Dealing with STRESS

wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
Hi! I was just wondering how everyone deals with stress. I have 3 major comprehensive exams covering everything that I've done these last 2 years for my masters in 3 weeks, and honestly...I can't even think about starting to study for them. When I think of it, it just makes me want to sleep :) I know that's not productive, so I've been at least making myself organize my notes and prepare for the studying process :)

What do you all do to cope with stress?


  • Caper88
    Caper88 Posts: 418 Member
    I posted a topic pretty much the same to this one before and did not get any responces. I have family problems at home that I stress over. I also stress and worry over little things. I have bad problems with knotted and tense muscles that cause bad pain and tension headaches. I have tried listening to relaxation music and tried learning the guitar but no luck yet. Even when I think I have finally relaxed I wake up with bad TMJ.
  • aysegul2
    I think exercise is great for this type of situations. Even if you do it for 10mins, it will make difference. For this type of stress which will be over soon, I try to convince myself by saying that I will push myself for 2 weeks and then do whatever I want. Good luck!
  • KristenAnn711
    Hi! I was just wondering how everyone deals with stress. I have 3 major comprehensive exams covering everything that I've done these last 2 years for my masters in 3 weeks, and honestly...I can't even think about starting to study for them. When I think of it, it just makes me want to sleep :) I know that's not productive, so I've been at least making myself organize my notes and prepare for the studying process :)

    What do you all do to cope with stress?

    I decided to respond, since it is probably stressing you out that no one has ;) Sorry, bad joke. Anywho...the exams sound like they're going to be pretty tough, but you've been doing it for 2 years and haven't failed yet so I'm sure you know the material. Cramming never works, so don't do that. Organizing notes is a very good start. Next you should brief through them figuring out what you know, and what you think you should study more. I bet you'll find you know more than you think. Then go from there, use a highligher a pen whatever and note the things you really need to keep looking at.

    As far as regular stress goes, I usually freak out for a few minutes then take some deep breaths, write down a list of things that need to be done, or call my mom or sister and they help me de-stress. Sometimes just breaking down and crying is a good release too. Another thing is going to a quiet area of your house, no cell, nothing and just sit for a few minutes focusing on your breathing until you feel like you can conquer the world. Good Luck!
  • KristenAnn711
    I posted a topic pretty much the same to this one before and did not get any responces. I have family problems at home that I stress over. I also stress and worry over little things. I have bad problems with knotted and tense muscles that cause bad pain and tension headaches. I have tried listening to relaxation music and tried learning the guitar but no luck yet. Even when I think I have finally relaxed I wake up with bad TMJ.

    Sounds like more of an anxiety disorder than stress. I had the same problems before I talked with my doctor and found some medicine that REALLY helped. I mean WOW what a change! I still get stressed and worried but it's nowhere near as intense and I feel like it gives me a clear head to think through my problems more rationally. Sometimes anxiety disorders can be situational, and you may just need something that you take when you feel you need it. If you're anti medicine there are vitamins/herbs that can do just about the same thing. I suggest talking to your doctor.

    P.S. I have TMJ too. My dentist wanted to do jaw surgery! NO THANK YOU! I just try to avoid chewing too much gum etc.
  • nickyevans
    nickyevans Posts: 216 Member
    my step daughter causes me stress, I find walking the dog, going to the gym and sending her to her room then playing piano works to a certain degree. Her going back to her mother works the best though.... :devil:
  • Caper88
    Caper88 Posts: 418 Member

    Sounds like more of an anxiety disorder than stress. I had the same problems before I talked with my doctor and found some medicine that REALLY helped. I mean WOW what a change! I still get stressed and worried but it's nowhere near as intense and I feel like it gives me a clear head to think through my problems more rationally. Sometimes anxiety disorders can be situational, and you may just need something that you take when you feel you need it. If you're anti medicine there are vitamins/herbs that can do just about the same thing. I suggest talking to your doctor.

    P.S. I have TMJ too. My dentist wanted to do jaw surgery! NO THANK YOU! I just try to avoid chewing too much gum etc.

