! You can do this! You want this! and You are loved! Believe it , recieve it and respond to it.
    Take care of your self and be well!
  • Emergia
    I knw how that feels... wen ur weight is stagnant! and you feel lazy but dont let that get you....
    All of us..each one of us goes through this..

    But, you wont feel nice after eating/gorging because you'd be guilty. You wont enjoy it whats the point. You'll be able to eat that in moderation and enjoy it too... but that just has to wait a little while.

    When i feel this way i just remid myself how miserable i feel once i've gorged on the food...how difficult it becomes to trust my ownself.

    M proud of myself for not breaking my diet how much ever i feel like. Makes me feel strong. Browse through success stories of people... that shud help.. remind urself of why you want to loose weight.

    Stay put! Be strong... not matter what...you will achieve your goal.
  • skinnyack
    Not sure, but you've lost almost 20 lbs in less than 2 months- which is awesome, although I'm not sure it is healthy-although you would know better than I would. Maybe this is just your body saying - slow down, take it easy, I need a break.

    Not being critical AT ALL- I just think you've obviously worked hard and maybe you need two weeks of just calorie counting or something
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I think most of us have times like this. I know i just went through one. It's a long journey and sometimes you have to take breaks. I've always tried to give myself two days off from counting calories a week, just to have some room to breathe. I also use those days to indulge a little in foods I don't normally eat.

    I don't know how much you have to lose, but if it's a lot, you'll need to figure out how to give yourself some freedom. Counting calories every single day gets old and feeling so restricted will definitely put you into a funk at some point. So just relax, give yourself some wiggle room. Don't feel like you can't eat certain foods, just know that there are things you can't eat every day. Exercise when you can, it definitely helps with your mood. And just be patient.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    What's going on in your life? Any new or unusual stressors?

    Are you meeting your calorie goals or regularly coming in below them? Going under on a regular basis is really not a good idea--you'll be tired, cranky and generally ill-tempered. Getting enough sleep?

    Just some thoughts as to why you might be stuck in a "F* it all" mode for the last few days.
  • kim824
    kim824 Posts: 68 Member
    I have been right where you are now. I am finally getting the motivation to kick back in. You can do it too. Just look how far you have come. Lets lose it for the last time!! Hang in there. 'Fake it til you make it' DOES work and it will work for you this time.
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    whao....first you should be super proud, 17 lbs is great! Don't beat yourself up. that's #1.

    #2 - have you felt you mentally or physically crashed? If physically - are you getting enough fruit, veggies and carbs? i've don the ultra low carb thing in the past for a month, and it's horrid. I felt the exact same way. Maybe read through your food diary and make notes on the days you feel/felt good- and what you ate. Or vice versa.....that might be a starting point.

    #3 - how about vitamins and supplements? are you taking enough. Ie. a good multi, vitamin B, vitamin D etc? I have found in the past when I started taking a B50 every day with vitamin D, I felt MUCH better. maybe look into that as well.

    #4 - are you burnt out with working out? take a day or two or more off. go for a nice walk or something different. not gruelling but healthy and fun.

    #5 - reward yourself - have you done that since losing 17 lbs? Do you have a cheat meal a week or two? don't deprive yourself from every single thing you love.

    I'm definitely no expert, but hope those might help a little.

    Get back on the horse and keep kicking *kitten*