For the ladies...WHYYYYY!!!??!!

Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
WHYYY when you get your stupid period and pms are you so fricken hungry ALLLLLL the time no matter what you eat!? I'm effin starving. I want fried food. I'm in a bad mood because of both of those. I dont feel like going to the gym tonight. Yes I know it will probably make me feel better but Im just in a miserable mood right now and I feel bad for the people that need to deal with me.


  • I hear you! I feel like eating the entire contents of my fridge and practically chewed off a corner of my desk this morning. I went over my calories last night even WITH going to the gym. Frustrating. Men should get one just once to experience our pain! Hang in there!
  • Leannek74
    Leannek74 Posts: 374 Member
    That was EXACTly me last week! I binged but am back to normal.... as normal gets.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Waaaa I always crave ice cream.
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    Baked Kale can be my saving grace during my TOM. Now if I could only figure out some healthy chocolate substitute......
  • tulaniq
    tulaniq Posts: 46 Member
    lol...SO true!! I just finished my TOM thank goodness but last week I was a ravenous psychopath 99% of the time. ICK!
  • pilotgirl2007
    pilotgirl2007 Posts: 368 Member
    I feel ya! I am in the same place... last week I could NOT stop eating and I was seriously grumpy. Then you feel depressed because you keep thinking about the stuff you have eaten and the weight you might gain back and that just makes it worse! lol

    hang in there, try to find healthy things to snack on to feed that hunger craving and try to get out and do some exercise... it will make you feel better about the cravings at least.
  • Chocolate for me - it's one day of my cycle, in particular. I'll eat everything with sugar that is within 2 miles if I can!
  • When I get like that I go for the soup and's usually not enough..(you always want chocolate too), but at least
    it satisyfing that salt and protein craving, kind of fills you up and feels more like a meal.
  • Jus' sayin'... men do have that "time of the month"... :laugh:

    And I can understand and sympathize. The good thing is, there is always another day to do better. Today for example is my day to do better.
    CFAITH_WARD Posts: 281 Member
    I know I hate that......I hate it most around that time when things come out of my mouth that I know I would never say any other time.....The I sorry I said you weere ugly that just never works.....I usuasally try to hide as much as possible and warn people not to give me a hard time because i am not feeling well......
  • tkslp
    tkslp Posts: 19 Member
    I totally understand! Experiencing that right now and it stinks!! I figure I will just eat what I can at that time- if our bodies are craving it, then I give in. Try not to go overboard, but a little chocolate or some fried foods aren't going to hurt- for a day or two. That is just my opinion. It is part of being a female, and something we have to deal with once a month. :) I don't feel like working out either...but going to do it anyway- maybe it will help!!
  • I always crave chocolate during that time. And I usually feeling like a crazed psychopath. I'm sure my family LOVES being around me.. lol. I just try to keep my mouth shut and eat as little chocolate as I can. Or sometimes I go opposite and get depressed then eat too much and feel even worse. Being a woman can suck...
  • Kirstie_C26
    Kirstie_C26 Posts: 490 Member
    here's some happy vibes huni :D hope they help MWAH :* xxx
  • manymuses
    manymuses Posts: 162 Member
    I totally get like this every time too. It makes me crazy, but it's just the natural female response; packing in extra calories to accomodate a potential future pregnancy that might result with the next ovulation. That's the biology behind it, but the fact that I gained a ridiculous 3.3 pounds in one DAY this month from TOM was very discouraging. I was eating so dilligently and exercising through the cramps and discomfort too, so I was really ticked off! That's just water weight for you, but the cravings are intense, especially for yes, chocolate and salty crunchy things that I really cannot have.

    I make a note of the dates on my calendar so that when these crazy cravings occur along with the water weigh gain, i can properly attribute them to TOM and not to any weakness or slacking on my part.

    Hang in there!
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    That's how I felt all weekend! Well and last week too! But I am better now! I have no idea why, but I sure wish someone would fix that already! It sucks! Why does it have to happen every month anwyay?!?!?
  • I'm the opposite actually. I don't feel like eating much, at least not a lot anyhow because I feel so sick with the period that hearing about "food" turns me off. I'll eat, but I don't get hungry or have any kind of cravings at all. Not at period time and it doesn't happen very often but I hate those days where you eat and eat and eat and you're just so hungry and can't seem to get full? I hate those kind of days! I'm lucky I'm nowhere near grumpy like I used to be at that time of period...I don't know what happened...I can be a little snappy but nowhere near what I used to be haha.
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    I totally get like this every time too. It makes me crazy, but it's just the natural female response; packing in extra calories to accomodate a potential future pregnancy that might result with the next ovulation. That's the biology behind it, but the fact that I gained a ridiculous 3.3 pounds in one DAY this month from TOM was very discouraging. I was eating so dilligently and exercising through the cramps and discomfort too, so I was really ticked off! That's just water weight for you, but the cravings are intense, especially for yes, chocolate and salty crunchy things that I really cannot have.

    I make a note of the dates on my calendar so that when these crazy cravings occur along with the water weigh gain, i can properly attribute them to TOM and not to any weakness or slacking on my part.

    Hang in there!
    But there are NO potential pregnancies in my future, so my body needs to stop already! ROFL!
  • manymuses
    manymuses Posts: 162 Member
    Mine either! Ha. Those days are DONE, yet the cravings and cramps linger on.... sigh.
  • Last week I got a really good tip from another lady on MFP. Eating fresh coconut or pineapple can help reduce some of the effects of PMS and stop cramping and headaches. Coconut is supose to be better, but I prefer the taste of Pineapple. Also, if you have a super craving, maybe try having a small amount of what your craving to satisfy yourself, that way you won't eat extra other foods trying to cover up the craving. I have found that when I am really craving something its because my body needs some nutrients that are in that food and I feel better once I've had some.
  • My mood improves when I'm on my TOM,I'm strange I know....LOL
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