did you quit smoking or are you trying?



  • Katymom22
    the hardest thing for me will be my fiance smoking....he has no desire to quit what so ever....all my friends smoke and camping in the summer will be soooo hard with everyone smoking but i plan to have it totally under control by then!!
  • kerryannk
    I too have been trying to quit on and off for what feels like forever. My boyfriend doesn't smoke, so I don't smoke around him, but I only see him 1-2 days a week, so the other 5 I'm huffin' away on a pack of menthols. I know I need to quit before we decide to live together, but I just don't know how to get in the right mindset either. If anyone decides to create a group for those of us wanting/needing to quit, please keep me informed!
  • melba2
    Hi there

    I gave up smoking 13.5 months ago because I had a prem baby. Now down the track, it pisses me off that my husband doesnt man up and give it up as well.

    U do need to be in the right head space to give up smoking and very positive. Think to yourself, after you have had your last, I AM NOW A NON SMOKER. It does work.

    Another suggestion is: put 5 or 6 smoke butts in a little box, and each time you feel like a cigarette, smell the box, its foul and makes you want to vomit.

    Good luck with quitting. Its definately not easy but well worth it :smile:
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    A coworker and long time smoker was diagnosed with cancer and was dead within a couple of months.
    He was in his 50s and that was the point where I looked at staying in a job I was only mildly enthusiastic about but had a good retirement and then making sure I very likely wouldn`t live long enough to ever see it.

    I said to myself that at the end of the week I was going to quit and then kind of forgot about it.
    March 7th 2003 was on a Friday and I remembered that evening what I had told myself.
    Smoked a couple of cigarettes and then threw what was left in the pack in the outdoor wood furnace.
    Almost at once I felt like a nonsmoker for the first time in decades and made it through Saturday the 8th without buying a pack and that was it.
    Took a long time to finally get to that point though and still doubt that a person will quit until they really want to mentally.

    I could start again tomorrow if I wanted to and it doesn`t bother me to be around someone smoking I just won`t let myself consider it.
    Any time I get the urge I just push it from my thoughts with a "don`t be stupid" sort of mindset.
  • Lakeside54321
    I absolutely LOVED to smoke.... I smoked daily for about 23 years.... I NEVER coughed from smoking, or woke up in the morning thinking... "I've GOT to quit smoking" or anything like that.... I never felt bad because of smoking! You are reading something from someone who literally LOVED to smoke, and didn't want to give it up! BUT... after 23 years of smoking.... I just stopped! I set a date about 2 weeks out.... told myself how much money I would save a day (4dollars a Day) told myself how bad smokers stink (and oh my goodness..... all smokers STINK!)!! Now I don't say "I quit smoking" If anyone asks, I just say "I don't smoke" I don't keep up with when I quit.... I do this for a reason. For me, if I keep up with how long I've been quit, it seems like I'm just setting a record, or seeing how long I go before I start again! I just don't smoke! It has been a long time!
  • Boomerof51
    Boomerof51 Posts: 44 Member
    My husband swore he didn't want to quit and I told him "that's fine, but I'm going to quit". I never said another word about it and 1 week after I quit he asked me to get him a doctor appt for a prescription for the Chantix. You'll be surprised how many people want to quit but don't want to be the first. We all need a leader...you can be the leader!
  • WattsJA
    WattsJA Posts: 160 Member
    I quit on May 22, 2009 @ 4:47pm CST .. cold turkey and STILL lost weight!

    First 3 - 4 days will be tough as you have to get the chemical out of your system .. then it will take several months to get the physical and oral addiction and fixation to subside.

    Good luck and remember the first and most important step is to have you MIND set ... it is a mental thing as much as a physical/chemical thing.
  • pecket83
    I have been smoke free since Aug of 2009. I quit both times that I had become prego for the entire lenght of my pregnancy and then would start back again after my babies were born. This final time I just realized that I wasn't missing anything by quiting. It was actually the hardest but also the easiest thing I have ever done. I just made a choice to quit and no matter how hard it got I just didnt smoke. If you are serious about quitting you just have to stop. Not after this pack or after this weekend. Right now. You can't say " just one puff, or just one cig" it does not work that way. As long as you allow yourself that little bit you wont quit. You have to fight through the cravings and know that it gets easier as long as you don't smoke.. Good Luck!
  • 123nikki123
    I quit smoking a little over a year ago and I did it cold turkey. It was hard, really hard. But, just like any other goal it is attainable if you set your mind to it. If it's something you really, truly want to do then you will do it. There's no easy way out, there never is. I had cravings well into the first 6 months but that's because my hubby is a smoker and he smoked around me. But, I did it and I'm soooooo glad I did. My only regret is that I didn't do it sooner and that I even started to begin with:( I did put on weight because I did snack more. I gained 10 pounds in over a year and some of my food choices weren't good ones. I became addicted to chocolate...lol...then I figured out why! Did you know that there are 4 GRAMS OF SUGAR PER CIGARETTE!!! Crazy, isn't it? That is why when we do quit smoking we crave sweets because we are addicted to sugar. Well, a year later and I'm still working on my addiction to sweets. I allow my self small amounts every day (1-2 pieces of dark chocolate) and that''s it. As far as smoking goes...now it's gross, I can't even stand the smell of it and I can't believe I ever did it! Good luck to you and don't worry about the weight gain because once you are able to run and exercise like never before because you can breath, all of the weight will come off! :)
  • SeaShell33
    I quit 6 years ago. its a decision, nothing more. You decide to quit, then you decide you can and will handle any difficulties....at least that is what I told myself and it worked. Good luck!!
  • highenergy
    highenergy Posts: 1 Member
    I quit 19 years ago. I chose a date to stop (about 2 months away ) so my mind was ready for it. When that day came I went cold turkey, I found it was more an habit than really wanting to smoke i.e after breakfast I would smoke, when it was break time at work I would smoke etc. so I did something else in place of smoking, after dinner instead of having a smoke I did the washing up, by the time I finished I didn't want a cig. Just try to do something in place of smoking, cleaning or walking, you will be surprised how quickly you break the habbit, because at the end of the day that's all it is. Good Luck.
  • Terri73
    Terri73 Posts: 238
    Im trying at the moment
    I cant do cold turkey but i have found that its the triggers i need to stop
    phone rings i always spark up
    coffee i spark up
    certain points on my walk
    etc etc

    i found getting past those cigarrette triggers helped and ive cut from 20+ a day to about 5
  • Rupeedoo
    I quit smoking 6 years ago when my boyfriend at the time told me they made my breath smell bad. I went cold turkey, but it was the 3rd time I'd tried. Once I gave up for 2 years before starting again. Whatever happens, don't allow yourself one with a drink, or in social situations...that's how they creep back in.
    Sadly I still crave them when I'm out and have a glass of wine in my hand. It's an eternal battle with willpower, but it'll make your life soooo much better.
    Good luck!!