Anyone else afraid to lose weight?

adriennepit Posts: 1
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
I've been trying to lose weight on and off since the age of ten, and have never been successful at it. Every time I say i'm going to start dieting and exercise I never do it, and today I asked myself why? I now realize that I'm afraid. I have been overweight most of my life and it comforts me. I know who I am as a fat person. I'm afraid that if I do lose the weight I won't feel like myself. I won't know who I am anymore.

Does anyone else feel this way?


  • tmyers541
    tmyers541 Posts: 53 Member
    I think, for me, its being in the 'safe zone'. Those of us that have been overweight most of our lives just don't have an alternate view, this is all we know. I'm ready to change that.
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    I can relate. I am used to being fat. I think the biggest struggle I have had in the past once I start making changes is the psychological part. When I start loosing fat, I look in the mirror and almost get scared or something. It's really quite disturbing.
  • thektturner
    thektturner Posts: 228 Member
    My worry is more that once I see I can lose a bunch of weight, I won't know when to stop. I've lost 27 pounds so far and for awhile I was happy when I looked in the mirror, but it seems like I feel as fat now as I did when I was 27 pounds heavier. I'm a little OCD, so I'm afraid that I won't be able to let go of the reigns once I get to my "goal weight".
  • Teresa652
    Teresa652 Posts: 217 Member
    My worry is more that once I see I can lose a bunch of weight, I won't know when to stop. I've lost 27 pounds so far and for awhile I was happy when I looked in the mirror, but it seems like I feel as fat now as I did when I was 27 pounds heavier. I'm a little OCD, so I'm afraid that I won't be able to let go of the reigns once I get to my "goal weight".

    This is something I wonder how many people are going to struggle with.
  • I am quiet the opposite, being FAT, Scares me like there is no tomorrow. My health is important.... Heart disease is scary, it runs in my family and I will do everything physically possible to prevent going thru a heart attack...

    In saying all of that when I plan on starting a family, I want to be fit and healthy and raise my child/children to do the same. There are so many more Pro's to being fit and healthy.... Not only do you look and feel good there are life long benefits.... Think about it in a different light and you will really enjoy your weight loss journey.
  • maryrshstattoo
    maryrshstattoo Posts: 206 Member
    Not only do I understand, I think we are twins LOL. I started the diet yoyo at 10yrd old also and of course with that came the deluge of you don't want to be fat, you’re going to be fat blah blah. I in all reality I stayed a good weight of 150 thru high school, when I say reality I mean that was not horrible. In about 1989 I was up to 260 lbs and was going to get married and wanted to be thinner and was able to lose 80lbs before my wedding. But as a fat person I gained it back plus some and carried the weight around reaching over 300 until 2000. When I made the worst mistake of my life and had gastric bypass, Oh I know what you’re thinking but didn’t you lose weight. Of course I did. I lost 150 in 1 yr and looked great or at least that is what I was told. BUT I looked in the mirror and still saw the fat girl. I was also very insecure about how everyone was paying good attention to me. By that I mean, wow you look great, and I did not even recognize you, then the guys started flirting with me. As a fat lady all my life it was overwhelming. I got very depressed and then the health issues started year after year I was in the hospital with complications from the bypass. It was the worst 5 yrs of my life in and out of hospital. I began to gain the weight back and actually began to feel better inside more secure and comfortable. I got back up to 263 lbs physically I felt like crap but emotionally I was back to being secure and comfortable with myself. Well 11 yrs post bypass and I have stabilized health wise and I decided it was time to lose the weight again. The demons of being thin were definitely haunting me, but I knew health wise I wanted to be healthier and live a more active life. Well I have lost 92 lbs and sneaking up on my goal weight each day. Everyone I have surrounded myself with is very supportive of my goals. I think the most important thing is that I have figured out how to be comfortable thin. I will be 50yrs old in 2 yrs and I think being older and wiser has helped as well. I hope you can make it to the other side and find a healthy comfortable weight for yourself
  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    I can relate. I have been overweight all my life and in a way I feel my weight protects me. It has kept me in a bubble and I am afraid of being without it
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