P90x Plyometrics



  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I don't like all the repetitive jumping and squatting. Cardio X is too easy for me, I usually do another half an hour of jogging on top of it. Maybe my legs are not strong enough yet to get through the whole dvd of plyo....

    Right...that's why you have to work at it. Did you get the program only so you could whiz through it without it being a challenge? Many people develop weak runners knees because they don't do any other leg workouts. They don't bother to strengthen their quads and hamstrings. You can look in any runner's magazine these days and they now talk about Plyometrics. It makes your legs strong, balanced, and helps you run fast.
  • demone00
    demone00 Posts: 31 Member
    I don't mind the plyo but the yoga is awful to me. Plus the time required is tough,

    I feel the same about yoga...

    I love Plyo tho :)
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    Love ployo! you know whats coming up, you get to set the pace, work hard, work half hard, dont work hard. Plus today week 7 I did 5 both set of the mother of all moves yes 10 total keep at it ! as you get stronger things will be a lot more fun You"ll be wanitng to do more, squat deeper, jump high leap father . YOU WILL want to BRING IT.
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    We did plyo last night...I noticed my husband has gotten so much better! He does much more than he did in the beginning. He still hates it but he's pushing himself to do it and it's getting easier for him. This is week 5 for us.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I don't like all the repetitive jumping and squatting. Cardio X is too easy for me, I usually do another half an hour of jogging on top of it. Maybe my legs are not strong enough yet to get through the whole dvd of plyo....

    P90X - Plyo and Legs and Back DVD have made my running injuries non-existent. I had muscle imbalances which caused knee pain - 90 days and not only have I taken 1:30 MPM off my 10K time I now run with no pain. The jumping and squats and lunges are priceless IMO.

    I agree with Edorice, it's the challenge of it that makes it worth it. If you're a runner, you need Plyo.
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    The workout is tough, but I like it because I know it's getting results.

    I was a big weightlifter (used to squat around 650lbs in high school, and dead lift 625lbs) back in the day and had VERY strong legs and you could see practically every fibre in them when I flexed. I can feel the plyo working those long dormant muscles, and now on week 6 of the program I am already starting to see definition in my quads again!