What do you snack on?

What do you snack on while sitting in front of the t.v at night?


  • bwleung89
    bwleung89 Posts: 55 Member
    unsalted sunflower seeds, pistachios, carrots, and grapes.
  • gazbo1986
    boiled eggs usually. cook up a bunch of them and eat the whites.

    or maybe plain corn chips if i'm on a high carb day
  • gettinfitmama
    gettinfitmama Posts: 164 Member
    low fat popcorn.....
    hot tea
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Stupid water.
  • ChefJenn
    ChefJenn Posts: 350 Member
    unsweet applesauce,
    100 calorie granola bar,
    philly swirl ice pops only 48 cals
    this is about it I just treat my self to one each day
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    Sometimes we pop our own popcorn in a paper lunch bag and add our own seasonings.

    I have a sweet tooth though so sometimes my evening snack will just be a fruit leather or a cookie.

    I also love yogurt so sometimes I will have that if I haven't already had some that day.
  • nmccabe33
    I alternate between Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches, Vitamuffins, and peanut butter on a graham cracker. If I want something salty, I go for 100 calorie popcorn bags.
  • nomex
    nomex Posts: 142 Member
    broccoli, apples, baby carrots, popcorn, diet coke, tea....
  • urdaprincess
    100 calorie chewy smores granola bars, sliced tomatoes w/ salt and pepper, craisins and almonds
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    Popcorn :)
  • AmandaHammill
    AmandaHammill Posts: 125 Member
    lol...i try to not snack on anything when i watch tv anymore...one of the habits i'm trying to lose along with my weight...but...always a but...if we're going to snack now, hubby and i will airpop some popcorn...why? because for the calories it's the most food you can get that lasts for a while eating!
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    I'm on the popcorn train as well.

    If I want to be filled quicker though I go for greek yogurt and fruit. For some reason I can eat a bag of popcorn and still not be full. Or at least not as satisfied as I feel with yogurt and fruit.
  • wilforeal
    100 Calorie Chewy Bar... or Ritz Classic Cheddar Crackerfuls...