I NEED HELP!!! I can't lose more than 5 lbs!!!

Hi guys, please help!!! I've lost 5 pounds but I’ve hit a stumbling block. I have not lost anymore weight (nor gained) in two weeks. What am I doing wrong, it's way to early to experience a plateau right??? Ok so I had a couple of mini snicker bars :( but would this really cause my issue for two weeks??? Suggestions/advice please!!!


  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    Make your Diary public, then I can help :)
  • kmeekhof
    kmeekhof Posts: 456 Member
    what kind of exercise/how much are you doing? How much water are you drinking? Coffee? Soda? open up your food diary so others can take a peek at it and give you suggestions.
  • lifechanger74
    keep going and don't get discouraged...that has happened to me and plenty of others...watch your portion sizes..i eat out of a small bowl and i never eat what i cook the family...whooo way to many calories, watch your starchy foods replace them with fresh veggies or fresh fruit, and bake your meat.. and exercise daily ...get ur heart rate up and drink water like it's going out of style :) you can do it :) best wishes to you!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    What is your calorie goal? Are you staying above 1200 per day and eating any calories you burn during exercise? Not enough water and/or too much sodium can screw with weight too.

    Read the links in my signature. It could be the reason you aren't losing. And you could be in starvation mode if you are netting under 1200 every day. That's when your metabolism slows and you stop burning fat and anything you eat gets stored as fat as your body digs into your lean muscle mass for fuel (this is what burns fat!)

    I was trying to lose 10 pounds and I was already at a healthy weight. I have lost 6 and I'm not worrying about the other 4 - the scale shows just a number - no one sees that. I'm getting into weight lifting and backing off cardio - not completely - it lets me eat more. This is what is needed to get "lean". I'm going to become a lean, mean fat burning machine.
  • smallerneely
    Make your Diary public, then I can help :)

    I'm new here, not sure how to do that.
  • smallerneely
    what kind of exercise/how much are you doing? How much water are you drinking? Coffee? Soda? open up your food diary so others can take a peek at it and give you suggestions.

    I exercise four times each week, Usually strength & cardio or walking. I've replaced soda with sparkling water or the flavor packets. I'm eating 1500-1800 calories each day and a little more on the days I exercise.
  • smallerneely
    keep going and don't get discouraged...that has happened to me and plenty of others...watch your portion sizes..i eat out of a small bowl and i never eat what i cook the family...whooo way to many calories, watch your starchy foods replace them with fresh veggies or fresh fruit, and bake your meat.. and exercise daily ...get ur heart rate up and drink water like it's going out of style :) you can do it :) best wishes to you!

    Great suggestions! Thanks so much. :)
  • smallerneely
    What is your calorie goal? Are you staying above 1200 per day and eating any calories you burn during exercise? Not enough water and/or too much sodium can screw with weight too.

    Read the links in my signature. It could be the reason you aren't losing. And you could be in starvation mode if you are netting under 1200 every day. That's when your metabolism slows and you stop burning fat and anything you eat gets stored as fat as your body digs into your lean muscle mass for fuel (this is what burns fat!)

    I was trying to lose 10 pounds and I was already at a healthy weight. I have lost 6 and I'm not worrying about the other 4 - the scale shows just a number - no one sees that. I'm getting into weight lifting and backing off cardio - not completely - it lets me eat more. This is what is needed to get "lean". I'm going to become a lean, mean fat burning machine.

    I try to eat no more than 1500 calories per day (or 1800 on the days I exercise)

    I'll check out your links, thanks for the info!