Lemon Water - 10+ Questions - Any Answers Out There?

I have heard a lot about drinking warm lemon water first thing every morning to help cleans impurities in the system, detox, kick start the metabolism, curb appetite, etc. I've done it off and on in my detox efforts and to curb my appetite over the years.
Does anyone else do this and if so WHY?

Here are a few other questions I'm interested in knowing. Would love to hear your take on this:flowerforyou: .

Do you use fresh squeezed lemons? (how many)
Is lemon juice an option? (what kind)
Do you use hot water/lukewarm water/cold water? (have heard different reasons for both but what's the difference?)
Do you add anything else to your lemon water? (honey, natural sugar, cayenne pepper)
What does cayenne pepper do for the process?
How long do you wait to eat your 1st meal after you drink your lemon water?
Do you only drink it in the morning or just at night before going to bed?
What have been some of the benefits from drinking lemon water?
Have you seen any results by drinking it? (please share)
What are some of the warnings, cons, tips of drinking it? (damage enamel on teeth, when to brush, amount of water)


  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    yes I do.

    I buy unwaxed lemons, cut a chunk off, squeeze the juice out and pop the bit of lemon in the cup too. Freshly boiled water, then add some cold tap water to make it drinkable. nothing else added.
    I drink it first thing in the morning (sort of first liquid), then make a cup of herbal tea, shower etc. There's probably a gap of 20 minutes before I eat.

    I have heard it recommended as a good way to kickstart your digestive system, but I have never looked in detail at any studies. I would imagine cayenne pepper stimulates the digestion too but not sure I'd like the taste.

    I normally brush my teeth BEFORE breakfast anyway, and chew sugarfree gum after. doesn't seem to affect my visits to the dentist which are always short!!

    To be honest, it feels good to do it. It feels like a quick warm cleanse and makes my body feel temporarily clean. I work on the principle that unless I can find a good reason NOT to do something, I might as well get right on and do it!!
  • bettyboop573
    bettyboop573 Posts: 610 Member
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    Anything you eat or drink in the morning will kick start your metabolism. Your digestive system has 'been asleep' like the rest of your body over night, and so when you eat or drink it 'wakes' up and starts working, your bowel will also wake up too (hence so many people 'going' in the morning after breakfast sorry if TMI'

    I think it is like a low cal palatable alternative to a coffee or tea first thing, as a warm drink helps your digestion work. I don't think it has any 'special' properties, other than being very low in calories and having some lemon for vitamin C. If you like it and feel it 'helps' you then keep it up, it won't be hurting you and is going to be better than coffee :o)
  • jmwolffyy
    jmwolffyy Posts: 212 Member
    bump, I hope to hear some good answers to these questions too!
  • Caper88
    Caper88 Posts: 418 Member
    I prefer lemon juice because it is cheaper then buying lemons, using them just for the juice and then throwing them out. I do not add anything else into my water. I never even heard of adding in spices before. I heard you should not drink 30mins before your meal and 60mins after. They say you need to give your body time to feel full and you do not want to dilute your stomach acid. I personally do not fallow this rule at all. I put mine in a water bottle and drink it all day long, often during the meal. Apparently hot water in it self flushes out the toxin better. I do not like to drink hot water so I put it in room temperature or cold. The benefits for me is being able to drink water; I can not manage to drink water alone and I sooner not get into a habit of drinking crystal light all the time. It also helps clear out toxins and boost your metabolism to start working again.
  • neyes67
    neyes67 Posts: 167 Member
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    * Do you use fresh squeezed lemons? YES! About a Tbsp/1.5 cups water

    * Is lemon juice an option? I have it, but I don't like it... I am using it for on my fish. Not drinking.

    * Do you use hot water/lukewarm water/cold water? Luke warm, in the morning, is supposed to help with digestion. Water that is too hot or too cold, can "shock" your system, so I keep it warm. Usually I'll drink it in tea as well, that's not too hot. I would worry that hot water (anything above 107 degrees) would kill the beneficial enzymes in the lemon juice).

    * Do you add anything else to your lemon water? (honey, natural sugar, cayenne pepper) - I used to add raw honey, but I don't want the calories, so now I add Stevia to my eat with lemon. With just lemon water, I have JUST lemon water. No sweetener, though I would have it with Stevia if I wanted to sweeten it a little.

