Scared. Fat. Embarrassed. 18.



  • LJCannon is correct. I was going to say the same. Walking is the simpliest form of exercise start there. Also if you can, pick up Prevention Magazine....they have some simple exercises in there. Also if you like dancing, download some music you like and dance for at least 30 min. that way it is fun, relaxing, and something you can do without it being such a chore. Good Luck!!!! Don't give up or beat yourself up if you slip up.
  • liscar
    liscar Posts: 311 Member
    Make a short term goal.....promise yourself to log ALL your calories for one month and see how you do. You'll love it, you'll lose weight, you'll get motivated, and you'll create a habit :)
  • Also I really like this website because you can kind of work a plan of action based on the foods you eat. Seeing the goals will help you see where and what to make adjustments on.
  • ciaobella47
    ciaobella47 Posts: 95 Member

    By being here, you've taken the first step (building a support system). So you're already doing great! :) Come to the message board often. Just reading about what people are going through is motivational.

    It can be tough to get in the habit of logging calories but it does get easier, really, it'll become second nature to check and log everything. As far as cafeteria food- do a search for your school districts webpage. You should be able to find a nutrition chart for all food provided by the school. They are required to provide it. If you can't find it you can even email the district to ask for a copy or link.

    One of the 'less difficult' ways of fitting in exercise while in school is to take a class (aside from p.e.) that keeps you moving. Dance...or swimming... But I know that's easier said than done. In high school a friend and I would stay half an hour after school every day to use the weight room. That made a big difference!

    Wish you all the best!
  • jerseyshorenurse
    jerseyshorenurse Posts: 47 Member
    Sounds like you have your aunt's support. That's great! Use it! Eat a healthy balanced diet, work some sort of activity into every day of the week--fitness walking for an hour can work WONDERS--and just keep at it! You didn't gain the weight overnight, and you won't lose it overnight either, so try not to get discouraged, and screw embarrassed! You're more in the norm than you think, high school just sucks for making you feel bad about yourself. The only reason you feel like 'the only one' is that so many other girls have given in and are hiding backstage. I'm sure that was an awful moment for you, and a real slap in the face, but don't let it phase you one bit. Just keep on moving along and improving. Progress, not perfection--what I always say :o) Welcome to the bunch. I'm new here too, but I'm much (Much!) older, and I'm here to maintain all the weight I once lost and don't want to get back again. What I can't get back, but wish I could, were all the things I avoided doing when I was overweight. Take the stage, girl. Be great at any weight!
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    And sit down with the "head of the household" and have a heart to heart talk..explain what you are trying to do and why...ask for their help in achieving your goals. Who knows, maybe your determination to live a healthier lifestyle will encourage them to do the same.

    I second this. Healthy food doesn't have to be boring, in fact it's frequently more exciting as it doens' have any of the rubbish that processed foods put in to make you believe they are actually 'food' when they are not.

    Enlist the whole family, explain that you want to get healthy - you don't even need to say you want to go on a diet, just change your eating habits, and you will need their help. By making your own lunch and avoiding the cafeteria you can actually KNOW what goes into your food and make good choices.

    Put it this way - you think you are embarrassed, but so many other girls wouldn't even have dreamed of standing on a stage in front of loads of people - focus on the fact that you could do that much, and anything else you do after that will be a (healthy) piece of cake!
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    All I can tell is that This Works. Nothing else works. THIS works.

    Why? IDK, possibly because it's really a user-friendly support network and it's simple to use unlike Spark People which was...*overwhelming* to say the least and a PIA (pain in the...a..) to use, with way too much on it.

    This interface is SIMPLE. This is like a weight loss fb - simple, nothing extra, join in threads you want to join in - many are "group threads".....and that works.

    So much about this site works. User friendly is always #1, support on the boards just works. I've lost 12 pounds since I joined. Counting calories works to lose weight....exercise is just the Reddi Whip (it only has like 5 cals per tsp) topping on top.... :)
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    Although you are embarrassed now just think of when u lose those 50lbs you will look back on that day and realise that everything happens for a reason. The reason that happened was to prompt you to do something about it which you already have so congratulations and good luck! I hope that didn't sound too mean, I just mean that this event is a turning point for you and u will look back on it one day and realise how much good it did for you.
  • loupammac
    loupammac Posts: 194 Member
    You're in the right place :) I'm sorry you had to feel like a "failure" in front of everyone. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. Everyone here is so supportive and no doubt you'll be flooded with friend requests of people who want to support you. Perhaps you could try talking to your parents about how you'd like to eat more fruit and vegetables or packing your own lunch. Could you use your allowance (if you have one) to buy healthy food from the grocery store? Can you walk / ride to and from school? Do a workout dvd in your room? You'll get there don't you worry!
  • Welcome to the MPF family! The only thing you're going to find here is encouragement and support. No judgement. No rights, no wrongs. The thing you'll find out very quickly is that EVERYBODY here has their own story, their own version of the things you are feeling about yourself and every person on this site is taking positive action to change that. I would wish you luck on your weight loss journey (not diet :o).....but luck doesn't come into it, you just have to believe it and do it.

  • Welcome! I've been a health and fitness buff for years. It's a chore tracking your calories/nutrients on paper having to write it all down and look it up manually which I've done for the longest time. This is a great program and I don't have to waste paper. What has helped me to lose the weight and keep it off are 5 things. Eating clean, eating 5 small meals a day (each meal consisting of carbs, protein, and fat), lifting weights 3 days a week and cardio 4 days a week, and lastly this awesome program to help keep me accountable for what goes in my body. It has saved me so much time. The best of luck to you and do these things in small steps.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Bless your heart honey. I'm so sorry that happened to you.

    The first step would be for you to bring your lunch to school. I'm a teacher and put on 25 pounds my first year just by eating school lunches. It is tough to eat healthy when you don't do the grocery shopping. You might start by asking your mom to buy whatever kind of fruit you like and carrots. Make sure you get your 2-3 servings of dairy and 3-5 servings of fruits and vegetable per day, then just make sure to measure your food so that you're eating the right sized portions. For a lot of us, it's not the food we eat but how much we eat of it. Do some kind of exercise 30 minutes a day 3-5 days a week. Drink your 8 glasses of water per day. Try to lose at a rate of 1.5 to 2 pounds per week.

    This is a life-style change. If you follow the guidelines, you will increase your metabolism and can indulge every now and then. It's how you eat most of the time that counts. I personally find if I'm really good during the week, I can have a nice dinner on Friday or Saturday night. Any time you're tempted to backslide, just think of your reasons for wanting to lose and keep doing the right things. You're in the right place. This will work for you if you log faithfully and are honest in your logging.
    Good luck!
  • Ellymondo
    Ellymondo Posts: 3 Member
    Wow what a fantastic response you've had, I love this site! Welcome :o)

    I spent a long time trying and failing to shift some excess weight, but I am now experiencing some sucess and will share my top tips of the things I found most useful.

    1. Make SMALL changes GRADUALLY. The worst thing you can do is to do anything extreme (food or exercise), I can guarantee you won't stick at it.

    2. Learn to listen to your body. Eat only when you are hungry, and stop when you are full. This might seem obvious, but you'll be surprised how often you eat without paying attention, and you'll be surprised at how little you actually need to fill you up.

    3. Don't limit what you can and can't eat. Sure learn what the healthier options are and consciously chose them, but if you fancy a chocolate bar occassionally, and you're hungry, have one. If you limit yourself you will lose motivation.

    4. Move. Every step you take, every move you make, you're burning calories. You're not going to run a marathon tomorrow, but you could get off the bus a stop early or park at the far side of the car park, every little extra thing you do is helping.

    5. Motivation. Keep a log of your food and your excercise, it will keep your focus, and you will notice patterns. Also set short-term targets, e.g. this week I will walk for half an hour 5 times.

    6. Last but not least, if you have a bad day, so what, don't beat yourself up! Tomorrow is another day, think of each day as a new start.

    Good luck!

    E :o)
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    Your days of being scared and embarassed are over. You've found the solution. Welcome to your new life!

    Exactly- you are taking the right first step- losing weight and getting fit in ahealthy way - and good for you for doing this now- I was overweight at your age and my doctor put me on a protein shake diet- NOT THE WAY TO GO

    be sure to get your activity in (sounds like you are with the musical) and drink your water!! (it really helps get rid of bloat) with spring soon coming the weather will be better for outdoor activities in the mean time join a gym or try one of the activity games like wii fit, wii sports, any of the EA sports, dance dance revolution or zumba- consider having some friends over for a "gamercise" night and have fun with it!
  • sbarham
    sbarham Posts: 44 Member
    Welcome to MFP, and hopefully you've been encouraged! We all want to succeed and and want to see you succeed too! Consistent exercise is important (I took multiple "fitness classes" in college to force me to start making it a habit) and once you start paying more attention to what you eat (such as calorie counting), it will get SO much easier. Calorie counting is so easy for me these days because of MFP and my dedication to be on here every single day logging them. Feel free to add me as a friend if you need more support. Good luck, girl!!!!!
  • Welcome to MFP, everyone here is lovely. I'm 22 and just finishing University. It can be a struggle, but having this app on your phone and carrying it with you always makes you think - hmm do I really need another one, or I don't really want to add 'cupcake' to my food diary! :)
  • Hi, I'm relatively new, too, and I know it seems like a lot of work in the beginning (and it is!) but it gets easier. I've found that I eat a lot of the same foods in a week, so while it's a pain at first to figure out how many calories are in a particular food, once I've found out I never have to do it again because it's already saved in my diary. I'll send you a friend request--I'm on here every day so feel free to message me if you'd like. :happy:
  • DawnOf1969
    DawnOf1969 Posts: 726 Member
    I am the mother of a 19 year old daughter. If she came to me and talked to me about this I would do anything in my power to support her and help her. I would make any necessary sacrifice or change to help her. I am sure your mom or head of household loves and cares about your goals just the same. Go have a heart to heart with her, chances are she will feel as I do, wanting to support you in any way. Make a list of foods you want. Volunteer to cook sometimes. Small changes can add up. Ask your mom or hOh to go walk with you. Trust me, from a moms perspective, we want to be there for you. Friend me and I will support you too.
  • NorasNana
    NorasNana Posts: 12 Member
    Tarah, I know your mom and your dad would both enjoy this site and if all three of you jump on board, it would really be helpful in your obtaining your goals. I can't remember if you have an Iphone...there is an app for myfitnesspal for iphones that helps you keep up with your calories, even at school. Also, try just taking your lunch instead of eating that cafeteria food. I promise this works, dear. Just getting a handle on what you put in your mouth, realizing what you are eating, that will help you lose. I was eating without even knowing it. You have my cell. Text me if you have any questions. And one more hint: CLEAN YOUR ROOM! Even cleaning burns calories...look it up under exercise! the more calories you burn, the more you get to eat! Aunt Lari
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    Welcome! Don't worry about someone not being able to lift you.... think of it as a challenge for them!

    If it helps spur on your desire to lose weight and get fitter then great, but really, don't let these things get you down.
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