Hi, everyone

I've been on this website now about a month maybe? My sister turned me and my mom onto this and I'm really loving it. I always used to have a hard time counting calories, etc .. but this site? Is perfect for it. :smile: Any ways .. a little about myself. I'm 37 and my highest weight was 267 and I'm now down to 222.. yay! 3 more pounds and I have less than 90 to lose. I'm soo happy about that.

I've hard a hard time for a while battling depression and I know that can kind of make it difficult for weight loss along with some other medical issues I have.. but since they seem to be under control (all except the depression factor) it's been so much easier. 45 pounds I've lost so far .. can you tell I'm stoked? I never ever thought I'd be able to do it. I had so little confidence in me, it has grown some but I'm still struggling. However .. the one little concern I seem to be having is that I feel at times I can be losing weight too fast. I can lose up to about 4 pounds a week and I know even at my size it should be about 1 -2 pounds for it to be a healthy weight loss. However .. I have talked to two different doctors of mine about it, and they don't seem concerned just yet about it so I'm trying not to be. One of them is keeping an eye out on it, though. Which makes me feel better so I'm trying to take advantage of this :happy: Wanna lose as much as I can as fast as I can and doing it the healthy way. I try to excersize at least 3 x's a week by walking on the treadmill for about 25 minutes .. but I want to now start incorporating yoga into my "routine". I just gotta get motivated to do that.

Any ways .. that's about all I have.