    * What does cayenne pepper do for the process? It will make you feel warmer, thus, I believe, burn more calories. Cayenne is VERY healthy, but I would NOT drink it. You can buy it in a capsule, and have a lot less problems with the spiciness! Take the capsule before a meal, because if you take it after, and it doesn't go down right, it will feel like major heart burn!!

    * How long do you wait to eat your 1st meal after you drink your lemon water? 20 minutes should be enough.

    * Do you only drink it in the morning or just at night before going to bed? Usually just in the morning, but before each meal might help with digestion throughout the day. It's only a little lemon juice in water. Can't hurt. Apple Cider Vinegar is recommended 3 times per day, OR just in the morning. Whatever you can manage.

    * What have been some of the benefits from drinking lemon water? It boosts your digestion and gets it going, which is why it's so good in the mornings, before you have eaten anything. Your digestion needs waking up, and this is a great way to do it!

    * Have you seen any results by drinking it? (please share) No real "results" from drinking it for me. I think I see greater results with Apple Cider Vinegar (make sure it has "mother" in it. Braggs is a great brand!). Used in water - with a little honey, to make it taste more like apple cider. I believe it helps with weight loss, but it's a tricky thing to measure. Again, it can't hurt any by taking it!

    * What are some of the warnings, cons, tips of drinking it? (damage enamel on teeth, when to brush, amount of water) Good question! Enamel damage is a biggie for me, I'm so worried about it. You can drink it in the morning, before breakfast, and then, after you eat, it should be removed from your teeth (according to my naturopathic doctor). If you take it away from a meal, you can always brush your teeth with a little baking soda on your tooth paste. Most often, I just put baking soda in some warm water (like 1/4 tsp in 1/4 cup water) and use it like mouthwash. Rinse and spit. No more worries. I don't think there are cons, other than accidentally using too much and having a sour experience. :bigsmile:
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    yes I do.

    I buy unwaxed lemons, cut a chunk off, squeeze the juice out and pop the bit of lemon in the cup too. Freshly boiled water, then add some cold tap water to make it drinkable. nothing else added.
    I drink it first thing in the morning (sort of first liquid), then make a cup of herbal tea, shower etc. There's probably a gap of 20 minutes before I eat.

    I have heard it recommended as a good way to kickstart your digestive system, but I have never looked in detail at any studies. I would imagine cayenne pepper stimulates the digestion too but not sure I'd like the taste.

    I normally brush my teeth BEFORE breakfast anyway, and chew sugarfree gum after. doesn't seem to affect my visits to the dentist which are always short!!

    To be honest, it feels good to do it. It feels like a quick warm cleanse and makes my body feel temporarily clean. I work on the principle that unless I can find a good reason NOT to do something, I might as well get right on and do it!!
    Perfectly stated!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I prefer lemon juice because it is cheaper then buying lemons, using them just for the juice and then throwing them out.
    You might find use for them in a recipe calling for lemon zest. :wink:
  • demone00
    demone00 Posts: 31 Member
    I've heard the samething about jump starting your digestve system and gets metabolism going. I just like the taste of fresh squeezed lemon juice in my water. I also enjoy ACV - raw/natural apple cider vinegar in my water as well. I tend to switch up with both, use the ACV when I run out of lemons. I do both w/luke warm/room temp water and cold water w/ice.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I've heard the samething about jump starting your digestve system and gets metabolism going. I just like the taste of fresh squeezed lemon juice in my water. I also enjoy ACV - raw/natural apple cider vinegar in my water as well. I tend to switch up with both, use the ACV when I run out of lemons. I do both w/luke warm/room temp water and cold water w/ice.
    I switch between the two as well. I think most people prefer lemons to ACV. (Probably cause they don't sweeten it.)
  • godesslizzie
    I know this is about lemon Water but I take 3 glasses per day of Cider vinegar with manuka honey this is suposed to help alsorts of stuff I use it for metabolism and the cleansing properties it has and my mother used to take a tablespoon of just the vinegar a day and she has always remained slim even at 72! Does anyone else take this?
  • reander
    reander Posts: 175 Member
    I've been drinking this for years, not for any health benefits but simply because I don't drink any other hot drinks and this I like the taste of!

    I usually cut a wedge of lemon, squeeze the juice into a mug and chuck the lemon in the cup as well. Add a teaspoon of honey and a half teaspoon of cinnamon, freshly boiled water, et voila.

    It does keep me full when I drink it, so if i'm hungry at night i'll usually make a mug of it.
  • neyes67
    neyes67 Posts: 167 Member

    Great responses! Thanks everyone:happy: