Does anyone here suffer from any kind of depression or mood



  • mamijujuphat
    mamijujuphat Posts: 407 Member
    I completely understand what you're going thru...depression runs in my mother suffered depression ...& for a few years it really had her down...I was diagnosed with depression 3 years back...& at first to me all I can think of is the word "crazy"..... but it's not...working with my doctor found that switching my birth control helped too by minimizing the hormones...also sometimes the lack of sleep(I work overnight)... like my mom I have learned to deal with it more positive...I love a good laugh...& I'm very outgoing... since my lifestyle change to lose weight I've tried to deflect by exercising instead of eating ...& husband has been great's not something that I still like to share to people I meet right away...because there's still a lot of misconceptions about it...& people think of it as you "having issues" I'm sharing now in this thread for you to know you're not alone...I'll add you...& we can lose some weight but not our sense of humor =]
  • pretty_fit
    I'm not diagnosed with any clinical depression although I have really bad mood swings. They've seemed to have gone down in the past month so I have been feeling better lately. I'm not sure why I am so stressed though.. I guess meditating should help me or maybe exercising more.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    I was never diagnosed with depression but after a bad incident in work (basically a guy tried to kill me) I went through Post Traumatic Stress Disorder so I can understand what you are going through.

    I used to go through severe mood swings (from being very happy to very dark depressed moods wishing I was dead and contemplating suicide), nightmares, insomnia.

    I don't send friend requests but feel free to send a request to me if you wish.
  • ShonzG
    ShonzG Posts: 73 Member
    Hi - I've had depressive / anxiety bouts several times throughout my adult life.... Sometimes I wonder if it is really depression or something else.... I've recently been told to stop eating wheat and other gluten-containing grains so improve my energy levels. I used to want to just curl up and sleep all day, but I feel so much better now. I doubt I will ever go back to eating gluten!! This probably isn't the solution for everyone, but it certainly worked for me. I'm not taking any meds at the moment, and if things continue the way they are, I will be happy!
  • elizwelshman
    In my early teens I was diagnosed with depression & a mild anxiety disorder. Went to counseling for several years along with taking medication. I ended up learning a lot about myself and better coping skills to help me with everyday life. Five years later still going good, if you put your mind to feeling better - you can conquer anything. Hope everything goes well and don't be embarrassed about talking about it, there are plenty of people who know what you are going through to talk to :-)
  • dream_litotes
    I have no diagnosis but I've been struggling periodically for a few years now (turning 20 in April), and on Friday I have my first appointment with a counsellor. I'm super nervous - I have anxiety issues as well as low self-esteem and feeling down and such, and it's over a year since I started considering approaching my university's counselling service. So yeah. I have no idea what to expect!

    I'm glad to "hear" you all say that it's nothing to be embarrassed/ashamed about. That's definitely something I have a problem with, and very few people in my life know about this.