    No I do not have an anxiety disorder. It doesn't bother me to go out in public, off to work or school and do other things. I can think threw my problems rationally. My brother has an addiction problem and it causes me to worry what is he going to do, is he going to cause problems for the family. I worry about little things to like having to go to court about it. I just grind my teeth all night long from it which causes so much tension problems. I avoid the gum and tough stakes as well.
  • KristenAnn711
    Anxiety disorders are all very different, it doesn't mean you're scared to go outside or do everyday things. I suggest you do some research on them.
  • dmcohee
    dmcohee Posts: 99 Member
    Exercise, hot tea, and cleaning and my stress relievers. I think cleaning because I always feel like clutter stresses me out. I recently was studying for an exam and got to a point where I think I over studied and couldn't think straight so I went to the gym and sparred. After that my mind felt clear. Good Luck!
  • SortaBadass
    SortaBadass Posts: 46 Member
    No I do not have an anxiety disorder. It doesn't bother me to go out in public, off to work or school and do other things. I can think threw my problems rationally. My brother has an addiction problem and it causes me to worry what is he going to do, is he going to cause problems for the family. I worry about little things to like having to go to court about it. I just grind my teeth all night long from it which causes so much tension problems. I avoid the gum and tough stakes as well.

    Ugh, I hear the family drama. My family had something similar go down with my brother about two years ago and it was not fun. I'm so sorry you have to go through it. Feel free to PM me if you want to talk about it.

    I actually am also a nighttime teeth grinder. My dentist originally made me a bite plate but those cost about a billion dollars. Right now I'm using an OTC one that cost around 20$. It works kind of like a football (American football) mouth guard in that you boil it and then it forms to the shape of your mouth. I highly recommend them.

    As far as relieving my own stress goes... Well, it might sound dumb but just sticking to a routine is the best way for me to bust stress. Making sure I'm eating enough, sleeping enough, having enough "me" time. I second dmcohee's cleaning suggestion too.
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    telling myself it will get better and I could be going through worse!!:flowerforyou:
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    I take a walk, drink herbal tea, take a hot bath, paint, or write to relieve stress.

    I took my comprehensive exam in 2009 and I was really worried about it...until I got the exam and realized that I had spent three years studying everything on it. I easily passed. It was a stressful four days, but I felt so much better once I started. You've got this!
  • dmcohee
    dmcohee Posts: 99 Member
    Anxiety disorders are all very different, it doesn't mean you're scared to go outside or do everyday things. I suggest you do some research on them.

    I agree. I think some people worried that it labels them. I was one of them. I had twins 3 years ago. High risk pregnancy, both my husband and I were laid off and had trouble finding another job, the boys were premature, and we were dead broke for the next couple years. On top of that I too have a family member that has addiction problems and I worry about him constantly. I was so stressed over everything. I cried a lot and I yelled a lot and it was taking a toll on my relationship with my kids and my husband. I talked to my doctor and he put me on a low dose of something temporarily. It was amazing how much it helped (once I got use to it). I took it for about 6 months and have been fine ever since. I think sometimes it's better to have something help you through hard times if you can't find a natural way. Stress can really take a toll on you mentally and physically.
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    I take a walk, drink herbal tea, take a hot bath, paint, or write to relieve stress.

    I took my comprehensive exam in 2009 and I was really worried about it...until I got the exam and realized that I had spent three years studying everything on it. I easily passed. It was a stressful four days, but I felt so much better once I started. You've got this!

    Thanks! I'm not TOOO worried about them, just one that's written from a VERY difficult teacher. And, if I would happen to fail, I would just have to write a 10 page paper on it instead, so no biggie. My main concern is that I'm praying I get in the doctorate program, so it would look better if I passed them with flying colors :)
  • Still_Sossy
    Still_Sossy Posts: 868 Member
    I have a series of books called "Don't Sweat The Small Stuff, And It's All Small Stuff" They are little quotes and quips to bacically remind you of what is important, everything else, shake off.
    Sress is also very counter productive with weight loss it releases Cortisol. Soo try to find a way to relax your mind, everyone is different. I personally use laughter, a lot. When I am stressed out , I will often try to think of something funny, or act like a goof ball until I get out of my mood. :wink: No worries!
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    I take a walk, drink herbal tea, take a hot bath, paint, or write to relieve stress.

    I took my comprehensive exam in 2009 and I was really worried about it...until I got the exam and realized that I had spent three years studying everything on it. I easily passed. It was a stressful four days, but I felt so much better once I started. You've got this!

    Thanks! I'm not TOOO worried about them, just one that's written from a VERY difficult teacher. And, if I would happen to fail, I would just have to write a 10 page paper on it instead, so no biggie. My main concern is that I'm praying I get in the doctorate program, so it would look better if I passed them with flying colors :)

    I hear you. I worried and worried for several weeks about my exam. And then I got it, and was like, "oh, I know how to do this." But yeah, it was stressful. Just not as bad as I had imagined it was going to be. Good luck!
  • tater8589
    bubble bath, a good book and (sometimes) a glass of wine or jack and drpepper.
    oh and massages 1-2X a month