Working out on the Wii



  • hotmooglelove
    I swear by EA Sports Active 2
  • Terri73
    Terri73 Posts: 238
    I combine wii active sports and wii active sports more workouts. Sparring on one with step areobics and running and heavy bag. squats lunges and upper body. Music bit annoying but i stick my ipod on.
    I tried fitness coach but found i skipped hard exercises and as it dont register you skipped them it got useless as i skipped more than i did. With the wii actives you need to do the exercise to keep progressing and i pushed through.
  • Tiggermummy
    Tiggermummy Posts: 312 Member
    I have wii fit plus, and since getting into gear and doing at between 30-60 minutes a day in the last few weeks I have lost almost 4lb but for me more importantly since january I have lost two inches off my waist, and inch off my hips, and an ich off my thighs, arms & calf!!!
    Wiifit plus isn't perfect, I warm up with the basic step program, and then do the advance step twice, then I go into my plus program option as you can program whihc exercises you want to do from the yoga & muscle sections. It will then run through them in the order you set, until you complete them all, but you dont get scores for each item, but you dont have to keep selecting different items so you dont keep stopping.
    It also has a free step program which can be useful if you haven't done much and need to walk a little more, you can select how long you want step for and then it uses the volume on the remote to keep you in step, and you can alter the pace as well.
    Then flick over to watch something on the television, I love guilt free TV, plus when my hubby was away from home I was stuck indoors everynight so i do think it helped me not to put too much on.
    I am at the stage of wanting to change things up a little, and am now looking at the ea active to possibly double up with the plus, as I have a long way to go.
    As for accuracacy the wii fit weighs me about 2lb heavier than my home scales and around the same as the ones at my weight loss group.

    If any one wants to buddy up to do wii fit workouts l'd love to join in.

  • Lstrode
    I've been mainly using Just Dance and Just Dance 2. I love them both. Sometimes I throw in some Wii Sports, or Wii Fit Plus. I just got Zumba, and it is a workout!!! I love my Wii.
  • amyamoeba
    The Biggest Loser game! It's brilliant, loads of different exercises, I love the boxercise. it's got weekly weigh in's and challenges. thing to remember with the wii - you only get out what you put in!
  • mvtilling
    We would definitely vote for My Fitness Coach, the basic version if you can still find it. It seems the most honest workout, though the bonus stuff is pretty basic, no WiiFit compatability. But it does come with a huge range of exercises and programs targeting Cardio, Upper Body, Core, Flexibility etc. Maya (the instructor) is pretty cute too. My wife and I can both do it at the same time which makes it a lot better. It is certainly the easiest to get into, the dance based programs require far too much coordiantion of me. I would say I only have 2 issues, 1 major, 1 minor. The in game calculated calories burned are way under what I get with a heart rate monitor, like 1/3rd of what my actual burn seems to be. The music is terrible (we turn the music down, and just listen to radio/CD). We have had it for ages and keep on going back to it, I really think we will always have it as a corner stone of our fitness regime.
  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    I didnt know this existed and have just pre-ordered it in the uk so thank you. Much more exciting than the treadmill!
  • mrksjia
    mrksjia Posts: 21 Member
    This my Wii Gym
    Mainly use EA Sports Active, More Workouts, Wii Fit Plus and New U Fitness First, but I also use the others every now and then. Hopefully my Zumba will be delivered next week.
  • jmwolffyy
    jmwolffyy Posts: 212 Member
    I have Wii Fit Plus, Zumba, and Just Dance 2. My favorite is the Just Dance2 because I like the songs on it. The only negative to it is the wait between songs, although I have not tried the random setting mostly because there are some songs I don't know. However, I also love that I can go online and buy more songs for it! There are a couple that I am very excited to get, and I am using them as rewards for goals met!
    Zumba is fun, and I will probably like it more as I start up a new class as well because I am one of those who likes to know what I am doing... and the one class I already take has slightly different moves than the game. I figure the second class will also have slightly different moves as well, so it should be enough of a change to help me not mind the game's moves as much! (That's just me being picky!)
    Fit Plus is ok, but the activities are short and the delay between them while the menus load can be frustrating. I have only done it about 3 times though, so I haven't tried a few features. I like that it lets you weigh in (and the scale on it is identical to the one at my gym!).
    My next purchase will be Just Dance (the first one) because my kids absolutely love a couple of songs on it, and if nothing else, I need to videotape them doing the dance to "Surfin' Bird" because it is HILARIOUS! But I am thrilled to expand my options for a workout at the same time!
  • tcdawley78
    tcdawley78 Posts: 69 Member
    I think the results you get from wiifit plus depend on what your goals are... I started using it in march, and I've lost almost 40lbs since then. It's not gonna get you super-buff, but (especially if you are inactive like I was) it can stretch your muscles and give you a leaner body. Even the "strength-training" exercises are very yoga-like, so if you want the yoga body, it's a good fit. :happy:

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